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Posts posted by Zamboni

  1. 3 hours ago, Claude Balls said:

    These are interesting numbers. What happened to Winnipeg? The fans give up already....again???


    Hey, if the NHL tweets that out every game, could you post it here? It would be interesting to see the percentages for all the home games as they happen. 

    Personally I would like to know where Buffalo ranks as far as home attendance throughout this season on a per game basis compared to other markets. 


  2. 3 minutes ago, Sabres Fan in NS said:

    They do not always miss the playoffs - 12 years is not always.  All of those years due to the short sightedness of management as to the very risky results of deciding to ________ for what's his name.

    Last year they missed by 1 game.  That is pretty fine compared to the recent past.

    The Sabres will be right there again this season.  I believe they will make it inspite of losing their first 2 games.

    Agree completely. But you’ve been around here long enough to know that some people just like to wallow in the negativity 24/7. it’s part of their schtick.  It makes them feel complete. There is so much talent on this team. Now it’s time to put it all together in the most effective way and do some damage this season! 😎🙏🏼

    And that certainly doesn’t come without losses. And hills to climb. And adversity to overcome.

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    • Vomit 1
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  3. In my opinion after Lindy Ruff… The next good coach we had/have is Don Granato.

    In my opinion …

    Ron Rolston was ridiculous.

    Ted Nolan was abysmal, and banking on his previous success.

    Dan Bylsma just flat out sucked.

    Phil Housley was ill prepared more nights than not.

    Ralph Kruger was just not ready for prime time almost every game.



    • Agree 3
  4. Overall team looked better than 2 nights ago.

    After two games. No one needs to be benched. No one. 

    Let’s see if they improve on tonight’s effort. 

    I’d like to see UPL or Comrie rotate in. Not because anything negative regarding Levi.

    Sky is already falling and falling hard for some fans. That’s a shame. 

    I’m very optimistic of the talent on this team. 

    Clifton had a rough game. Not all goals were his fault. No, they just weren’t. He’ll improve. I have no doubt.




    • Like (+1) 3
  5. 6 minutes ago, EasternOHSabresFan said:

    When a poo sandwich is made, I don't care what the order it was made in in FOUR YEARS of creating that poo sandwich... it still looks like a poo sandwich and tastes like a poo sandwich.


  6. So now I’m the bad guy for thinking “meh, one game in the books. Let’s see if they can fix those mistakes in the next few games”.


    ”well, I want to see what this team looks overall after playing for two weeks before making any grand definitive statements on the entire team or the entire season”.

    So the smart move is to say they suck, will suck, won’t get better, won’t improve, won’t make the playoffs, and won’t ever ever be good no matter what happens?

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, EasternOHSabresFan said:

    It's funny, but I have posted on TBD for so long but rarely do here, maybe because seeing the Sabres lose for so long has been too numbing. I simply don't understand how ANYONE could not be very negative at this point, because season after season the effort and management comes into question a lot. How bad could it be? Jack Eichel gets so pissed off at the Sabres over their treatment of him LITERALLY that he wants out, and what does he do? Win the Stanley Cup.

    How can anyone not watch Eichel and not see how terrible we are now? It is DEFINITELY not the Sabres I grew up with... and the game has changed yeah, but not THAT MUCH... passion, effort and quality management STILL MATTER.

    You do know … that Eichel asked to be traded. After his 10mil per contract was signed and BEFORE his injury and alleged “bad treatment” of him. Right? 

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Porous Five Hole said:

    Does any part of you separate the current team from the previous eleven seasons?

    I think it is smart to. The current squad shouldn’t have to wear the baggage of Murray and Botterill eras, and the dismantling of the Eichel era was completed less than 1.5 seasons ago. 

    If folks want to bang on Pegula, that’s fine. But every thread should not turn into that.  

    Some fans can, and some fans can’t separate the joy/positivity or the frustration/negativity with the rosters, the coaches, the owners, the GM’s, the era, the arenas, or the year. It’s their Achilles heel when it comes to fair, honest, logical evaluations of the here and now. But hey, that’s just one fans opinion.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. If a sport team’s losing record affects you emotional, physiologically, and physically THAT profoundly, THAT deeply, THAT drastically …. Stop following that team or even that sport. I know I would. 

    Am I bummed when the Sabres lose? Yes. For about 10 mins or so. I have much much much bigger things to stress over than a game.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. Are you superstitious when it comes to sports or anything? Do you avoid black cats or walking under ladders? Do you believe breaking a mirror gives you bad luck?

    Do you HAVE to have a certain drink before the game? How about a certain food? Do you have to wear your lucky jersey? Or lucky socks? Or lucky underwear? Or lucky hat? Do you think your OCD routine or ritual of choice is a “must do” so your team has the best chance of winning?

    What do you do if anything? And why?



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