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Everything posted by Believer

  1. Tired of Cozen’s excuses… Stop asking players stupid questions, Hamilton.
  2. Tired of Tuch’s excuses… Got a lot of balls doing this interview.
  3. Don’t want to hear one Sabre postgame interview… Granato ought to demonstrate leadership and come out to apologize for his team.
  4. Would bet Adams promoted the Granato extension knowing he would get an extension as well.
  5. Granato and staff are gone, imo. I would do it tomorrow. Adams will do it after the season ends.
  6. Refs trying to help us, but we can’t help ourselves. Hard to believe our PP has been so bad for so long.
  7. Hits 20-8 Leafs… Wearing us down… Confounding our players just take it.
  8. Thought WGR 550 was broadcasting the game… I’m hearing some CBS Sports Talk show?
  9. I get it, @inkman. Made a post like yours a month or two ago myself during the celebration stunt… This outfit of underachievers can do this to even the best on SabreSpace, and you are among the best posters here… Not many still hold hope of the playoffs… Yet, those of us who don’t can still enjoy a nice win… As @mjd1001 posted earlier, “…a come from behind win.... Home game, a hat-trick”… It was a fun game to watch. Truth. It was. Hoping we get a handful more like it among the remaining games. We will have a whole offseason to give Pegula an earful. Keep the faith. Note: Just read your post above. Glad you sobered up 😂
  10. Crap postgame camera work… Missed opportunity to show the team acknowledging the crowd… How stupid…
  11. A little well-intended corporal punishment usually got their message across.
  12. That was me… Sister Immaculate Conception, a 70 something nun in 4th Grade… once pitched a piece of chalk and hit me in the head 😇
  13. Making a game of it tonight… Entertaining the fans…
  14. Boom… Thompson… Top of the key… Nice wrister… picked his spot.
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