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Posts posted by Believer

  1. Congrats, Cozens!

    Great to see him scoring. Think expectations he put on himself early and publicly as a team leader and his lack of scoring in Granato’s D-focused system affected his confidence enormously. Have high hopes Ruff positions him to succeed on a top line and PP unit.

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  2. On 5/14/2024 at 9:18 AM, Pimlach said:

    Okposo was overrated as a Captain and a leader

    Okposo was a feckless Captain.

    He should have turned in his C when the team turned its back on the fans for a couple weeks. If he wasn’t part of the boycott, and spoke out against it instead as you would expect a Captain to do, he sure had no respect in the locker room.



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  3. 53 minutes ago, inkman said:

    Eh I know the ***** storm I’m walking into.  They say they’ve made changes but a culture that’s been entrenched for 35+ years dies hard.  It’s going to be more stress, a lot more responsibility and longer hours but I had to make the move for my family.  I haven’t slept in weeks.  Hoping once I start smoking again, I can get back to sleeping.  

    Hitting a wall every day at 2pm where I can barely keep my eyes open despite drinking coffee and energy drinks all day, has been taxing.  Great news, I’m at my lowest weight since college.  Bad news, I’m living like a 1950’s housewife slamming uppers, wired out of my gourd. 

    Will be rooting for you, @inkman!

    Between the detox, stress, lack of sleep, and the uppers, sounds like your body and mind are off kilter… Wishing you find your healthy balance soon after you get settled into your new role with your old employer…

    Let your spirit, your family and friends, and us here at Sabrespace be your strength until then!

  4. 1 hour ago, Doohickie said:

    I guess that's my argument against the trade:  I'm not sure Byram filled an urgent need on the roster.  What I see in him is a player who could possibly a good piece but also is subject to inconsistent play.  But the trade *did* create an urgent need on the roster.  I think we're much worse off with Byram than we were with Mitts.  I'm not saying Byram is a bust or anything.  But I'm saying I don't think there is a clear hole that he is filling, but the absence of Mitts creates a big hole in the forward ranks.

    I also realize the die was cast when Tage and Cozens got their contracts.  I think signing those two and making Casey the odd man out was a mistake.  I think Casey had made the case that he was a versatile player that could play anywhere in the Top Nine.  I don't think you can say the same for Cozens or Tage.

    While in general I think Kevyn's approach to roster building is sound, I think in this case he messed up.

    Was with you until the last paragraph.

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  5. 30 minutes ago, PromoTheRobot said:

    I guess we'll find out.

    Ruff said discipline will be applied to ice time minutes… He can also choose to not dress a player and have him watch from the press box (worked wonders with Thompson last season)… It’s really the only practical leverage a Coach has. Suppose fines in certain situations could apply as well…

    Then there is the relationship side of applying consequences… Tough love… The tough part is easy… The love part requires genuine caring and finesse with modern players… Know as an old guy myself I’m much more attuned to the caring side of the transaction today… Could be wrong, but got the impression Ruff is attuned to communicating and working effectively with young players.

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  6. 5 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    He definitely came across as older, and soft spoken, but speaking as someone very close to his age, you mellow on the exterior because you come to realize the shows of emotion are kind of a waste of time and whatever fires you had inside are still there burning in full force. One may seem "different" but that doesn't mean they really are. Maybe a little wiser, but really the same. 

    Now you personally can't do everything you could when you were younger, but you really do know how to get things done. 

    From one old guy to another… well said.

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  7. Great question. Agree with every post above. Good stuff.

    Also think Ruff brings invaluable experience to Adams decision-making…

    If Ruff had been here, doubt the preseason prospect auditions would have taken priority over getting his starting players game ready…

    Doubt the Three Goalie Rotation would have gone on for nearly two plus months…

    Doubt the Player Stunt dissing the fans and poisoning the locker room would have gone on at all…

    And Ruff has current knowledge of potential players Adams is considering bringing to Buffalo. He’s coached against every one of them recently, whoever they are.  This can be great input to Adams.

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  8. 26 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    I wouldn't. 

    And, I don’t gamble… Just making an informed observation…

    Frankly, not a big Tuch fan… He has hockey IQ, the size, speed and skills… Saw him glide through too many shifts this season… Ruff is just the man to energize Tuch and take him to the next level… When Ruff was describing what he expected from a player, he could have been talking to Tuch, imo.

  9. 1 hour ago, bob_sauve28 said:

    Power should not be traded

    Not a Power fan.  Doubt he will ever have grit and dominate physically despite his size…Would have traded him for veteran SC forward help while he still has high value.

    BUT… Ruff said he wants a defensive team that skates fast, plays fast, and exits their zone quickly with long passes… Up ice passing is Power’s strength… and he’s unafraid to take risks joining the O deep in the opponents zone… Just needs a better decision-making that will come with experience and coaching.

    Bet Ruff is excited to work with the kid.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, dudacek said:

    I mean the reasons why are obvious, but I thought Lindy came across as kinda old.

    Not as quick, not so much a force of nature.

    Older and wiser… 

    Not as quick?… When a reporter asked him about his view of Analytics, Ruff immediately reeled off 4-5 measures he said he uses regularly as examples… in addition to the Eye Test.

    The guy’s mind is quick like electric.

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  11. 28 minutes ago, SHAAAUGHT!!! said:

    At the press conference today Lindy made a point to talk about key members on the team that know and embrace their role, like Rayzer and Peters did during their time here.  This has been a major deficiency in the Sabres roster for years.  

    That said, who should the Sabres target that would be effective in this role and that would actually want to play here?  

    For me, they should be looking at lower cost options like a Kurtis MacDermid.  He knows his role (5min a game, playing heavy, will fight anyone in the league), is 30 years old, and has never made more than $1M a year.  He won’t take minutes away from anyone, adds much needed toughness, knows what Ruff wants and is willing to do it, and would be willing to sign a cap friendly deal (I’m thinking 3x3.5M (1.17M AAV)).


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