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Torpedo Forecheck

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Posts posted by Torpedo Forecheck

  1. 9 minutes ago, Gatorman0519 said:

    Every day this goes on the message I get as a fan is “losing is ok here, there is no standard of accountability”.  Compare to the actions of Montreal and Calgary’s management. And those teams are not even remotely close to the ineptitude of this organization. 

    It's a pretty bad look for sure. Also is obvious that no charge will occur, if at all, until after the road trip ends.

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  2. I voted 4 because after watching this team all season the players have fallen into some terrible habits under RK. A good experienced NHL coach with the ability to work hand in hand with a GM and get what he needs could have an impact as soon as next year. But, it will take awhile and this season without practice it will be really tough. When I look at some of the teams doing well, they aren't so much more talented than the Sabres as better coached and constructed. I'm convinced some guys will have to go as well, but don't fool ourselves into thinking we need to completely clean house. Some of these guys will surprise you if given the right leadership.




  3. 21 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    The GM and the coach have to be on the same page with this. You can't have a situation where you bring a coach in and then say "oh ya, by the way, Skinner only plays like this.... so forget all those ideas from your interview, you'll have to please him and his preferred style." 

    The coach and the GM presumably have to have the same vision and then with trades and signings make those things fit.

    I'd be curious to know what JBot was actually thinking with Kreuger? He clearly wasn't offering any similar game plan to Housley so I assume JBot thought the mental losing culture thing was the main reason but I really don't know. I guess since Housley's vision failed JBot felt a different direction. Whatever the case, we need to decide an identity and then build to that. The only identity I see now is soft and lazy with a whole bunch of quit. 

    You bring up a good point. Hopefully, the two are in lock step, and so far that doesn't appear to be the case the last few years. I don't know to what extent the Krueger hire had involvement from the Pegula's. Where they in love with him too? Was Jbot? All 3? I do know that early on with the Bills they were bamboozled in their naivete by Rex Ryan. Connecting the dots may not be the right thing, but Ralph seems like a good salesman (con man perhaps) like Rex. He is certainly a different personality than Housley, a motivator supposedly, has a good line people want to believe. The only fix at this point is to bring in a NHL man with experience and credibility. The credibility part gets underrated by some. It becomes important when things aren't going well (like right now) and Ralph has none and the GM is unproven.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Drag0nDan said:

    Helps when they have an actual goalie tandem.  Our forwards don't buy into the theory that a backcheck can result in offense either.  Loose pucks always find the other team because of how they play in their own end.

    Also helps to play to the strengths of your own players.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    The “RK slow down system” is actually what responsible  NHL teams are trying to do to you already.  So between teams being responsible defensively, and RKs system it’s no wonder we don’t score.  We play easy for teams like the Islanders. 

    I'm of the belief that modern hockey is a transition game, built on speed of attack when even the slightest advantage can be obtained. The Islanders do this really well. We do none of that and as a result score 1 goal a game 5-5 and if lucky sometimes a pp goal. You need to get goals off turnovers, broken plays, and guys making bad reads etc. with the transition game.

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  6. 34 minutes ago, BuffalOhio said:

    I think what this means is that it's not the players, it's the system.

    The Sabres look like they're skating in mud while everyone else is actually skating on ice.

    The system and this "connected" BS appears to mean the forwards have to slow down to let the D catch up so they can attack as 5.  

    The speed at which the Sabres play is horrendously slow.

    That's the system - that's the coach.

    A lot of people, including former players, are all questioning what the system means. My take to build on what you said is, the other guys without the puck; stay above the puck. We are circumvent in our attack which is always taking it to the perimeter, slow and with patience and attempting to get the puck behind the Opponents with none of our guys in a risky position. This of course is more like soccer and we are applying the soccer off side rule to ourselves.

    Bottom line: we have no transition game, and never benefit from the defense having to deal with chaos. Of course, trying to score 5-5 all the time is difficult at best. The defense has a much easier job.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, bunomatic said:

    Ralph apparently doesn’t believe in team toughness or grit. After the 2nd Isles loss this weekend he said the national hockey league isn’t a league where people are running each other over. He obviously hasn’t been watching the level of compete in the other teams in the league and this is the shite he’s been feeding his players as well. I’ve watched multiple games where both teams compete for the puck much like they always have in this league. Nothing has changed in that regard. Huge hits and using huge hits as intimidation are everywhere. Boston/ Washington is one of the recent examples. Ralph has the lowest penalized team in the league and its by design. 

    He actually said that? Holy *****, another sign he has no right to be an NHL coach. Only 32 jobs and plenty of people who could do a much better job in the hockey world.

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