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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. I don’t see how anyone can disagree with you. Spend just a bit more for better players. Just be smart on the contracts. The whole concept of not wanting “blockers” for their prospect is just bizzare.
  2. Michael is not ready for that yet. Great guy and a sentimental favorite but let him learn. Appert is a fine coach for him to work under.
  3. Watching all these rookies and near rookies it looks to me like only Power is ready for the NHL. Samuelsson too, he looked ready but he hasn’t played in so long I am not sure how he would be handling November. Krebs, JJP and Quinn - that’s a lot of rookie “thinking” whenever they are out there. Advance analytics say they are doing ok. Eye test says that nothing much happens when they are out there. Since we have nothing else, they will continue to play. We have nothing else. Vets like Tuch, Kyle, Girgs, Skinner are not doing enough.
  4. He is not. I’ll bet he is in Detroit with his team.
  5. Tuch not playing well. The vets on this team are not doing enough.
  6. Funny looking change on that second goal. we need the next one. Let’s go power play.
  7. Tuch made a terrible blind clearing attempt on the PK. He was under no pressure. I expect more. That was terrible.
  8. Rayzor with more in depth analysis. “Both teams trying to figure it out “ 1 Pucks Deep 2 Hit Leaves 3 Play with Pride
  9. I think the rookies are holding Cozens back at times.
  10. Beating the Leaves would be a nice way to end the losing streak. I might stream HNIC to hear them.
  11. The first risk is that he leaves anyway, even if you offer more than market value. Then you wasted your prospects and lost the trade immediately. The longer term risk assuming he stays is that you tie up cap money beyond his true value, making it harder to sign others. There are no guarantees he will sign. There are other options but I don't think would be receptive to them.
  12. I am not mad at all. But your take on building a team and on evaluating players and GMs is maddening. I have been stating in other threads that I wished Adams would do something to accelerate the rebuild AND I think something can be done to improve the team and still keep the cap in mind. So I can agree with you on that. If I am wrong I will apologize right now, but isn't Horvat a UFA in July? Isn't that why Vancouver is shopping him? I would like to get a player like Horvat, but at the right price and considering all the factors involved in the contract. You suggested 2 first rounders and Mitts and Joker for Horvat. Isn't that steep for a possible one year rental? Then you threw in Quinn and Peterka and suggested giving up even more in a bundle trade to include Boeser and Schenn. What sense does that make?
  13. Areas that are prone to hurricanes, tornados, floods, etc. do indeed see that reflected in their homeowners insurance rates. Taxes to cover FEMA is another story. That might come out of one Federal tax bucket. I don’t know for sure this but the general thought is the States are UNITED at Federal level. Buffalo is unique. In all my US travels I’ve have not seen another place that has people with more pride and are more willing to help each other out. The National media mostly shows the sensational angle on the weather, there are better stories about the people pulling together that hopefully come out of it.
  14. Must Win from my perspective. This team at least understands to hate the Leaves. The defense could be back. I see the losing streak ends tonight.
  15. If I am Adams I am ALWAYS listening for trades and opportunities to improve the team. The store is open. You need a plan but you can’t just assume that everything fits on your plans exact timeline. Opportunities should be taken if they fit the plan and budget (cap).
  16. You seem to think that reckless and impatient is entertaining. Did you ever think that sorting through all the personality issues that you noted are actually part of the job of the GM? He is paid to know what he is getting and bringing into the team. Especially a team with no established leaders. Murray tore it down, collected assets, and then traded them for a group of underperforming and troubled misfits. He stripped the farm system down to nothing and he left a very thin prospect pool for all his wheeling and dealing. His team consisted of factions that didn’t get along and that didn’t work together. He helped to make a bad culture worse. No one in the NHL was offered Murray a position since his glorious rebuild of the Sabres. But you can go ahead and be entertained.
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