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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. I made a round of killer Manhattan's. Helped Mrs. Punch with hors devores preparation, and then she threw me out of the kitchen. Go figure?
  2. That was great. Sure, he "lost" to some. He got two punches in - one to the visor, one to the helmet - then he smartly lost the desire to throw more. Great hit on Slacker Hall, Clifton came in and so what, he had to fight the fight. Loved seeing him pump up the bench and go get repaired. Stitches of honor to his teammates. Fighting with a visor on is not very smart. Clifton knows this and he took Krebs' lid off. He should have taken his own off as well. I liked KO there keeping an eye on things and supporting him. I looked closely at the players on the bench. No one is afraid of Boston. They are young but they are not playing in fear.
  3. Clearly way too many on the ice (7). Oh well. It made for some drama. I liked coming from behind, winning in OT with Bergeron and Marchand on the ice and sucking wind.
  4. The losing streak was unfortunate but it might actually help us in a bizzare way. It forced us to play down to the 9th defenseman on the depth chart. The 9 guy (Clague) has passed 8 (Pilut), and 7 (Fitz), and he might pass 6 (Bryson) once Joker gets back. Any way to get better performance we will take. If no trades are made and we stay in it we could be Buyer's at the deadline, looking for defense help.
  5. CAN WE STOP WITH THE "WON THE TRADE STUFF" - OR PUT IT IN ITS OWN THREAD? It is clogging up the thread about our best game of the season and it is not even relevant.
  6. He gets into doldrums that include very poor d-zone play. Lately, he has been better. Today he mixed it up with the Rat, which was nice.
  7. And how about Krebs blasting Slacker Hall, then having to take on Clifton. After the fight he is smiling, shaking his fists as he goes off for repairs. The kid came back and played hard and no one laid a finger on him. You have to get respect in this league. How did Clifton not get the instigator?
  8. Who had the most ice tonight? Muel had 24:44, not him. Dahlin had 27:52, not him. Owen Power had 28:44. WOW. The rookie is 20. He finished +2. The coach is really showing trust.
  9. Yes - but it has been his play all year that did it. It probably won't happen because there are players on other teams to recognize.
  10. The play by Dahlin to tie the game. A bounce pass off the boards from almost 200 feet away. That was sick.
  11. Pretty soon Bergeron will be gone and The Rat will be small, slow, ugly and irrelevant. We can match Pastrnak with Tage. We exceed McAvoy with Dahlin. Who do they have to match Skinner? Tuch? Samuelsson? Cozens? And what about Power, Quinn and Peterka?
  12. Home cooking on the clock. 71 should have played that better and the game ends in Bostons zone OK. Win in OT. Calling on 26 to score.
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