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Everything posted by Pimlach

  1. I don’t see Montreal as being near as talented as Buffalo.
  2. I was aware of his past. I pick him Because he has been playing well and I feel he is due. Data from 2016 is old. Given him a shot. Playing a hunch. Mitts and JJP did not even challenge the goalie.
  3. Not 0, there are 2. 1 - He has had very limited practice and, 2 - we are still in the running.
  4. I think we lost the last 3OT’s and in all of them we had to kill a penalty.
  5. It’s tough when you never trail and lose in a shootout. Heck, we even had the lead in that.
  6. All season, but especially down the stretch.
  7. My shooters would have been Dahlin, Quinn and Skinner. And we would have won.
  8. That was a fun OT. Let Dahlin shoot first.
  9. Very weak cross check. That turns the game maybe.
  10. Well, it’s going to OT. Let’s get that 2nd point boys. Who will it be?
  11. Holy smokes Comrie with a few huge saves. Lucky the Habs shooter could not lift it.
  12. Lots of turnovers by him. It looked like an easy clear for him too.
  13. I just got back. Saw Stillman’s goal. Rousek with 1g and an apple. Nice! Let’s keep it up.
  14. Very clever. Unfortunately you just fell off your high horse with that low blow. You responded to my post about my accepting Lyubushkin's decision with your "opinion". I consider your opinion to be unsubstantiated and negative toward him and the Sabres. You didn't like that and called me, and others, gullible, In addition you have no worries about what will happen in Russia. How very nice and convenient for you. Now you're turning things to say I have a lack of support for the LBGTQ Community. Let me be clear - Just because I accept Lyubushkin's position does not mean I do not support LGBTQ inclusion. Like everyone else, I have both friends and family in the LGBTQ community, but good try. You are grasping at straws because you might finally see that your opinion could have been a bit harsh at the time, or you are just trying to goad me. Either way, I am concluding my correspondence with you, it is not enjoyable and we are getting nowhere. Enjoy the game tonight.
  15. You opinion -> "My opinion is he's using this Russia law as an excuse, and I don't support him. It's pretty awful actually." is based on nothing substantial. It is actually very negative. Do I think the Russian police will do anything to these families? I have not a clue. I do not have enough information to assess that, certainly have no reliable information that maybe Russian players might actually have. So, unlike you, I will not post an opinion. Enjoy the game tonight.
  16. No. I do not know his inner thoughts. I am accepting his position without needing proof, and without making up a bunch of Bull$hit like you just did. I read what Okposso tweeted on the subject. Kyle has credibility with me, and so does Lyubushkin, and so do both Granato and Adams. If this is the Sabres position I am fine with it. It tracks with similar situations involving other teams and other Russian players. If that makes me gullible that is ok. I may be gullible, but I don't post unsubstantiated negative comments about people when I have no knowledge of what is actually going on.
  17. True. But at a minimum he just needs to get a sweat going and stretch to be ready.
  18. As a former coach, I would not like a player missing warmups by design and because of the jersey situation. I guess he can ride the stationary bike and stretch for his warm ups.
  19. Why? I don't know why. Maybe the other Russian players might not ever go back to Russia, or maybe they just might like snubbing Putin? You will have to write them and ask them for yourself. Fine, you don't have to support Lybushkin either. You sure seem to know a lot about the inner thoughts of Ilya Lyubushkin to come up with that opinion.
  20. From what we saw after his game winning goal, he is extremely well liked. He plays hard and plays in pain without question. No surprise he is respected. No one should question his motives.
  21. I support Looby on this. No one knows what it’s really like in Russia right now. His family is there. What stinks is he won’t participate in warm ups. Warming up before participating in a sport is important. Someone responded to the tweet calling him a coward. Would love to see the keyboard warrior have that conversation with him directly.
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