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Posts posted by Corp000085

  1. Chz started talking about sex and ended up veering the thread entirely off topic.


    My complaint, breaking up with my GF is taking too long. I need to man up and just rip the band aid off.


    I'm immune to it!



    I'm pissed that today I have to help my friends move in next door. Yes, my friends ar emoving in, but it sucks because its hot as hell and they're moving out of the 2nd floor of their apartment. 105 degrees + uhaul + eliptical machine = they owe me a LOT of beer.


    Good news though, I'll be drinking said beer by 5pm

  2. Well, this has been a heavy Thursday complaint day! My grandma is gone, so I think that all prayers go to your families. As for my grandma, I appreciate all of your condolences. I have truly found peace over the past couple of days.

  3. Open for business.


    3rd week in a row with a sore throat due to allergies. But, the Sabres won, my brother is coming here tonight, and my house survived the storms here. Unfortunately, my wife's new school did not.


    Here's an article about the students' return to "school"






    My wife won't start till August, as she is finishing out her time at her old school. However, I am personal friends with a few of the teachers currently in that building, 1 happens to be a die hard Sabres fan.

  4. Ownership change... Should be a huge deal. I just don't care, and I'm pissed that I don't care!


    In 2002-2003, I was super excited about the TG deal.


    Today, I don't care.




    Just beat the penguins tomorrow.



    Oh yeah, i'm also pissed that I have grad school work for 2 classes and my son broke his arm last weekend. Since he's not in any pain, I won't complain about that, just the lack of sleep!

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