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Posts posted by Corp000085


    That's a little bit of an exaggeration.



    It isn't in my eyes. Not when they've played this heartless. Maybe in your eyes its just a bad stretch. However, this bad stretch mentality is that of a weak team. Call me silly but i'd much rather be the 8th seed and the underdog than the 1 seed and the frontrunner... However, if we are the 1 seed now, don't fall to 8 because you forgot how to win.





    I'll believe it when i see it

  2. Is anyone else picking up the screaming idiot on the MSG broadcast? Is that a fan or someone on the bench/ice? Last one I heard was after Paetsch dropped that guy alongside the net, the guy yelled "You're Dead Paetsch..."


    i heard that guy. he also dropped an "f bomb" during the first period. I heard miller use the f word too when he misplayed a puck behind the net. There's a renegade live mic somewhere. maybe razyor doesn't have his off and its pointing out? who knows.



    The sabres have had one good stretch in the 2nd period. luckily they scored twice. Unfortunately, its tied at 2 after 2. This game has the feel of either an OT thriller or yet another game hwere we come out dead tired in the 3rd and the opposition slowly takes the game from us. Hopefully we'll go the OT winner route!


    They didn't seem to remember the 7-1 game the last time the two teams met.



    damn it, my secret identity has been revealed. Because of my blatent forgettfulness, i announce that I am indeed Tim Connolly. DCSabres saw my wingman/underware model posing as "Corp000085". Touche hopeleslyobvious for outing me!

  4. 7pm



    If thursday's game told us one thing, its that the Sabres hit a wall. When they play well, they played AWESOME... However, those spots were few and far between. One bright spot from thursday's game was the Power Play. Yes, they let a 5 on 3 get away, but they did convert 2 later in the game... The sabres need to use that PP momentum and gain some confidence. This is a team that's holding onto the 8 spot right now... This is a team that will probably remember that 7-1 (i think?) thrashing we gave them a couple months ago. The sabres will have to play mentally strong and use the "underdog" roll. That's Lindy's job though. I'd like for tonight to be the beginning of another string of victories leading up to the all star break.

  5. I thought the puck movement on the PP was good, and they generated a couple of quality scoring chances. Khabibulin made some big stops. No goals, but they look improved on the PP.



    they're to the point now where they're being overcoached, and its obvious. It will just take some smart puck movement, clear heads, and time. The best bet is to concentrate on something else... The PP will come back, and it will come back STRONG, but not till t hey're just able to regain their confidence. Time is what they need. We can just praise our lucky stars this crap isn't going down in the playoffs, like it did in 99.

  6. spacek has now hurt drury and a chicago player with his shots. someone get that man to th e skills competition!


    and the PP looks SO bad now that ruff should just let it go... DON'T practice it. The only thing that will help at this point is time... Well, time and Tim Connolly...

  7. and the reworked PP gets a workout early... lets see what happens


    and... garbage so far


    HECHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nice passing, forechecking and puck movememt... It wasn't on the PP, but if you get goals like that, you'll have plenty of PP practice


    by the way, miller is in net

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