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Posts posted by Scottysabres

  1. Gionta chimed in.....


    Eichel: I refuse to play the system


    Lehner: just play the system


    Gionta: systems don't matter, systems are basically the same league wide, it's how you play within the system......


    WTF is going on in this teams locker room? Did KBC legalize weed?

  2. This will just be an excuse to highlight how important "grinders" are, Dan will get his way and Tim will bring in 2 useless players this deadline while shipping out Kulikov and Franson.


    I don't see any D help in the foreseeable future coming in, not as long as we stick to Dan's "grinding game plan", where your forwards are the offensive zone defense, or supposed to be.


    Hence why I see Gionta, Larsson and Ennis banished or sent to the 4th line penalty box.


    Eichel's game will continue to be somewhat hampered but hey, at least he'll occasionally have Folgno on his wing to remind him how different things could have been had Buffalo just won the freaking lottery.....

  3. The Sabres roster is filled with grinders, ROR, Kane, Okposo, Foligno, Girgensons, Bailey, even Ennis I would say. DDs system is tailored for this roster. Jack doesn't like it? Too ###### bad kid, learn to play the right way... you haven't done anything in this league that makes you too good to play a system.

    I agree with what Lehner is saying, I don't want ut coming from my goalie tho. ROR or Gio or some other vet needs to be calling these guys out... that lack of leadership is a bigger concern than the young kids ignoring the system.


    There is no thing as "tough luck kid" in this situation. As has been pointed out, and rightly so, coaches don't win these battles, and for good reason.


    You don't crash an entire multi-million dollar sports franchise in an effort to bring in a franchise player to build around only to tell that franchise player its the coaches way or hit the bricks kid.

    That is laughable at its best, down right criminal and beyond at its worst.


    You build the system to suit the players talents nit the other way around. This kid is what the Sabres are building around, not the coach.


    The solution was there before it ever began. Get the right coach for the job, Bylsma isn't it if he can't muster enough testosterone to impose his will and way on the roster.


    The battle has now spilled over in to the public domain with reports this was a problem at his last gig as well.


    It's fast coming to a head on this and I don't see Eichel being traded. What do you think that leaves solution wise?


    The writing is on the wall, it's not a matter of if, but when.

  4. This doesn't seem likely to end well.


    Probably not.

    But hey.....


    "Are you not entertained" :D


    We're only 5 days away from the 6th anniversary of the Pegulas taking over the team. It's also going on 6 years (coincidence?) since the Sabres have been in the post-season.

    We're sure not seeing a fast Chicago style rebuild where new owner/GM comes in, and the team improves noticeably every season (they caught fire after Quenneville became named coach, and have stayed one of the forces in the NHL ever since).

    Owners meddle. GM seems content and complacent. Coach seems like a fish out of water. Brandon does whatever Brandon does, behind the scenes. Great rebuild you got there, Tim Murray! We'll be lucky to get the team BACK to where it was before Pegula, you, Brandon and Bylsma took over. lol

    I could get on board with the sentiment, but being honest with myself I knew it wasn't going to be a 3 year whirlwind turn around. And that is where we are in my opinion, year 3 of the added components.


    5 years, that's about where I put playoff contenders for the team at. And by that I mean having the ability to win a playoff series.


    With that said, someone needs to get control of this show before it does get out of hand.

  5. Well, right back to the 82 point pace.  And Gorges with nearly 21 minutes of ice time???   He looked slow and ineffective out there last night -  what the hell is Bylsma thinking?  Or is he even thinking?   

    Per Lehner "coach has a plan" but players aren't following it?  WTH???  Maybe the plan is tanking, and the Sabres aren't following it by winning now and then? Tanking seems logical conclusion - playing the starting goalie without rest with predictable results.  

    I'm sorry -but Dan Bylsma should put on his big boy pants and run this team himself - he's paid one of the top reported coaching salaries in the NHL to do so!   He shouldn't need Lehner whining in the locker room about players not following the coach's 'plan'.   If he isn't alpha male enough to enforce his wishes and discipline by himself, he should be shown the door!

    Just a heads up to the veterans of this board, I fully expect a photo-shopped transgender Bylsma photo in response to a post like this :)

  6. Shut up and do your job tendy.

    It's fine if he voices his displeasure within the confines of the lockerroom. But to do it in the media speaks very poorly of him as a professional. It won't be forgotten by the players.

    To be honest, you actually think Lehner gives a whether they forget it or not? This isn't Ryan Miller were talking about here, Lehner's flat out a big dude and is not afraid of anyone on the ice.


    A little public shaming to try and get team mates to straighten up and fly right if they keep 'in up isn't a bad thing, its called leadership.

  7. Lehner cuz he piped up after the game or Jack because he hasn't learned how to use teammates. :D


    I was thinking Franson for a conditional 3rd


    Of course I don't seriously put much stock in to a player sounding off out of frustration, but just for fun lets say the Pens are looking to trade with us. Fluery? Would it even be thinkable to bring in Fluery?

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