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Posts posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. 1 hour ago, Radar said:

    His attitude is somewhat justified for sure. I'm as unhappy with the team's performance as anyone. I'm not particularly happy with the owners performance either. It with me isn't a personal agenda against a person or persons. I hope the team is successful and if that's under this owner of not I could care less. I think it matters to PA.



    With me, I like it when people take the opposite side and will sometimes take it upon myself to argue it's existence intentionally. This is not to be combative but, instead to show people that there is another side to many things. Sometimes we all get caught up on looking through a monocle and only see one side. It doesn't mean that they have to except what they see through the other eye, only allows for further examination.

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  2. 13 minutes ago, thewookie1 said:


    I don't think you quite understand what I was trying to get to. PA quite literally rarely has anything to say that isn't some type of veiled insult or contempt for the organization. As Eleven pointed out; he never said a thing until a negative narrative was brought up. 

    You can hate moves, ideas, people; I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying that not everything is evil or doomsday and without any "liked" events it drags down the credibility and usefulness of any further point you may bring up. PA seems to focus only on negative events, anger inducing events and anything surrounding the Pegulas that can be seen as negative. At this point there seems to be nothing he wouldn't twist into a negative light. PA comes across no longer as a  fan as much as someone who desires the Pegula's to fail, Sabres be damned.

    Lastly you can't only criticize; without any positives you come across as either agenda-driven and/or the person is oblivious. The Sabres could win the Stanley Cup and by how PA behaves he would still want the Pegulas' effigies burned for their perceived errors. 


    All of it has become grating. 



    Wow.,.this is a real positive post.

    I think his attitude is some what justified, a little extreme maybe. But hey, it leads to discussion. What happened to "Hockey Heaven"? 

    It's a new season coming up and I know I'll be full of hope/excitement again just like every year. We'll see if I still have it 20 games into the season.


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  3. 23 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:

    Just speaking for myself, I find the notion that a 'fan" cannot hate certain aspects of his chosen team rather distasteful. It is the love of a team that leads to the anger, frustration and negative comments and after a decade I'm not about to fault anyone for hating any specific aspect of the organization or franchise. The notion that fans have to stand by and accept the kind of crap this organization feeds us is absurd. 

    I'm a fan. If I wasn't, I wouldn't waste my time complaining about their ineptitude. Jack is apparently near the end of his tolerance level, why should we 'fans" not feel even worse?

    Should we all just "learn to deal with it" or should we demand more? You're free to make your choice, others should also be free to not agree and criticize freely if that's the road they want to take. 

    Bottom line, if the team could actually win, all of these silly arguments of what fans can or should do would go away instantly. 

    I don't think this is true...some people will always find something to complain about.

  4. 9 hours ago, Eleven said:

    This could be fun.  Imagine a society where we're all walking around squirting stuff up our noses all the time!

    Does it come in a powder form?

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Thorny said:

    It's not necessarily "meaningless", it just probably didn't play a part in trade negotiations. But I don't think that's what people meant. 

    It may have played into Staal's willingness to give it the old college try, though. 

    It also may have been KA's motive for going after Staal and knowing what he brings to the table, of course, without Staal's knowledge of it being in the works.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Brawndo said:

    0r will the pick be a Willie Nylander or Zach Werenski? 

    Risto , the prospect was worthy of the 8th Overall Pick but thinking an 18 yo was ready for the AHL/NHL screwed up His Development

    Bo Horvat was taken one pick later

    Any trade of this pick should include the Sabres Fans saying rejoicing and saying Holy ***** We got that Guy for 8th Overall. 

    I understand about keeping Jack Happy.  Friedman mentioned He can imagine Eichel wasn't happy to hear about the the Sabres proposed internal cap, but that the Staal Trade has made the team better and Jack will see this as a positive step. 


    But we have to see what other moves take place to see if Jack has reason to be happy. What happens with Sam could cause that to go in either direction. 

    We still have many moves to make and yes, we filled a big need. But, there are still holes such as RFA's to be signed and upgrades along with some possible other trades before Jack can make any real assessment as to what direction we're going in.

    I agree the Staal trade looks good but, if the other moves aren't addressed properly it won't matter much.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Curt said:

    Sure.  But I never said that the draft pick would be a more useful player for a cup contender by 2022.

    You implied that by making a trade like that you were not actually losing any future value because the 25 year old player you are getting is still pretty young.  I replied that it is not true and explained why you are losing longer term value in both years of team control and salary costs.

    I agree that it would be a trade for near term benefit, while incurring a longer term cost.  I also think that there are often other ways to acquire a player that can help in the near term, while having less of a long term cost.  Whether a trade like that is worth the long term cost also all depends on the specific player being acquired, of course.

    I think we basically agree. Maybe just our timelines may be different and whether you "lose" anything by making the pick/ trading the pick. I don't think you really lose anything either way. There are risks that can be argued on both sides. Will the pick be Nylander? Casey? Will the player traded for pan out for you? 


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  8. 33 minutes ago, Curt said:

    Compare these two.

    25 year old guy, on a $5M, 3 year contract, then is a UFA after 2022-23 season.

    2020 1st, makes the league in 2021-22, is making only ~$1M until the 2024-25 season, is under team control until something like 2028-2029

    The draft pick is literally an asset that you will control longer into the future and for a cheaper price point than that 25 year old.  That’s all I said.

    Now think about which one will contribute the most if your goal is to contend  for the cup by 2022 ( or before Jack wants out).

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 14 hours ago, JohnC said:

    If you want Skinner to score more than 30 goals then put him on the Jack line. The Reinhart/Jack/Skinner line is one of the better first lines in the league. If the first line is going to get more minutes than the lower lines then put together a line that will produce the most. 

    I like Krueger as a coach. I didn't like the way he handled Skinner last year. As a defensive player Skinner has a tendency to float. In utilizing Skinner he needs to accentuate his positive attributes as a sniper and not be so caught up with his defensive liabilities. When the calculation is made his assets trump his deficiencies. 

    I think this post should be moved to the politics thread. Lol

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Thanks (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Curt said:

    This made me laugh because it’s very professionally, sharply written with lots of professional businessy phrases.  Then you ended it with more smartly.  Lol

    Also, I disagree that the future is now, because although time is a construct, it’s one of the basic rules that we live by.  Now is now, the future is the future.

    If you are taking assets from the future and using them now, it leaves less for the future.

    This sounds pretty shaded, mostly because you don't trade that far out. You don't trade Jack today for 2 1st, a 2nd and an A prospect in 2030.

    If you can get a player now that will help you in the future, you won't need that piece later. You also can get futures back in other trades. 



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  11. 15 minutes ago, Shootica said:

    They'd need to do a whole lot more than move Andersen to clear the space for Pietrangelo.

    Truthfully, the only way Pietrangelo makes sense for Toronto is if they move Marner or Nylander without getting any salary back.  And even then, it doesn't help their topheavyness problem.

    Anderson is $5M, Kerfoot ( agent says he's not re-signing) $1.6M, and if they trade Johnsson ($3.5M) there should be plenty for Pietrangelo.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Curt said:

    See above comment.  Whichever 31 Cs are the best, those are the #1Cs.  There are not 12 #1Cs, 30 #2Cs, and 45 #3Cs...........That’s just arbitrary.

    You might be confounding the issue by using the number 31. There are some 2C's that are better than some #1 C's. Malkin would be one example. He may be a top 31 but is #2 on Pitt.

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. 9 minutes ago, Eleven said:

    Sure.  You also could be assigned to assassinate an African dictator on his yacht and decline--at the last minute--to do so.  As a result, you are shot in the back five times and float nearly to your death in the Atlantic.  An Italian fishing boat might pick you up and deliver you to a train station where you can get to Switzerland.  In Zurich, you discover a safe deposit box with lots of currency from many countries, various contact lenses, about ten different passports, and a gun.  Later, you meet a cute redhead who is willing to drive you to Paris for $20K.


    Or, Botterill sucked.

    I wasn't discounting his suckability.

    Just that maybe he was seeing the writing on the wall (or on this board), wanted out but needed it to look better on himself and in the eyes of others. The timing was perfect. Why wait until your performance is the plot in the story.

  14. 11 minutes ago, Eleven said:

    He sucked.  The writing was on the wall three weeks before he was fired when the Pegulas said his job status was all good.  That means "fired" across all sports, even across the ocean.

    He was fired because he sucked.  In other words, he was not good at his job.  

    There is no need for further inquiry or speculation.

    Could it be that he voluntarily quit at the ideal time? Think about it.

    Let's say you want out of a job (one where you hired some friends/acquaintances). You were publicly assured your job by the owner. The owner then comes to you and wants clean house including some of your hired. 

    Knowing that your hired will be fired anyway, you refuse knowing you also will lose your job. 

    It's perfect timing. After being assured by the boss your job was safe and then being fired for not wanting to put people out on the street, you put the onus on the owner all while appearing loyal to your friends.

    You appear to be fired but secretly quit and only you know it , but some what save face. Especially with the people you may need in your next job.

  15. 20 minutes ago, sabremike said:

    Since you failed to comprehend what I said:

    If the Sabres end up trading Eichel the team relocates shortly thereafter and are as dead as my Whalers.

    Why not just relocate with Eichel?:

    What city would want an Eichel-less Sabres team? They're not that good with him. He would be the only selling point in a relocation bid except Dahlin.

  16. 1 minute ago, Eleven said:

    Maybe by you?  I've never heard that.  Darts is a sport.  Billiards is a sport.  Chess is a game.  A complex game, to be sure, but a game.

    Don't see how billiards is a sport any more than the others. Now, dog fights is a real sport and dog races. Horse racing. Badminton. Horseshoes. Lawn darts. 

  17. 41 minutes ago, Curt said:

    True.  Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.  I doubt he would be able to get anything too high in arbitration though.

    Hopefully the decisions will be in favor of the clubs, considering the impact of what's going on.

    (Of course, with the exception of the guys we would like to hit the market)

  18. 15 minutes ago, Curt said:

    Right.  An “Internal Cap” could just be (1) keep enough cap room to pay all of the possible bonuses and (2) keep a couple Mil open for a possible deadline acquisition.

    A directive to be able to pay all bonuses out of this years cap makes total sense too.  I wouldn’t want to roll over extra deductions into next year when Dahlin and Jokiharju will both be due for possibly very big extensions.

    If they don't make some necessary moves they won't need to save money for a deadline acquisition.

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