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Everything posted by PerreaultForever

  1. It's funny, I'm watching a replay of the Flyers Carolina game from last night and the Carolina announcers just said "I have to question Ristolainen's brain power" . (He cross checked a guy into Hart injuring him). Typical dumb Risto move but maybe if Hart's out for a long time he will get a bonus for increasing their chances at getting Bedard 🙂
  2. See, not that to me is more impressive. I suspect Cozens has helped raise it from last year as well. His shooting has improved tremendously.
  3. No need for that duh attitude. Obviously it would be lower but I was wondering how much lower. You're looking at a TEAM stat and there are going to be teams with one or two individuals that are outliers (Edmonton comes to mind) and then you'll have teams with a more spread out scoring roster. So I'm curious as to how much Tage raises the team as a whole. I'd guess it impacts the stats significantly, and thus the stat tells you less about the "Sabres" as a whole. Like in a lot of stats stuff I'd suggest you take the top 2 and bottom 2 off each team and then run the stats again. Then you'd have a much better idea of TEAM performance.
  4. Where would we sit in league standings if you took Tage out of the mix? I'm just wondering.
  5. Yup, exactly. We need another Samuelsson or at least another Boosh.
  6. I think you are right about this, for this year, but I can't believe they won't be committed to winning next year. That would be insane. The draft is incredibly deep this year, and they knew that, and they have extra picks, and they are teaching kids so imo there was zero urgency to win now. What would be the point of not trying to leap forward next year though? I just can't see that as a plan. I firmly believe all the talk for next year will be on competing, winning, and making the playoffs. But they'll need a goalie (and D depth) to do that.
  7. I agree with all of this except the part about UPL probably being a bust. It's too early to give up on him. There are lots of goalies who takes years to develop. Ullmark took time. I'm not giving up on UPL yet but he needs lots of one on one coaching and more time playing in Rochester (probably). I'm firmly in the camp of KA botching goaltending. He's been bargain hunting rather than prioritizing. Unless Comrie comes back and shines to the point of surprising everyone we need to add at least one solid NHL goalie to have any real shot next year. If I had to guess now, I think he will add another old guy next year instead of Anderson. There's a number of (possibly over the hill) free agents out there for next season. Unless we don't get Levi or Portello, then he might have to come up with an actual plan.
  8. They are not really comparable but Marchand carries a cap hit of 6.1 million and Skinner has a cap hit of 9 million so discount version??? I thought you were the math guy?
  9. cause I watched it. If you had you'd say the same.
  10. I still don't like him and probably never will, but we're stuck with him. Ralph insisted Skinner do what Ralph wanted and play like Ralph wanted. Skinner refused and ended up sitting. Granato lets Skinner play the way Skinner wants to, so Skinner is happy and Skinner scores now and again. Still streaky, still undisciplined, still over paid.
  11. Sweden didn't look very good in their warm up game with the U.S. Doesn't count though of course so maybe they didn't really try.
  12. It's weird that you have bad weather and we have bad weather (west coast) at the same time. That almost never happens. Well good for the Sabres kids I guess. They can go home for an extended visit on a high note and feeling good. We can all watch the World Juniors instead.
  13. Well since it was rescheduled they get to keep the winning streak intact over the holidays.
  14. No, but I like him better than Pilut. I like Fitz on the roster over Bryson and Clague over Pilut. Both are less talented offensively, but are better at being defensemen and that's what we need. They are all bottom pairing at best though.
  15. he is A goalie, I doubt very much if he will ever be THE goalie.
  16. This may or may not be true, but the possibility of it being true is just one more reason Adams should already have a solid NHL goalie on the roster.
  17. He was in the doghouse earlier in the year and sat at least one game (maybe more, not sure). He'd probably be benched more but they don't have anybody to replace him. Torts is a good coach, but stupid can't be taught and doesn't listen and I firmly believe that is Risto's problem, I think he's dumb as a post and just doesn't learn anything so he keeps making the same mistakes no matter who coaches him or how they play him. The Risto trade is without a doubt Adams' best move so far. I hope he uses that 2nd rounder to find another Samuelsson. Then the trade might be best ever.
  18. To some extent that's true, but I also think it has to do with which team(s) we play. The more the opposition team plays shutdown hockey (Cassidy style hockey) the less effective the rookies are at this point. I hear you on Mitts and VO but I'd assume Granato feels their greater amount of experience makes them more valuable in a defensive style game. I'm not convinced it'll work, as I agree with you they aren't that good at the 2 way game either but Asplund hasn't impressed me either. We have some solid players now, and it looks like real competitive hockey, but the roster is still thin and drops off fast after the first half of it or so. I'm not sure there is a better option at this point.
  19. But, that's not a demotion for Cozens. It's Granato's attempt to elevate Mitts and VO by giving them a better center. If that line holds, they are the second line in terms of TOI. Nothing changes for Cozens, he still goes up against top opposition. TOI will decrease for Quinn and Peterka so it's a demotion for them not Cozens.
  20. Absolutely no but I'd still give him a call in the off season and see if he's actually intrigued by the idea of finishing in Buffalo. If so, at reasonable money, absolutely as a free agent. Personally I'd put him on Cozen's wing.
  21. No way. "worse opportunity". As much as sometimes it feels that way this isn't hockey school. It's the NHL and it's about winning games not just giving players opportunities. If Cozens TOI drops drastically I will believe you, but it won't. It was a decent move. Young team, needed a moment to settle down. I liked what he did there.
  22. This is where the goaltending coach comes in. I think you really need a good one. We have one, but I'm not sure he's a great one. I know in Boston a lot of people are crediting Bob Essensa with getting Ullmark's game to a higher level. Hopefully one day we hear that sort of talk here too as UPL or Levi or ? excels.
  23. This is a factor for sure. This is the stuff I'm thinking of when I've said I'm undecided on Granato yet. Good teacher but how is he with game stuff, line matching and so forth. He did okay in this one. It'll become a bigger issue if we keep rising in the standings and get into serious games with good teams.
  24. Big goalies have that problem sometimes. They've learned to rely on their size too much and they are often worried too much about leaving holes down low. It'll come in time. He just needs to keep working on it. He needs lots of goalie coach time, wherever that can be done best 1 on 1.
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