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Posts posted by Assquatch

  1. Bugs. All types. But especially the flying ones. Weather gets warm and gotta ruin it with bugs.


    Every year I hold out hope that this will be the year spiders and insects and the like don't survive (whatever the ###### they do during) the winter. To ###### with the catastrophic impact on the ecosystem and foodchain blah blah blah. I don't want the little ###### scurrying around!

  2. I have a complaint that on the last work day before a long weekend, while the weather is nice and the Sabres are winning, nobody uses the damn complaint thread. No cheating spouses? No raging cases of saber-toothed crotch crickets? Not even a hangnail?

  3. I was informed that today was the deadline for a project that I hadn't even started yet (long story). I've been in all out super speed mode working on it since the start of the day and just finished it. This may have been some of my finest work ever. I'm amazed at how quickly I was able to put this together. One problem: we're missing one minor detail that we don't have anywhere in our records. So now I have to send out random emails asking for this information, all while playing the "if/when will these people respond, and do they actually have the info" game. I'm completely convinced that I will be stuck sitting here until 9, doing absolutely nothing but waiting for an email. It's the most minor detail possible, yet completely vital for completion.


    Yeah I hate it too when the phone's broken.

  4. 1, It depends on the women you come into contact with. Some of them can be the most pleasant ladies out there when it comes to normal everyday circumstances. Then there are those who just have some of the worst attitude problems out there. I look at it this way: some women probably feel the same way about us men. In that regard, I would be very careful on where we shoot our "tracer bullets" because as the old saying goes in Murphy's Laws of Combat, "Tracers work both ways," and I'm sure that some women would say that based on a few bad experiences with men, they probably feel that ALL men are like that.


    2, Who are you keeping company with? That might be a part of the problem. I'm not saying that it definitely is, but I guess it may all be a matter of perception.


    Oh, one last thing: not a complaint this time, but happy belated St. Patrick's Day to everyone on the board! :)


    My complaint is about tracer bullets. Why don't they make them so they illuminate halfway to their target instead of right away, so that they don't work both ways?

  5. I have to start a real job next week. Well, not a 'real' job, just something to do over the summer. Anybody want coffee out of one of those little trucks look for me!


    (I should be banned for putting this post in the "complaint" thread)


    The coffee truck that delivers to where I work seems to hire only smoking hot girls. I wonder if it is the same company.

  6. Skinny people.


    Every time I am checking out at Wegmans buying healthy food so I can drop a few pounds [ok more than a few (12 so far thank you very much)], there is usually some skinny bitch with a tight little package in front of me buying chocolate covered pretzels or ice cream or a big box of cookies or a giant frickin sub.


    :fyou: and your rodent metabolism.

  7. I'll forgo the usual complaints about the show hosts, but the commercials on WGR drive me crazy. They go to commercial from :20 to :30, from :40 to :50, and from :54 to :00 each hour. If I leave work at 4:20 and get home at 4:50, I hear about 10 minutes of actual programming on my 30 minute drive. Then I'm lucky to get any sports talk at all outside of their repetitive "updates", and not I'm not just talking about the offseason. :thumbdown:

  8. Portion sizes.


    I bought a "medium" combo meal at Wendy's. I could barely carry the bucket-sized drink they gave me.


    (And to complain about exactly the opposite, the drink was gone in no time. It was full to the cap with ice, and there couldn't have been more than 8 oz of soda in there)

  9. Complaint #2: I got a coupon for a buy-one-get-one-free new waffle sandwich at Dunkin Donuts, so the wife & I proceed there for breakfast this morning. She gets a ham, egg, & cheese, while I order a bacon, egg, & cheese. They throw them in the bag and we go our separate ways to work. Upon arriving at work, we both find out they're croissant sandwiches....not the waffle sandwich we ordered. :censored: Too late at that point to go back to DD. :censored:


    That must be going around today. I ordered the tomato and mozzarella panini from Panera and got a turkey artichoke sandwich. :censored:

  10. foot on brake, throw it in reverse, that'll freak her out


    Good thought but I dont think my little civic was going to strike any fear into her or her expedition. It is a 5 spd through so I can do that little trick without my foot on the brake next time I need it :)

  11. Well mind you that while I pride myself on eating every morsel of meat off 'dem bones, these aren't the meatiest wings around. (Although.....decent. Fatheads is the best I've had in Pittsburgh; this was at Buffalo Blues.) I actually ate 51 wings on my birthday back in September. So last night, somewhere between Wing 32 and Wing 37 I had ordered another half dozen while also recalling the trauma I had suffered during my 51-wing performance. So I decided to spare myself a little misery and smuggle them out for another day. It wasn't really that hard... they were served in a little cardboard basket, so I used the previous basket as a top for the one I smuggled out (you might be able to tell that I'm a Mechanical Engineer ;) ), and my housemate made sure they didn't spill while I drove home.


    And for the doubters, I have also been known to consume 1.0 pounds of pasta in a sitting, as well as a disc of beer (4.5 to 5 beers total) in 1:09. But the real reason for all the room in belly is that I drink a ton of water -- typically five quarts a day during the season. (I play ultimate frisbee... it's not too popular in WNY yet...) Curious... anyone else on here play ultimate?


    The most amazing thing to me about that is eating a pound of pasta. That feeds my family of four (granted two of them are under 6) but we still have leftovers.

  12. So I'm heading home a couple weeks ago, driving up Niagara Falls Blvd during "rush hour" (in quotes for our out of state friends who fight real traffic). The light is green, but I cannot get all the way through the intersection due to stopped traffic just on the other side. So I stopped just short of the crosswalk in case the light turned red before the traffic in front of me cleared so I wouldn't be stuck like a jackass in the intersection blocking crossing traffic while they have the green.


    This lady behind me in a behemoth SUV starts laying on the horn. She wanted me to pull forward into the intersection so she can turn right. She is gesturing at me frantically like I am ruining her day. I calmly pointed to the sign that was immediately to my right that conveniently said what I wanted to tell her "Do not block side street". So she flips me off. I guess I should have blocked everyone on the side street, so she wouldn't have to take the chance of having to wait through another light cycle.

  13. Oh boy don't get me started.... in Pittsburgh, at most entrance ramps they actually have stop signs to get on. As in, you are SUPPOSED TO STOP.


    And as this is my first Complaint post, and I actually stopped complaining about that a few years ago, I'll throw one at you.


    Last night I ate 37 wings at an all-you-can-eat Wednesday night wings special (while watching TB fudge the bucket against PIT), and now I'm really full and miserable. (But I'll be damned if I don't eat the half-dozen I smuggled out as soon as I get home from work tonight! ;) ) And on a very related topic, I'm pretty out of shape this offseason, and I'm using the weather as an excuse. <_<


    Go Sabres!

    Let's overlook the 37 wings part for a moment. How does one go about smuggling 6 saucy wings without a container?

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