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Posts posted by Assquatch

  1. If you go to a website designed to talk about that book you wouldn't give an honest opinion? You would say you liked where the story was heading and that the characters were developed even though you really thought the story was choppy and the characters seemed incomplete? It doesn't mean you put the book down. You should at least be able to be honest about where you think the story is at any given time.

    Not everyone boisterously voices their opinion on a TV series during the character development portion of the pilot episode. If the series gets canceled, its natural to say "well that sucked", but it's not dishonest for not saying so sooner in my opinion.

  2. that was my first thought when she walked out! They all knew that the group was looking for a missing girl. Made no sense to me.

    Otis put her in the barn, and he's not talking - thanks to Shane and a hungry group of walkers.

  3. have you checked out the webisodes? I haven't watched them yet, but they are all about the Apocalypse. I don't think we need too many flashbacks, then it will be just like Lost.


    The webisodes I watched give background information on some periphery characters. They gave the backstory to the torso zombie from the series opener.

    They are quite dark and a bit more chilling than the show itself. They're a quick watch that I highly recommend.


  4. I don't know, but i'm pretty sure he's down to his last bolt.


    I still don't know why he didn't reclaim the one he shot into the hanging zombie. He talked about it before shooting it that it was a waste. Why not retrieve it?

  5. Darryl has been recycling his crossbow bolts after killing zombies with them. Then he falls down the cliff and impales himself on one presumably with zombie juice on it. I wonder if he turns into a zombie soon, or if it only work by biting.

  6. my guess was they started with 1 or a few more, then just fed other passerby's to them...which would explain why they have been "untouched" by the infection...


    That would give new meaning to the farmer's constant reminders to his family that the new visitors "won't be around long".

  7. They had the actor and actress that play Glen and the farmer's daughter on Talking Dead. They asked him what it was like dangling in a well for so long and I was hoping beyond hope that he'd respond by asking if they were talking about the pharmacy scene.

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  8. The walker in the well was a nice touch. They had the rope idea right but someone forgot to bring the 2x4 to leverage the body out! The guts spilling into the well was pretty nasty. Don't drink that bad ju-ju.


    The missing girl is a tired plot line now. You could run that 1.. maybe 2 episodes. At this point she better be dead.


    The pregnancy is very unexpected but an interesting twist. You guys know that baby daddy is Shane and not her husband Rick. They can spend a few episodes on that secret.


    A bunch of people all pulling horizontally to pull a body vertically out of the well without thinking about what would happen when it got halfway reminded me of the scene in The Wire when half the folks were on each side of a desk wedged in a doorway trying to move it and it turned out both groups were trying to push it into the room the other group was in.


    It's amazing what a few seconds of thought and planning before action can do.

  9. Well, that whole scene wreaked of "We need to put a zombie in this episode SOMEHOW ... Oooo here we go."




    In other news, I have been really enjoying zombie shows lately. I caught a few minutes of a show on MTV I had never heard of before called "Death Valley". It looked like Reno 911 with zombies. Completely ridiculous but if you're watching a Reno 911 type show that's what you're after. I saw online the show also has other versions of undead creatures (vampires etc) that the local police are battling. The few minutes I saw had zombies captured and chained inside a cage. They were unchaining the zombies 2 at a time to fight and people were betting on them.

  10. Walker in a well - excellent.


    Sending a guy into a well to tie a rope around a walker in a well - simply ridiculous.


    Searching for a little girl lost in the woods during a zombie apocalypse for 4 (I think?) episodes - Zzzzzzzz.


    Pregnancy test positive cliff hanger - Zzzzzzzzz.


    How far out were they trying to pull the walker? When it got stuck, it was out far enough to smash its head without it bleeding into the water supply. Instead they pulled and pulled until it was drawn and halved.

  11. Last night's show was saved by the ending. Definitely liked the drama of sacrificing that guy to zombi food. Also like the irony of a guy hanging himself, turning into Zombi food and then turning into a zombi.

    But... How many shows are they going to devote to a lost child and a shot boy?


    Pardon my ignorance here but I didn't fully understand the hanging zombie.


    The guy got bit, wrote a poem and hung himself. Assuming he died instantly, when did the walkers chomp his legs? They don't seem to eat dead flesh (they walk right by the dead folks in cars on the road) so it doesn't seem they'd eat him before he "turned", and they don't seem to eat each other so it doesn't seem like they'd eat him after.



    In any case, I enjoy the show (other than the fact everything seems sepia-colored for some reason) and am hoping we see a reanimated Otis at some point.

  12. As my parents are snowbirds, they are leaving for their Atlanta home next weekend. They wanted to spend some extra time with my kids so they will be spending the night with grandma and grandpa tonight. For the second night in a row, I have the (usually rare) opportunity for some free babysitting and a night of "do whatever the hell I want". Might do party in the plaza, might just do a local watering hole for the game. Definitely don't need to be up early tomorrow for any reason. :beer:

  13. Today is my birthday. The wife and I went to the casino and I played craps for the first time ever. Literally walked up to an empty table and asked the (dealer?) how to play. I won a couple hundred dollars even after tipping the (dealer?) handsomely.


    Just got a call out of the blue from my adult step-son. He and his fiance offered to come home from college near Rochester tonight to watch my two younger kids so we can go out again tonight.


    Sorry I've got no complaints but if I waited until F'n Friday to post this, the first point would no longer have been valid. :)

  14. I have a date tomorrow night (spoliers for the F'N Friday thread!) and I don't know how to date someone local any more. The last two girlfriends lived out of town, and the one before that our first date was in 2003. Anything changed in the last 8 years?


    Sex. They've changed it.

  15. XC, as devout as you are, I am very saddened to see that you can't reconcile that God had the overriding hand in how the world developed but that evolution is reality.


    I get it when 'scientists' don't believe in God because they believe that eventually science will be stretched far enough to explain not only how we're here but why as well (though I don't agree w/ it and know a lot of scientists that don't agree w/ that), but I don't understand why 'fundamentalists' don't believe in science. If God didn't want us to understand the world we live in and are a part of, wouldn't he have made us a LOT dumber?


    Taro my post count would be much higher if you weren't so good at saying what I was thinking in a much better way than I ever could. Thank you sir.

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  16. Have you noticed anything weird with the sound on NBC with HD? Basically, it's as if it's all reversed - the crowd seems to drown out the announcers. I've noticed this with any sport that NBC broadcasts, but I can't seem to tell if it's HD-related.


    I've noticed the same thing on CBC. I pick it up crystal clear off the backend of my rooftop antenna and the announcers on HNIC are difficult to hear over the crowd.

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