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Posts posted by Assquatch

  1. On an unrelated note, I was very surprised to find out that the season premiere had almost twice as many viewers as the final episode of Breaking Bad.

    I couldn't believe this until I looked it up. 10.3 million for Breaking Bad finale. 16.1 million for The Walking Dead season 4 premiere. As a fan of both shows, this blows my mind as not only is Breaking Bad an exponentially better show (imo), it was the series finale! Maybe Walter White should come back to life and eat some meth-head brains for season 6.



    I feel myself getting uncharacteristically (and, well, virtually) truculent about criticism/mocking of the decision to go with Vanek and Ott as captains. It must mean the season's about to begin.


    By Thanksgiving,*** I'll probably be far less excitable about such matters.


    *** Canadian or American - I'm not sure.

    Yep. Drop the damn puck!

  3. I liked the opening credits almost halfway into the show. Yep, it was just getting started.


    I think we finally saw Walt totally uncovered in the scene where he takes credit for killing Hank as a warning to Skyler. Walt needs to have power and be in control, to be respected and taken seriously.


    I think Walt knew the police were on the line and that warning was an act to distance himself from Sklyer - to make it seem like she wasn't involved as a last act to save his family.

  4. There is no substitute for a double bladed safety razor, both for economy and quality of shave. Get a seriously heavy duty stainless steel safety razor like one of these: http://www.westcoast...-43C_p_829.html and enjoy it for the rest of your life. Seriously, you will pass the thing down to your kids (preferably a son).


    Get a $1.00 package of double sided razors from your local grocery store, a container of shaving gel, and go to town. I used to change razor blades regularly, but I found that once you get your face toughened up a little you can make a blade last a long time. I now change blades every 2-3 months, and I have never been happier.


    I have tried electrics, tried disposables, tried the expensive disposables, and they all suck. Get a real razor, feel like a man, a reap the savings the rest of your life.

    Razors get dull from rusting more than from cutting hair. You can prevent them from rusting by spraying them with the no-scrub shower cleaner. I spent $3 on a store brand shower cleaner and it keeps disposable razors sharp for months. Just rinse it, spray it, shake off the excess, and store the razor with the blade edges pointing up to drain away from the edges. Works like a charm.

  5. I bought the filter basket thingy for like $15

    I've got one too. It works nice but is a pain to empty/refill. (I know, Lindy made me soft)

    I had read many reviews of it leaking grounds everywhere. I bought it anyway a couple years ago thinking the people complaining were just using it wrong. Mine did the same thing. Took it back after using it twice. I wonder if they've improved them since.

  6. As much as I LOVE my Keurig machine I hate the cost of the 'pod'.

    I have two Keurigs I'll be selling soon for the same reason. I bought this two weeks ago and I love it. Easy single cups of coffee that uses regular coffee (no pods) and almost as easy as the Keurig.

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