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Posts posted by JoeSchmoe

  1. We're for sure #1, but I'd put the Oilers at #2. Having the stars they have, with their lack of success would be pretty stressful. Knowing McDavid's likely bolting when he's a UFA would hang over your head pretty badly.

    Edit: I just read the criteria closer and I guess they're only looking at variances in goal differential across periods. Looks like that's just another stressor to throw on the pile. In the grand scheme of things, this rates pretty low in terms of what stresses a Sabres fan.

    • Agree 1
  2. 3 hours ago, Sidc3000 said:

    😂. That wasn’t just a bad game, they basically gave up for two periods. It wasn’t even close. 

    Amazing that two players kept this team back. if Okposo was soooooo toxic to this team, please explain last season? You know when many of these players played well beyond their expectations? 

    I'm more focused on Eric Johnson. He was the guy they brought in to show how to win since he was a bit player when the Avalanche won. It was a terrible idea. He was a net negative player on the Avalanche, when he had a Stanley Cup Champion forward group in front of him, and he was a net negative player here.


  3. 4 minutes ago, Pimlach said:

    I want better.  

    In addition to 4D ... 

    Bring in a 3C and make Krebs battle for the 3C or 4C slot.  Nothing I see tells me he is a 3C.  Maybe the fancy stats show something but goals and assists do not.

    Bring in another power forward.

    Trade Skinner (dreaming) 

    Redo the 4th line and bring in a tough guy that can also play.  

    Moving Krebs for a better 3C would be key. If we're dreaming, we can get a guy who'll battle for 1 or 2C, to keep TT and Cozens honest in the offseason.

  4. 33 minutes ago, PerreaultForever said:


    To both points, perhaps, but it depends on Comrie's relationship with his teammates, and if your back up isn't good enough to play 1 out of every 4 games or so, then he shouldn't be your back up. That's on KA. Show me one other team that has a back up who never plays and calls up a rookie for 1 road game instead. It's absurd. 

    He's trying to get the rookie more game reps, while at the same time trying to make the playoffs. 

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Pimlach said:

    Very narrow assessment.  EJ was past his prime and his game tailed off in the end, but the Sabres players themselves have said they learned a lot from him.  

    Learning how to play defense are what coaches are for. Not washed up veterans that can't play in the NHL anymore. 

    Did you expect the players to say he sucked and we're better with him gone? 

    We win more games with RJ vs EJ.

    • Eyeroll 1
  6. 3 hours ago, SABRES 0311 said:

    All this over a three game win streak at the end of a season where the team WILL NOT make the playoffs. Almost sounds like you are saying the team lost so many games because of KO and EJ 😂. Could be because…

    -TNT and Tuch are a shell of what was expected.

    -Skinner is useless outside of the O-zone.

    -Power is softer than baby 💩 and is a third pair guy making first pair money.

    -Levi should never have put on a Sabres uniform this year.

    -Cozens got his face caved in being something he is and will never be then had zero confidence for a quarter of the season.

    We can keep going but KO and EJ’s departure and the current streak are coincidental. Maybe, just maybe, enough guys started to figure things out recently.

    -Levi is not in net (positive)

    -UPL is on fire.

    -Tuch actually has a pulse.

    -Power has been more disciplined and responsible.

    -Byram is our new second best DMan.

    I'm not disagreeing with you on most of your points, but this team is in a playoff spot if we don't sign EJ.

    • Disagree 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, Claude Balls said:

    Amerks are on a B2B tonight and tomorrow at 1:30. Levi prolly isn't going anywhere. And no, UPL should get a night off on the B2B. Give Commie a game. They'll burn out/risk injury if they play Ukka the rest of the games. He'll prolly get 2/3 games off from here on out.

    Commie does not put the Sabres jersey on again if I'm running the show. Levi went down to ROC when the season looked over. Throw the fans (and prospective STH's) a bone and show them they're serious about winning and bring Levi out west for a game.

    • Like (+1) 2
    • Agree 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, Mango said:

    She was "OK' for a long time. She can use an iPad, set the timers on her DVR, put a VHS in and set it to record Wheel of Fortune or Seinfeld or whatever when she left the house. Way back when she could set the pre-set numbers on her house phone. etc. I would never consider her tech savvy at any point but she kept up at a reasonable pace for a long time.

    I think it is easy to forget how quickly the world has progressed in the last 15 years. It has been remarkably quick. 

    Re: the socials. I agree with your overall point on the current tech trends and prioritizing what is important. But one thing I keep pinned in the back of my head is similar to the situation with your kids. At some point the kids consuming all the IG, TT, Discord, etc. will be the same people shaping what technology looks like tomorrow. My parents taught me until I taught them. I teach my kids until they start teaching me and part of that is learned through their "daily drivers" that they use. 

    Good point on the bolded. I didn't consider that.

    Concerning your grandmother... Did she figure out how to set the VHS and the presets in her phone, or did she need someone to show her. Again, my experience with many boomers is they can do exactly what they've been shown, but can't figure out what to do if something goes wrong. My MIL has not watched TV in her downstairs rec room for a long time because she somehow switched it to a different Input that the Fire Stick we set up for her and cannot figure it out for herself. For as long as I've known her, she's been "helpless" in this regard.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Mango said:


    I think there is this correlation to when people begin to age out of technology and what generation they think all people younger then them are. Totally anecdotal, but when my grandma complains about millennials she means gen Z. But she has been doing that since she created her 6th different facebook account because she forgot her password and didn't know how to reset it. 

    In all honesty stuff like what I posted is why I always download the new apps, social media's etc. I don't love tiktok, or discord, or twitch at all. I don't even like some of them. But I understand the world is advancing at a wild pace and I cannot afford to age out of it. It took my grandma something like 70 years for the world to pass her by. In 2024 it can happen in an instant. 

    In the case of your grandmother, was she ever really with the pace? I find most boomers like my parents, inlaws, friends parents, etc. found their niche in the world and don't venture very far out of it. It seems like a generational thing. Some of my Gen X friends are the same way but less commonly so.

    When it comes to TikTok, Instagram, etc, I have very little interest compared to my teenagers. However, when it comes to doing real things using technology, they seem lost. They just discovered AI when I've been using it for about a year. They aren't able to do simple things like make decisions as to what reputable websites and search results are. Programming? Forget about it. 

    Long story short, I don't feel like keeping up with the latest social media trends is necessarily going to lead to falling behind with technology. The main thing is to keep up with the real world stuff... Which as far as I can tell will be developments with AI (did I just use AI and real world in the same sentence?!??😶)  

  10. 2 hours ago, SwampD said:

    Dude. Sorry to hear this.

    There is a huge shake up where I work. Lots of layoffs (some deserved, but still sucks).

    I’’m safe, but lucky me, it’s all happening at the same time that my brain decided to be a dick and try to kill me again. You just can’t imagine how hard it is to pretend to give a ***** about the extra workload and new schedules, while trying to figure a treatment plan and surgery schedule. Like it or not, soon I’m going to be out 4 to 6 weeks, and I won’t be thinking about you. The upside is I told my buddy that I’ll be showing up at his house with a zipper on my head right around the time the lakers start to head into the lower Niagara.

    Best wishes on the surgery and the lakers!

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 1 minute ago, kas23 said:

    And some of these players want to be competing for spots on the big club next year. Levi is playing his part. The rest (ie Rosen, Kulich) better wake the F up.

    I don't watch the games, but I do check box scores. WTH happened to Kulich? This is not an NHL scoring pace!

  12. 29 minutes ago, Shoot da Puck said:

    Yeah, and it's Trono, not Toronto 

    This one is still legit. My perception is that the egotistical "we're the center of the universe" Torontonians say "Tor-On-Toe". where they overemphasize every syllable. The rest of Canada says Tronno or Toronno.

    In fact, I find all the hipster Torontonians like to over-pronounce all their syllables in every word, whether it being talking about their city, or anything else they want to tell you they're now superior for. Its to prove how educated they are. All the people I knew growing up in St Catharines that moved on to Toronto seemed to start talking like that. I call it the Toronto accent (or in my Niagara vernacular "Toronno accent").

    • Agree 1
  13. On 3/9/2024 at 8:34 PM, Sabres Fan in NS said:

    I still to receive an answer to my question.


    On 3/9/2024 at 2:29 PM, Sabres Fan in NS said:

    Who ??

    Is this you're question?It's not very specific.

    I think most of us are assuming to you know La Nova is a Buffalo pizza place, or at least looked it up. It's right in the title.

    If your question is something else, then I'm at a loss. 

  14. 8 hours ago, inkman said:

    Bryson is fine. The problem of including him in the top 6 is that the entire defense core doesn’t touch anyone.  Byrum might but Power, Joker, Ryan Johnson don’t at all. Dahlin will but he’s not exactly Scott Stevens when it comes to physical play.  So we have an entire defense that won’t touch anyone.  Maybe that work? 🙄 Are there Stanley Cup winners we can point to that built their D this way?  

    Forgot Clifton.  He hits and scraps but he’s 5’11”.  Not exactly an intimidating presence. 

    I'm too lazy to look or think too hard about it, but who are these guys on Colorado? Florida? Vancouver? 

    I think Samuelson is supposed to be that guy on our team, though he does punch way below his weight class. Dahlin's that guy too. I don't know enough about Byram. Power "should" be that guy but never will be.

  15. 5 hours ago, pi2000 said:

    Bryson is not in the top 8... on a playoff team he's not even top 10. 

    He's easily knocked off pucks isn't physical enough to clear the net front, win battles etc. etc...  If he's not offsetting that by generating offense then he's a net liability.  

    Teams target him, they dump pucks in his corner for easy retrievals, setup 1 on 1's at the net front, and take his lunch money.     He'd be fun to play against... you can dominate him physically and don't need to worry about defending him.

    Simply put, he's not an NHL caliber defenseman.  


    All year he's generated more scoring chances than he's given up. He's on my team.

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