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Posts posted by Derrico

  1. 5 hours ago, PerreaultForever said:

    If it's Minnesota, as the many rumours suspect, what salary do we take on? Dumba? Is their D good enough without him to just dump his salary? I'm thinking no. After the buyouts not sure who they'd want to shed . 

    Unless it's spectacular in return, if we trade away the 1st to either Seattle or Anaheim I'm done.  And if it is Seattle I'm definitely a Kraken fan.

    I sure hope we look different. If next to nothing happens it'll be a mess. 

    So you will be angry if they try and make the team better and angry if they dont?  Got it.

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  2. 23 minutes ago, WildCard said:

    Well known as in his account is well known among hockey fans, not that we literally don't know who he is. On WGR he stated he wants to remain anonymous since he has worked in multiple NHL organizations before, and his sources feel more comfortable sharing information with him because he's anonymous.

    He posts a ton of stuff. If he's right he gets the credibility, nameless/faceless account or not.

    If he's right.  Out of curiosity what has he nailed before?

  3. 5 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    First: no that would not be all. 

    Second: Rossi was passed on but the front office has changed. Also valuing 1 player over another has no value here. Tervor Zegras was passed on by Buffalo as well in 2019. 

    Third: What injury concern? 

    Fourth: This is not a terrible draft, if this draft had McDavid or Eichel or Dahlin or Byfield at the top and NO other changes, it would be consider very average in terms of depth and talent. 

    I'm glad to hear the draft is deeper then I had read about.  I trust your scouting info so ok.  But the heart inflammation due to Covid has to be a concern doesn't it?  Is there proof out there that he's training and playing at a professional level?  There are still many unknowns with Covid and what it can do.  If I'm trading my franchise player I need to get back more then a hope and a prayer. 

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  4. 8 hours ago, SDS said:

    Does it matter?


    8 hours ago, Hank said:

    Is derrico back to run the league this year?

    Here I thought I was important 😞


    I am feeling better then I was last year and would be open to running again.  Having said that, it may be a bigger hassle then it’s worth transferring it back?  Feel free to continue running SDS if you are up for it.  

    Also, thanks for asking Hank.  I really appreciate that. 

  5. 36 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    I firmly believe they will protect Ristolainen and expect to lose Borgen. 


    45 minutes ago, LGR4GM said:

    I didn't vote because the obvious answer isn't there. The market has been set, it's a 2nd round pick and a prospect.

    LA Kings make sense. Brock Faber and the 49th pick

    Is Borgen and Risto worth Faber, 49 and Miller or Girgs?

  6. 2 hours ago, Brawndo said:

    Krill has put Guerin into a bit of a spot and Karmanos/Ventura would know His Strengths or more importantly His Weaknesses in a negotiation. 

    Every time I see Brawndo posts in this thread my heart skips a beat.  

    Cup has now been awarded.  If a deal 95% close to complete, and they were pretty much waiting so as not to steal attention from the finals, how long until it gets completed?  This weekend?

  7. 1 hour ago, woods-racer said:


    It's passing the sniff test that it may be one of the better run Sabres teams we have seen since the *old days* of Darcy and company. A good person brings in a good person, who reaches out to another good person. The timing on this hire is very significant also.

    I've drank that kool-aid before.  I'm not getting too excited until I see real improvement under this management.  

    People were saying the same things when Nightingale was hired in....gulp.....2013.  Since then it appears we haven't given two shits about analytics.  I'll believe it when I see it......  

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  8. 2 hours ago, dudacek said:

    No. He’s strictly assistant scouting director now, although I imagine that includes analytics.
    This guy is now our chief analytics guru.

    Good.  I don't know if Nightingale is just ***** at his job or Sabres GM's of the day didn't listen to his advise.  Either way I am more then fine with bringing in a new analytics guru.  

    Sabres were simply not getting results under Nightingale.  It was beyond time for a change there. 

  9. 2 hours ago, PASabreFan said:

    There's not a lot of information that jumps out at you. You expect to see Mayo Clinic, healthline, webMD etc. when you google search.

    I'm sorry your situation was so terrible.  But thanks for being so honest about it. It's a good reminder that one's vague symptom isn't always (or ever) the condition that comes up when you do some research online.

    If you’re looking for any reading material: Toxic by Dr. Neil Nathan is a fantastic read. 

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