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Posts posted by Derrico

  1. He may have been one of the best players in the exhibition games that we all saw but I think it's crazy after 4 or 5 preseason games to think he is one of the best players on the team at this point. There was one centre spot open and they're giving the second overall pick the first crack at it with a 9 game audition. He got screwed over by the way Darcy handled him but I have no problem putting him in Roch for a few months.

  2. I'm mildly surprised by the Grigo news as he has looked miles better than I thought he would in the games I did catch. As someone else pointed out though, I haven't seen any practices and therefore trust TN decision. Let's hope some big minutes in Rochester will lead to some big points and he will be back up at some point in the season.


    I'm shocked Zad is still up here. I'm guessing if McCabe goes down then he has a real good look at a spot.



    If that's for 23-oz (750 ml in your Canadian numbers), that's super cheap for the bottle. It's still cheap for 12s. I don't know if that link will work, but it looks like a 23oz will run $12.50 here. It'd have to be *really* good to be nearly twice as good as Ommegang stuff at $8.50 for 23oz.



    No that price is for a 355ml bottle so less than half the size of yours. Very surprised how it is more expensive or atleast comparable there.

  4. I know. It's the first (and hopefully last) year I will actually be cheering for Toronto wins. It is a strange season but atleast we have rooting interests in other games (Isles, Blues), our prospect watch and the trade deadline to hold us over. I can't wait for June so I can start rooting for wins again.

  5. So as any die hard Sabres fan would, I have taught my son to say Buffalo (ok he still says Buffff) but points to the symbol everytime. For the first time ever, he now knows to say booo anytime he sees a leaf symbol. Just happened before I left for work this morning as he said buh and pointed to a leaf bear my dad is trying to brainwash him with. F'n Fantastic! Should be a fun Leafs/Sabres game I take him to in Nov.

  6. Any restaurant that serves generic crap cola(anything other than Pepsi or Coke), can go f*** themselves. The meal could be great, and you will never see me again. Seriously, how much are you saving by doing this, when you are already making a killing by charging anywhere from $2-$3 for a glass of pop that is costing them pennies.




    I feel this way about generic ketchup. Particularly at breakfast spots. I even see several which put that generic crap in Heinz bottles as if we're not suppose to taste the difference.

  7. Sorry ink. During my wife's pregnancy I felt like it was someone I didn't even know either. The hormons and post partum depression is a real and serious thing. After about 8 months when our little guy started sleeping through the nights and her hormons we're back under control things got so much better. I'm not in your shoes but if you can stick it out atleast another six months and reevaluate then I would strongly recommend.

  8. Are you saying LA wouldn't be a better team with Crosby?


    This could be a once in 25 year draft with the two guys at the top. We came in dead last in the previous season and it wasn't even really close. Somehow because LA won a couple of cups without a Superstar (although I think Kopitar is) then we shouldn't be disappointed if we end up 5th or 6th last then last?

  9. Is it good Matt? Haven't had a chance to pick up a case but plan to for the weekend. I guess I could have driven the 2.5 hours across the boarder for it. But then if I want to buy anything to bring back I have to stay there for atleast 48 hours. This makes it much more convenient to try. Although I'm sure it will probably be priced about double what it is down there....

  10. Weave - I agree with you that we have a lot in our system, especially on D which is huge. That's something that's been killing Edmonton for a few years now. But after having 7 mediocre to crap years and especially 3+ years of 'suffering' then I want more then one season of something more than middling picks. The future is so bright already that think what one superstar could do to it. I don't want some improvements in some areas and a 10th place finish when McEichle (coupled with our deep prospect pool) can potentially make us perennial contenders. Do you think Boston or LA doesn't have room for a Crosby on their team? Think how good they would be with someone like that (especially on a rookie contract).

  11. I want to go back to cheering for playoffs and wins as well but I agree with those that think it will be a failure if we end up with two middling 1st and one late round 1st after this year. Many of the pieces are in place but who do we have that is dynamic? A guy a team has to game plan around? It's because we have all of the other things in place that I want one more huge tank. Imagine how much better guys like Reinhart and Grigo will be if they can play second/third line centre minutes rather than needing them on the top line. We already know how that worked out when we had to force Derek Roy into top line minutes. You can't find the Crosby's in free agency.

  12. @sabres26 - Isn't GMTM handling the young players exactly the opposite of Darcy. You are complaining that young guys are being sent down unjustly. With Darcy it was the opposite. He played Grigo before he was ready and was intend on burning a year of Zadorov's contract as well before TM stepped in. Not sure where the similarities are coming from.

  13. Thanks Chez. I know I won't get it on the lower channels up here but I have Centre Ice and they seem to show some (but not all) preseason games.


    @ Tank - I can't think of who else would not be here for the first 9 games but it seems strange having Girgs on the fourth line playing 8 minutes a night. Once Sam is likely sent down and Girgs moves up to the third line, him Foligno and Stewart will be a very fun line to watch.

  14. I would take that too but I'm not sure it's a slam dunk. Keep in mind Marshall is really banged up. He had something like 20 yards receiving in week 3 and if he didn't score that TD this week (I know if if's and buts) he would have ended up with very little this week. You have to compare who will get better quicker, the Eagles Oline or Marshall's ankle.


    Funny how things work out sometimes. In one of my leagues I am set to pick 2nd overall and I'm hoping McCoy falls to me. Just before the draft my internet craps out and restarts (what are the odds). So when I finally get back in the draft they auto drafted Charles (Peyton went first). I was so disappointed but after watching last nights game it could be a huge blessing in disguise. Funny how things work out sometimes.

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