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Posts posted by Curt

  1. 1 hour ago, Gatorman0519 said:

    JA peaked under Daboll. If we don’t find an elite coach that can reach him, I’m certain this is what we get from here out. He will have his moments but he’s no longer a top 10 qb. 

    Who are your top-10 QBs?  You put Geno Smith, Jared Goff, Kirk Cousins above Allen?

    If you want to say that he is in the 5-10 range, fine, but it’s tough to put him outside the top-10.

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  2. My take away as someone who watched a bunch of football this weekend but isn’t a Bills fan:

    Yeah, Bills offense stunk and Allen played poorly.  But if you watched other teams this weekend, a bunch of offenses looked discombobulated and much worse than expected this week.  I’d say it’s mostly a week one issue.  Hold the vitriol until after week 2 or 3.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, #freejame said:

    Buffnill making the same joke over and over is significantly less annoying than continuously being told the deal is done when it clearly isn’t nor has been. Maybe those posters should drop it first. 

    This thread’s life force has been sustained only by people coming in here to make jokes about “is it signed yet?”.

    It’s not like people are coming in here everyday to continuously insist that the contract is done.  It’s people coming in here every day to make jokes.

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  4. 2 hours ago, mjd1001 said:

    But is it? I mean enough for a 40% increase in salary?

    A forward with Thompsons quality....Thompson's value to this team is in terms of goal scoring. I went to NHL.com and looked at scoring per 60.  Last year Thompson was 10th in the league. Over the past 2 seasons he is 5th in the league. Goals per game played? He's 11th. And that is with him playing injured for a good part of the last quarter of the season.  If he is healthy and progresses even a tiny little bit, he can/should be in the top 10, if not top 5 in scoring in the league next year.

    D-men. Scoring isn't as important to a D-men as a forward, so I wasn't sure what metric to use so I just looked at Norris voting.  Dahlin finished 8th last year. The previous year he was out of the top 15.

    Now personally, I think Dahlin is more important overall to the team than Thompson, but I think it is close.  But as a forward/center/goal scorer Thompson right now probably ranks in the top 10 in the league (or very close to it) and an argument can be made Dahlin is in the same area when you rank D-men.  AND the Top forwards in the league make more than the top D-men do.

    This just doesn’t matter.

    Thompson signed his contract after one good season.  Last season is irrelevant to his contract.  It was already signed.  It’s cool that it looks like his contract will be a bargain, but it does mot make a difference in relation to other players’ contracts.

    Is it reasonable to say that because Thompson is out performing his deal, Dahlin’s contract should be lower than market value?  I don’t think it is.

    Thompson’s contract is great value for the team.  That doesn’t change what is fair market value for Dahlin.

  5. 5 hours ago, xzy89c1 said:

    it was a fitness issue. He came back in October 2022. he could not hit but certainly could work hard on fitness for at least a month before that. By the end of the season he certainly should have been in good shape. I think Granato mentioned lack of fitness as issue. That is a big deal for him to criticize a player like that.

    I missed Granato critizing his physical fitness.  Do you happen to know where I could see/read this?

    Greenway’s shoulder was an issue for the whole season.  He had surgery last offseason and returned in October, but immediately re-agrivated it.  It was never right last season.

  6. 1 hour ago, JoeSchmoe said:

    Was his fitness not one of the knocks on him last year? Now you've got me 2nd guessing.

    In any case, a player of his ilk needs to play a more physical game with three potential top-6's in Savoie, Kulich, and Benson knocking on the door of being NHL ready.

    Fitness (as in an inability to be be in proper shape) wasn’t an issue.  His issue was that he was recovering from a shoulder injury.

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  7. 54 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    You are not listening to my responses! What I'm not saying is revisionist at all. I agree that his stance has been iron-clad consistent. That's my criticism of it. It doesn't acknowledge the positive changes that have occurred under KA. What he has done is place the failures of this GM's predecessors onto him. Of course, we are all disappointed that the Sabres barely missed out on the playoffs last season. But that doesn't mean the season was an abject failure. The team earned 16 more points from the prior season, and accomplished that with a youthful roster. You don't have to wear rosy colored classes to consider that a major step forward. 

    There is no question that more has to be done to get to a more meaningful echelon in the league. But you don't automatically move up the ranks. You do it in steps and stages. And that's exactly what is happening with this franchise. I know where the dour poster is coming from. His position is I will accept good results when they have already happened. It's like going to the track and going to the betting window to place a bet on a horse that just won. And then make the claim that I astutely predicted the winner. That's not how sports and life work. 

    You are very tough to have a conversation with when you get on about something.

    You just kind of spout the same response regardless of what someone actually says to you.

  8. 10 hours ago, JohnC said:

    The discord is that the organization made a calculated decision to play young players rather than bring in veterans who would take playing time away from them. That was an organizational decision. Playing younger players at the expense of playing more experienced players was part of their developmental strategy. That was the right approach at that particular time. Now, the Sabres are in a different situation. The focus is now about winning over player development. 

    The argument that the GM should have brought in some experienced players at the end of the season doesn't resonate with me. For one, being in a playoff race did benefit the young players. And it should be noted that in the last third of the season when the Sabres were making a serious playoff push the team was playing extremely well against quality teams who were also in a playoff race. Why alter the mix when it is working well? 

    You are not really listening to what I’m saying.  I’m not debating with you about what is the correct approach for the Sabres.

    I’m only saying that by characterizing Perrault’s stance as revisionist, you are very wrong.

  9. This isn’t a purely political thought, but it does touch on many political areas.  I am wondering if anyone here has opinions on the post modern ideas/influences that have taken hold in a lot of areas of life in recent years?

    I’ve recently become interested in exploring these ideas from a philosophical and practical standpoint.  It’s been incredibly interesting for me personally, and it’s really connected some dots in my mind.

    Just curious if anyone else is interested in discussing such things.

  10. 41 minutes ago, Doohickie said:

    ...and that's what Kevyn has done over the summer in Erik Johnson and Connor Clifton.

    Well, honestly not sure if Johnson is good at this point, but yes, and Perrault was happy about the Clifton addition.

    Still, kind of pales in comparison to what NJ has done.  They have brought in Dougie Hamilton, John Marino, Palat, Toffoli, and Meier over the past couple years.  I think Perreault would like to see moves like that.

    54 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    I'm not being unfair. He acts as if the GM has sat on his hands over the past few years. That's not close to what has actually happened. This team has to a large extent been reconstructed over the past three years. He wants instant magic. It doesn't work that way. 

    Me complaint was with you saying that his criticisms were post mortem.  Only complaining that Sabres should have done more after the season was finished and they missed the playoffs.  It’s not true.  He has been calling for the Sabres too bring in more good veterans for quite a while.

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  11. 20 minutes ago, JohnC said:

    You're like a gambler who wants to place a bet after the contest has been played. In that way you can claim that you were right. That's not how it works. 

    You stated that Jersey is way ahead of us in their team rebuild. I strenuously disagree. I believe they are a year or at most two years ahead of us in team development. In many ways their model is the same model we are following i.e. mostly relying on drafting and developing. This is a strong argument to stay the course. And that's exactly what we are doing. 

    I think that you are being unfair.  @PerreaultForever  simply wants the Sabres to bring in a couple of good, proven veterans that can play significant roles.  He feels that would go a long way towards getting the team into the playoffs.  He has long been consistent in this view.

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  12. 5 minutes ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Did you read the ticket sales guy's quote? They're apparently going to define local fans by zip code. I didn't see anything there about including postal codes. So, in that event, your man in Thorold who has a vintage French Connection lunch box on a shelf in his man cave can't get a first crack at tickets, but some blomo from Pembroke can?

    Sounds like they will likely use zip code as a factor, but it doesn’t specify which zip codes, or if there will be any other criteria.  Article also says plans are not finalized.

    I think you can hold off on the outrage until the full details are released.

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  13. 4 hours ago, That Aud Smell said:

    Ticket buyers from non-local zip codes are going to the “back of the line” for Sabres ticket sales.

    Per TBN, linked below.

    The article twice mentions how aggravated some Sabres players were with the Leafs having a super majority of the fans in the building last year when the Leafs visited and ran out to a 4-0 lead.

    This sort of policy strikes me as pathetic. Become a better hockey team and the ticketing will take care of itself.

    Also, they can’t control what STH will do with secondary markets.


    Yes, of course if the STH base was larger, and the team was better, that would help the crowd dynamics.

    But regardless of how many STHers there are, I think this is a good general policy because I think it’s preferable to give local fans first chance at tickets.  

  14. 50 minutes ago, GASabresIUFAN said:

    Guys, 55-60 pt players with arbitration rights arent taking $5 mill for 3-4 years.  Mitts is also very close to Dahlin and Cozens, two key pieces of KA's rebuild.  If he has another solid season, KA to going to keep him and pay him.  Remember that KA wants to keep the guys who want to be here and Mitts is part of the that group.

    Don't forget that KA is paying his forwards $100K per point when they break out.  Tage signed for 7.15 after his 38g 38 pt season and Cozens signed his extension in February at 7.1 during his 31g 68 pt campaign last year.  

    As I illustrated in the op, we have the money to get Casey locked up if KA is so inclined.  

    Yeah, if Mitts has another season that closely mirrors this past one, he is probably looking at something in the range of 6x6.

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  15. On 8/12/2023 at 4:23 PM, PerreaultForever said:

    This is the kind of internet comment that needs detailed elaboration though. What does "worst" mean? Worst off the ice? Worst on the ice ? Worst to journalists? Worst is a really broad and open ended term that can mean a lot of things. The "covering crime" part makes this seem a little attention grabbing and probably a little full of bs too. What exactly is the implication?

    I’d guess he means that the locker room was filled with a bunch of ass hats.

  16. 6 hours ago, Scottysabres said:

    Well, we the public aren't privy to the details of what these alleged non human biologicals are doing. More info is needed.

    I appreciate the skepticism, it's common sense, and frankly correct to want hard evidence. What we do know is the following, David Grusch did not come forward as his own decision, ICIG (Intellegence Community Inspector General), in meetings with top lvl ICIG staff, agreed the AARO office was not to be trusted as it was appointed by those names at the top of the alleged retrieval program. The ICIG recommended Grusch go to the Congressional Intellegence Committees with his findings. And mind you, Grusch wasn't going to report "Hey, aliens are real". He was going because, confirmed by the ICIG, his investigation found illegal activities in the program. In other words, he did his job.

    People lose sight of the details when the larger picture obscures the origins of the situation, whether it's intentional or unintentional.

    We have factual video evidence, now released to the public from military personnel of craft maneuvers our alleged current known capabilities cannot remotely acheive. We have testimony of 100's of citizens, maybe 1000's, over the decades giving statements to what they perceived they witnessed. And now, an official ICIG investigation that has allegedly brought forth illegal activity on this subject matter while reportedly, through direct testimony, confirming the validity of non human entities and technologies both in our possession as well as in our midst via air space or other. There is no turning back on this, David Grusch's credentials were confirmed by the Pentagon, and while the AARO claims it knew none and had found no evidence of Grusch's claims, one thing stands above, and that is that Grusch and other witnesses testified "under oath", they have subjected themselves to criminal charges if they are lying, yet the AARO, Pentagon, as a matter of fact, every govt agency, has not once called the testimony false. Because they all know that would lead to further criminality if it's proven the testimony is true is just the plain facts.

    I am naturally pretty skeptical.

    I tend to not believe outrageous claims made without any evidence.  Especially when the person making them has been hospitalized a couple times for psychiatric reasons.

    It seems to me pretty unlikely that such a conspiracy could be kept for so long.  The general story is that alien space craft and deceased crew was recovered in 1933 by the Italian government then eventually fell into the hands of the US government who have been studying it since, no?

    But anyway the point I was making was just that people are not going to care.  Not enough to pour through hours of information from different sources in an attempt to assemble the various pieces of circumstantial evidence into a coherent picture.  People have a lot more pressing and relevant things going on in their day to day lives.

    I get how this is super interesting to some people but you really shouldn’t be surprised if people, in general, continue to not care.

    On 8/11/2023 at 1:10 AM, Scottysabres said:

    It appears the largest event in human history is unfolding, the confirmation that not only that UAP/UFO's exist, non human biologicals came with some of the craft recovered, but also that our government may have murdered US Citizens in an effort to hide the program and the private corporations involved, and the most disturbing fact, our citizens barely bat an eyelash about any of this.

    If any of this was actually confirmed then this statement would be correct.  Until something is confirmed and proof is provided, people will continue to mostly ignore it.

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  17. 12 hours ago, Scottysabres said:

    The earth was flat, until it wasn't?

    You can brush off only so much, before repeated mounting evidence (testimony of aviators on effects on their equipment, video imagery) of the subject becomes to much to ignore.

    Most people will just ignore or not care about something until it has some kind of impact on their life.

    Along those lines:  If there are aliens that have technology far surpassing our own, but they don’t wish to interfere in our affairs and just come to occasionally observe us, what would we even do about it?  In what ways would it change my life?

  18. 52 minutes ago, ddaryl said:

    Capitialism will be a major downfall for humanity eventually, what rises from the ashes we can only hope will represent what humans can truly be going forward.

    It’s the best economic model that humans have come up with so far.

    53 minutes ago, ddaryl said:

    today's humans are in it for themsleves, which is the end results of our monetary systems. We are all still cavemen in the big picture. Hoarding anything and everything that makes our lives better for our ourself, we need to get past this mentality and that will take a horrific event to change the mindset. 

    I don’t think this is a result of an economic system.  I think it’s the result of human nature as shaped by evolution.

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  19. 19 hours ago, LGR4GM said:

    Rookie Dahlin was better than Rookie Power.

    Also Dahlin is a better skater and possesses puck skills Power has only shown flashes of. I can't agree with what you say here. 

    It's fun that we have 2 #1 defenders though

    I agree that rookie Dahlin was better.  Year 2-3 Dahlin was not really.

    My comments were more geared towards what they can each be at peak.

    The skating, I think is pretty close.  If Dahlin is better, I don’t think it’s significantly so.  I could easily see Power improve this over the next 2-3 years to where he is better than Dahlin when at the same age.

    I agree that Dahlin has better puck handling skills.  I think Power is comparable in this but isn’t as inclined to go for the flashy, dynamic play.

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