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Everything posted by sodbuster

  1. I don't think we have a chance. These guys are so stacked that the All Star MVP is stuck in the AHL.
  2. And the best part is that he actually played well enough to deserve the award.
  3. We should hire Amy Grant to tell DDB when to challenge.
  4. Man. This is way cooler than the old format.
  5. Meanwhile, NHL shop online is sold out of Scott ASG shirtzees.
  6. He has been pretty productive lined up with pretty much any forward. And, in turn they've all had their production boosted playing on his wings. Except Matty Mou. He's helpless.
  7. So 15 and 28 are vibing pretty good.
  8. There's no way that gets overturned.
  9. Just don't suck today, OK guys?
  10. I knew wearing my Latvian Locomotive shirt tonight was a good choice.
  11. Man, its like I'm watching last year's team.
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