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Posts posted by Radar

  1. Shootouts are a bad omen in hockey. You can be a success as a shooter in a shootout and not be a very good overall hockey player. Remember Kotalik? You can be a better goalie in a game situation than in a shootout it would seem. Let's win , lose or tie with whole teams playing something resembling hockey. I don't like shootouts, don't like the three point play in basketball and I don't like the designated hitter in baseball. Those changes in our sports created more jobs for players but for me take away from the games themselves.JMO.

  2. For sure - that was a general trend of the coordinators on offense i've seen since, well, I started watching the Bills I guess :P 

    Loads of drives throughout the years where everyone in here says "...they just ran down their throats, why go wildcat and throw the ball for two straight 3&outs?"


    Yeah. I cooled off on Rex a bit this season, but I'm ready to try something else. Continuity is important, but there's nothing to suggest that this iteration would ever get stuff done.



    What are the chances we can get Romo, and that he can still play?

    Romo I doubt would come and I think physically he is shot.

  3. The sad part is - the Bills will finish at or just above .500;  left out of the playoffs for another record setting season of fail, and yet the Ryan show will continue -  they're not BAD enough to force a change.    Total yards defense ranking is 13th currently -  and passing defense is ranked 8th.  


    If the team were, say,  4-8 now instead of 6-6,  there would likely be pressure for change.    I wager the only big change - the Bills will hunt around for another "undiscovered" journeyman ham and egger backup QB to replace the current garbage,  as they did with Fitzpatrick, Brohm, and most recently Tyrod Taylor.   Then Brandon will market him as the next big thing!  "What a find!  How could <insert team name> have just left him sitting on the sideline?"    lol.


    This. Sad but fans will buy it.
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