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Everything posted by eman

  1. Same here. I really used to look forward to going to games (and that was a long time ago) Now they're an embarrassment and more fans have to vote with their wallets. Not fearing that the team may move if we don't support them. If they continue this #### why would I want to spend hard earned money on them and why would I care if they did move? May as well give my cash to a charity.
  2. True enough (and I am sort of expecting this to happen) Everyone here is basing the upside to the fact we actually get Dahlin. What if we don't? Who do we take then and how much more does this set back another rebuild?
  3. Some would argue they became All Stars under coach Quenneville's coaching! He won Cups with Anti ######## Niemi as a starter and Corey Crawford (over rated in my opinion) I'll still take him over Phil or Dan or Ron. Quenneville sits in press boxes. Didn't see that with Phil (especially when it came to Kyle, ROR, Reinhart Kane etc. He sat some of our lesser players but not nearly enough, and there were many nights this season that this club went out on the ice and went through the motions. You don't tolerate that as a coach without repercussions and we saw it several times this year. What's strange about Reinhart is that he started to show something when Jack was out of the lineup, but regressed once Jack was back. Not sure why that is. Jack is Jack and is the sole true talent on this club and he's being wasted so far which is the real shame in all of this. I can't imagine how terrific Jack would be under a decent coach! So we're in agreement then that Phil isn't that guy?
  4. the sad part being, we have yet to see an improvement on those Sabre clubs of which you speak. That is what is truly disheartening.
  5. :w00t: :worthy: Absolutely, it is why those "successful" Sabre clubs got anywhere. He allowed them to over achieve. He was the best I have ever seen in a Sabres uniform or as a goaltender period.
  6. I enjoyed the Ted Nolan coached team (the year he won Coach of the Year and Hasek won MVP) They were short on talent (Hasek aside) but they played hard and were entertaining. (and tough) The 1999 team was terrific as well as the other Drury/Briere clubs. The past 7 seasons I have hated this team and on some of the nights, the complete lack of effort they display is disturbing. Can't really see this team even contending for a playoff spot for another 2, most likely 3 years. They are really going to have to turn over this roster.
  7. Exactly, and employ those that know how to do so!
  8. and this club won't be improving under his tutelage. Anyone who thinks so better not hold their breath.
  9. I would love if Joel entertained the idea of coaching this club "as a challenge" to see if he can turn around their fortunes. In fact I would be over the top happy if we could land Quenneville. His time has expired in Chicago (as it does with all coaches sooner or later)
  10. Here's hoping! Let's face it, this team is still going to suck next year. Rasmus Dahlin will not be the answer so early on in his career (should we be so lucky to even get him- I'm betting we lose out on him) This club is a good 2 to 3 years (most likely) away from contending for a playoff spot and with another brutal start next season, Phil will be toast before Christmas. Wouldn't bother me in the least if they cut him loose right after the end of this season. I had high hopes for him when he came in but I have seen nothing of this club as the season progressed to show me he deserves more of a chance.
  11. Quite frankly, with the current state of this team, I'd be more then happy if Jack just puck hogged all night. He seems like the only one who knows what to do with it. He was being a good guy to try to set up Nolan earlier on and it should have been a gimme for Jordan, but Jack could have roofed the puck as he was walking in on Andersen and I would have been more then satisfied with that!
  12. He has fit in really well in San Jose. I think they will sign him at seasons end. The Sharks are rolling now! I also bet Evander is one happy guy right now!
  13. and seriously, they really are a few years away. The Leafs looked tired after the halfway point of this one being the second game of their back to back nights. But you can see when they had their foot on the gas to start the game, the Sabres get exposed for their lack of speed. At least 2 seasons away before they get in sniffing distance of the playoffs.
  14. Girgensons can go after this season. Tired of watching a bigger guy do nothing of value. Stands in front of the net but doesn't really screen the goaltender, kind of stands to the side. This team has a long long way to go before it sees any playoff action. Another 2 seasons minimum. No finishers other then Jack and lots of perimeter shots tonight. They had some decent possession time but nothing dangerous. And Marleau seals the deal! Nice scrap by Beaulieu though. That is all. I hear you. Line up needs a serious overhaul.......again.
  15. I don' t expect Lehner back but I do hope they get the defensive issues somewhat sorted out before exposing Ullmark to what Chad and Robin see. Linus looked good in his start but you don't want to ruin his confidence so early on. The D is a mess. Lehners save % was actually quite decent the previous 2 seasons. There has been a dropoff this year but the defense looks like it may have contributed to that.
  16. I get the lack of scoring for sure. It has haunted us for seasons now ever since Drury and Briere left. I do not understand why the power play has crapped out? Are we entering the offensive zone the way we used to under Bylsma? Is Phil's entrance approach different? We have the same 5 guys that did produce on the PP under Bylsma looking completely lost under Phil. Why now? Risto can be productive from the point as can Scandella i believe but we don't see it under Phil's so called system. Doesn't it scare you in the least what has happened to Risto under Phil? At times he looks lost out there and he never used to. It is glaring this season the change in him. Our defense rarely takes the body and I believe the lack theerof hurts both out goaltenders (it certainly doesn't help them anyhow) As for putting Sabre bodies in front of the opposing goal, I am not seeing it with regularity as other teams do it. This could be based on our puck possession stats as well. If you don't have the puck in the opposing zone for long, it's hard to get a body in front of the net. Several of the games i have watched though we were not doing it enough when we could have (and should have) Reinhart goes there some of the time but doesn't seem strong enough to maintain good position. Botoom line is, I don't believe any of us thought this club could be this bad this season. Time will soon tell us if it is Phil, or the players or perhaps both. I'm guessing a bit of both.
  17. I agree, he has coughed some up, but again, he has 9 of our victories (out of 11) and has kept us in several games that could have easily been blow outs. Not sure what happened with Chad, he was actually very good here the first time around and I was sorry to see him go. His second go around has been awful. That may have more to do with our D being basically non existent. Why is our D non existent? Scandella was supposed to be a decent defender. Risto has totally regressed under Phil for some reason. I don't see any of our defenders taking the body with any regularity. Is that not on the coach? Bogo was not a bad defenseman when he left Winnipeg. McCabe showed promise until this season. Beaulieu and Gorges have basically not been very good at all. I can't help to think coaching has played a role in the set back this season. This club should not be this bad. 55 projected points bad????
  18. I don't. I absolutely believe they would be playing better under any of the above mentioned. Why the regression from Bylsma to Housley? I know they regressed a bit under DD's 2nd year (it got him canned as everyone had the expectations of being better) but the absolute cliff drop under Phil? scratch that, perhaps not under Tocchet!
  19. Let me ask you this then. Everyone is throwing out these stats on ROR & Okposo scoring pretty much at his regular pace now. Many posters here claim Jack is playing some of his best hockey as a Sabre. No one wants Reinhart to go as he is showing signs of coming around (I'm not saying this, others are) If all this is true, then why is this club dead last or damn close to it in goals scored? Why is our PP 25th? in the league? Where is our offence if all this is to be believed? This club is getting owned on a fairly regular basis so I am really not seeing what others are. Offense is, and remains a major issue with this club. If it wasn't for Kane, it would be way worse. So again, if our main 5 guys (Eichel, O'Reilly,Kane, Okposo and Reinhart) are scoring at somewhat of their usual pace, why are we where we are again?
  20. Not on the breakaway, he could dangle and I witnessed that myself several times in his short Sabres stay. Overall when you saw the talent he had, you wanted more from him I give you that. Most accurate response. I do not see the return others figure we will get for trading O'Reilly, Okposo (if he's done here) or any other Sabre outside of Kane. That goes for Reinhart as well. Other posts have shown that Rochester actually has a somewhat veteran AHL lineup and that the production down there hasn't really been from the youth corps. I haven't bothered to check any of this myself but I do believe we are in for several more years of this. As for hired mercenaries coming to Buffalo, I'll believe that when I see it also. Seriously, why would you want to come to this club?
  21. I vote for Julien! (we passed on him once and he should be available after this season with a Habs housecleaning) The Habs went south when Subban was dealt. The Preds won that deal hands down and PK kept the locker room light and fun. He is greatly missed and Bergevin screwed himself and most likely sealed his and Juliens fate. There will be detractors on Julien I know but I am more then willing to give him the chance here. I don't think he could do any worse. Price isn't the same since his injury and now his best buddy got dealt. weber is not the Weber of old as his body is breaking down. This is a depressed group. Bring me the head of Claude Julien please! Hey, where is Michel Therrien while we're asking?
  22. How do you figure their shot taking is similar to other teams? Other teams I watch have bodies screening the opposing goaltender (which at the NHL level you should have as any goaltender worth their salt should be able to stop most of what they are able to see) My point on Okposo exactly. He will score much more regularly with someone else, as will O'Reilly. It just won't happen here.
  23. I miss Miro. He could score on the breakaway! (and Afinogenov!)
  24. Well said! I agree that while Lehner has some glaring faults, if it wasn't for him, we'd have seen a ton of games like the Dallas one yesterday and then some posters would really acknowledge how brutal this club is under Phil. Lehner has kept us in games we had no business being in. I just hope this club makes serious progress before Ullmark gets here and has his confidence shattered. What has Phil done with the defensive scheme? Risto has totally regressed under Philly and that scares me.
  25. Most sane post I have seen in a recent while. Totally agree. I hear from other posters Phil scratches people from the lineup if not performing. Who does he scratch? I haven't noticed it. Weak coach, weak club, Time will tell that tale.
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