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Posts posted by MBHockey13

  1. And, at the end of next year he may well be gone. Money offered by Buffalo probably won't be an issue, but if he decides he wants to go play for the Seattle Grunge (recently moved from Miami) since they're the odds-on favorite for the cup finals.


    There's an O'Reilly thread now.

  2. This is where I am as well.  I get that it's a huge decision for him to make, but the "there's not a better job, there's a different job" quote still bugs me.  I don't want a HC who feels "meh" on my team; I want a guy who comes out of his meeting with GMTM and the Pegulas like this:




    Edit: huh -- not sure why that link won't embed.


    If he ended up taking the Sabres job it will be all forgotten. I'm not sure that he'll be driving around a Sabres truck or getting a Sabres tattoo, but I'm sure he'll be all-in.

  3. The NHL is a national stage. The World Cup of Hockey is an international stage. The Olympics is also an international stage, but it'll be interesting to see if NHL players return. Would also be interesting to see if other professional leagues get to send their players if NHL players don't go.

    I think the World Cup is NHL only. Also, in 2016, McDavid and Eichel will be on the "Young Stars" team together. Reinhart too, hopefully. Risto?

  4. World Cup of Hockey is returning. So many hockey tournaments that more and more guys are going to struggle due to injuries and exhaustion. Can't get to them all.


    I would prefer that NHL players only attend the World Cup of Hockey and the Olympics. No NHL players allowed at any junior tournaments (any player under the age requirement that has played absolutely zero NHL games is eligible).

    I'm not sure if there is any fan who doesn't want the NHL players at the Olympics, even with the World Cup. We might love the World Cup from a hockey sense, but only the diehards are going to care, even if the games are going to be on ESPN this time. The Olympics put some NHL players on a national stage. Everyone knew who T.J. Oshie was after that shootout against the Russians. Does that happen if the NHL players aren't in it? Does the U.S. have a chance if a bunch of college players and guys playing in Europe are going against the KHL All Star team? Plus lots of NHL guys are saying they'll go anyway. The NHL has to know better, right?

  5. Probably, but he should at least get to compete in camp. Marleau, Sharp, Kunitz and St. Louis are all guys that probably don't make it to 2018. McDavid likely plays and other new blood, but Ennis has time to prove himself in the NHL, too. Worlds will be the next show on where he stands with Canada.

    Who's more likely to make the 2018 Canada Olympic Roster - Ennis or Evander Kane? I'm hoping it's a legitimate question.

  6. It does, what Babcock did with all the injuries last year was impressive. But they've been churning out 100+ point seasons at the same rate since 1991. One could also argue that their playoff success was greater before Babcock since 1991.

    1. The coach before him was Scotty Bowman, who has won more Cups than anyone and is arguably the greatest coach in the history of the National Hockey League.


    2. I think the Red Wings teams before he got there were more talented. If you look at those older Wings teams, I think like half the roster is in the Hall of Fame.


    I'm not saying you can't make a comparison, but that is an incredibly high bar. Plus, it demonstrates to me when Babcock is given a talented roster, he can get the most out of it.

  7. I'm assuming Sick is one, but who is the other?


    MB's got an odd dynamic going. He joined and lurked for a bit, got active about the time McEichel was locked up (talk about bandwagon), and now half his posts are complaints about other posters. He's become ignore worthy rather quickly.

    I just get bored of the same people always taking the negative and opposite opinion all the time. I'm excited for the Sabres and their future and I love our owner and our GM. I like to be positive, believe it or not. It's just some people are predictable.

  8. To me, it just sounds likes he's made a decision. Nothing else. Who knows what that decision is, but he's prepared to live with it and get on with his life. He's making no indication one way or another. And, I'm glad because I think everyone on this board is ready to move on from this.


    When he says he's "excited as anyone to have that opportunity come to a close...", he's talking about having the ability as a free agent to sniff around for other opportunities. He's had his chance, but now it's over.


    If I'm GMTM, I'm on the phone with Blashill's agent with a $3 million per year offer. F Detroit.

    I'm with you. I think Babcock comes to Buffalo, but if he stays in Detroit, then they have to let Blashill go. They might ask for a 4th or a 5th, but who cares? They can't keep him with Babcock being locked up for the future. He obviously can develop young players.

  9. I tell everyone down here who orders it with Ranch they are dead to me.  Wings go with Blue Ch.  It is  known. 


    I get visibly upset when I hear that in North Carolina.


    I have had to actually request blue cheese and have them bring me ranch anyway.


    I hate the food in the South.

  10. Wait a gotdamm minute. I can take an outlier decrying blue cheese as the perfect companion to wings, but three people? You guys are out of line. Way out of line.


    Blue cheese is a wonderful, delightful complement to the wing. Maybe not everyone wants it or enjoys it or whatever, and that's fine. That leaves more for me.


    In any case: Having blue cheese with your wings is a definitively Buffalo thing to do. I won't debate that point.




    And you ask the server to give you a plain hard roll with your roast beef sandwich. And you skip the horseradish.



    The combination of a large pizza, double order of wings, extra blue cheese containers, and a pitcher of Blue/Canadian is about as close to heaven as I can get.


    I prefer to spread some of the blue onto the surface of my slice.


    Ugh. I want to be at Bob & John's with pizza/wings/fries/BC and a pitcher of Blue/Canadian and have them bring over a beef on weck with horseradish from the Pub right now. Damn you!


    Frankly, I was worried I'd be banned for taking a stand against blue cheese. I stand by my statement: the only reason to put blue cheese on wings is if you don't like how wings taste alone. I can't fathom why someone wouldn't like wings alone though. Many years ago I worked with a guy that went to college in Buffalo and he was giving me ###### about not eating BC on wings. I had to pull the "I've been eating wings since I was 5 years old" line on him. :)


    Also, I don't put horseradish on beef for the same reason. The beef and roll are so damn good on their own, why would I add something that completely overwhelms that?



    Celery is for wiping up the bits of sauce in the bottom of the basket. Can't let it go to waste.


    You are NOT from Buffalo. No horseradish? And you use the celery for the WING SAUCE? Gross!



  11. The top 2 draft picks where easy. McDavid and Eichel where a can't lose pick'm.


    The coaching hierarchy  is more difficult to decipher for me.


    It seems obvious that Babcock is the coaching version of Conner McDavid, highly wanted and a few teams may be prepared to go to extremes to get what they want.


    But a clear cut, head and shoulders above the rest No.2 (the Jack Eichel) where teams are going all out to acquire his services after Babcock is taken is not as apparent.


    Maybe Blysma is Eichel, but I don't see it. He seems more like a Reinhart. A nice pick up in a normal draft year.


    I'm afraid Blysma would be Dick Jauron. He was coach of the year in the NFL in 2001. We all know how he worked out for the Bills.


    But he's going to the Devils. It's going to happen. So this whole thread is moot.

  12. Pizza and wings.  Fries are for chicken fingers and burgers.


    You're crazy. I actually sauce the wings AND the fries and dip the whole sloppy mess in blue cheese.


    But I'll dip the pizza in blue cheese, too. I'm from Buffalo.

  13. I still scored a ton of goals with him. Only goes to show how unrealistic that game was :-)


    I used to score a ton of goals on my buddy in NHL '94 with Colin Patterson just to tick him off.


    When I was working at Stereo Advantage back in the day Petr Svoboda came in once and I told him I liked him in NHL '94 because he was the fastest skater on the Sabres in the game.

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