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Posts posted by MBHockey13

  1. I get to the Gate every time I go home and they're still great.


    My ranking:


    1. Duff's (though I prefer the new Duff's in Orchard Park because they sell Coke products and have cute girls)

    2. Gabriel's Gate

    3. Bar Bill

    4. Shannon Pub on Niagara Falls Blvd. All the food is great but I was shocked at their wings.

    5. Amherst Ale House

  2. If we get Babcock, does it 100% guarantee we'll win a Stanley Cup? No, nothing does.


    Could there be an untested coach who could do a better job? It's possible.


    However, in a very short list of available coaches who have had long term successes at a high level with multiple teams, there is no one who can approach Babcock, and that makes him easily the best chance you have to start winning sooner than later.


    Plus, I'm sure GMTM has an idea of the type of hockey he wants the Sabres to play and has been working to build that team. You know he's going to hire a coach who shares the same philosophy. It seems to be Babcock is the perfect coach to coach that team.

  3. Marino was the best passer I've ever seen, but Montana was the best QB.

    I don't think it would have mattered who was the Fins running back because Marino would abandon the run by the middle of the second quarter. That was always one reason I thought Kelly was a better QB - he called his own plays and would call more run plays than pass plays if that is what it took to win. I know the Bills had Thurman but Kenny Davis or anyone else would get plays as well.

  4. This is one thing that bothers me in sports. I remember Jim Kelly had naysayers and detractors. Every year, this portion of the population hated him and frankly, thought he sucked. Even through the Super Bowl years. And maybe even into Canton. Some people get that mindset and there is nothing that can overturn it. Maybe there is too much pride for people to admit when they're wrong.


    I would rather take the opposite approach -- give someone the benefit of the doubt until they are verified hopeless. Not that my approach is right, but is a little more optimistic way to go through life.


    And I can admit when I am wrong -- I used my approach when Leino came to Buffalo. When I finally turned on him, I was very vocal and critical of his lack of performance. But at the end of the day, does the skeptic who hated from Leino from day one a better or smarter person?


    You can wake up every day and say it's going to rain and eventually you'll be right. I would rather wake up thinking it's going to be a beautiful sunny day today. As long as I don't live in a tropical rain forest, that's my perspective.


    Amen. That is me 100%. I think it's a happier way to live.

  5. Ennis had 20, Zemgus had 15 before being injured, Kane finally has a good center, and yes, I fully expect our prodigal child to score 20 goals his first season. It's really not that far out of the realm of possibility. Is scoring down? Yes, but it's peak is down, it's median is not.

    I don't think this is unreasonable.


    In a couple of years the Sabres couldbe the highest scoring team in the league. How much fun will that be?

  6. Dude, his ex got murdered. He is going to get questioned. If yours did, you would get questioned. It is what it is. Even if he 100% innocent, then he would have been questioned. Stop acting like getting questioned makes you guilty or its something that has never happened you as if you have control over it.


    I get your side that the bills should proceed with caution and not sign him. That's fine. I just don't get you judging favs who see it as he hasn't done anything wrong yet and was only questioned. Agree to disagree lol



    The police said he isn't a person of interest right now

    You might be the most reasonable person on this board.

  7. Yes, that's an important point. When I say that Kane or Girgs will help the new guys, I'm not saying that they themselves are finished products.


    I still see a lot of potential growth on this roster. I think my point was that having young guys isn't Edmonton's problem, it's that they have too many young guys of a similar skill set. So I'm not saying that Girgs or Deslauriers are mentoring the younger guys as such, but rather providing grit on a line with a rookie to help shelter the rookies.


    I like to think that a guy like Kane can learn from a Gionta, but I also see that maybe Kane and Foligno might help fill out each others' games. I'm thinking that Gionta, Gorges and Weber are pretty much settled into their games, Bogo and Ennis are just about there, but the rest of the roster will be growing and learning from each other.


    Oh yeah, and hopefully if he's still with the team in October, CoHo will also be learning and hopefully together enough to provide some level of leadership to younger players.

    I agree and I'm glad not everyone has given up on CoHo.

  8. One big bodied scorer. One seasoned leader. Ok, it fits more now with that perspective. I'm not sure how I missed that one.

    Yeah, that was the point I was trying to make. Good catch. Out of context it wouldn't make much sense.


    And guys like Gionta will hopefully help Kane as much as the young(er) guys.

  9. I wonder about this protecting young players thing.


    I don't think next year is about winning as much as development of young players and building a better team for the future. I am sure we'll win more games and if we can make a run to the playoffs that would be awesome. But I think helping the kids grow is most important.


    Maybe it depends on the player. Maybe someone like Reinhart and Grigo need time on the farm. Maybe someone like Eichel needs to be playing against the best night after night.


    I don't think you need to protect his psyche. I'm not sure if first line NHL centers are like rookie QBs who get slaughtered in their first few starts and never recover.


    If you were all about winning, you wouldn't want to have young guys make mistakes that can cost you games, but maybe next year you let guys make mistakes and coach them to not make them again.


    I just bet Eichel near the end of the year is heads about the Eichel that starts the year. I see him as a fast learner and a fast adapter who already has all the physical tools and skill for the NHL game.

  10. Ah, interesting. There's your reason. It'd be really cool if the two cities could schedule two separate tournaments and then the champion of each tournament plays a championship game in the NHL team's arenas... Alternate the championship game year by year.

    If all 30 (31/32 soon) teams could get involved it would be awesome.


    That would be sweet! I bet the NBC Sports Network or the NHL Network could find room on their channels for some of that!


    I've been enjoying watching the sled hockey from the Harbor Center. It's very photogenic and they weren't lying when they said it was designed for camera angles.


    EDIT: I found this that discusses it and brings up the TV thing.



  11. I wish they would figure out a way to air the Prospects Tournament. I'm not saying it will be on national TV, but if there was a reliable stream from the Red Wings or the league or whatever. I'd love to watch it but I'm not sure I can get to Michigan.

    I did enjoy attending the three-on-three Sabres prospects tournament in the Arena. It's definitely worth going to if you're in the area and can get out of work - or work anywhere there is internet like me. I'd love to see Eichel and Reinhart and the rest and see if they start developing chemistry with other future players.

  12. This would be interesting, but IMHO not terribly relevant.  We can't really expect ticket prices to fluctuate based on on-ice performance.  Among other factors, team costs don't fluctuate that way. 


    If we want to figure out just how rapacious these sinister billionaires really are, ticket prices and other revenues relative to operating costs would be the best info to have -- although good luck finding that out.


    According to the News, they give gift cards to help offset the price increases.


    And the Sabres do seem to spend a lot of money. I'm always amazed on what their jersey (sweater) costs must be every year. They crank out customized jerseys for special occasions like it's nobody's business.

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