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Posts posted by MBHockey13

  1. If memory serves, the Colts obviously tanked for Andrew Luck ("Suck for Luck"), and that was even worse because there was no lottery process--if they finished last, it was a guarantee they'd get Luck.  Yet, with the Colts now perennial playoff participants and projecting to be a Super Bowl favorite, I hear nothing about tanking.  Even at the time, there was very little discussion nationally of there being something wrong with what the Colts were doing. 


    In the NBA, the Spurs openly tanked to improve their chances of landing Tim Duncan.  They did get him and promptly won the title, followed by several more.  In the last ten years, have you ever once--just once--heard anyone complain about the Spurs tanking?  I have not. 


    As others have mentioned, the Penguins arguably tanked TWICE to get two generational players, Lemieux and Crosby.  Again, never heard anyone complain about this after the Pens won their last cup, or at any point since.


    Outside of baseball, where first round picks are devalued due to the unpredictability associated with player development, tanking has been a part of American sports for decades.  Nobody cares.  It only became an issue in Buffalo because of a fluky set of circumstances (two generational players in one draft, a draft system that guaranteed us one of them but only if we finished last, a historically terrible team that was surprisingly rivaled by other equally terrible teams, fans deciding to cheer against their team).  Even that will quickly be forgotten.


    Would you rather have finished second last and ended up with Dylan Strome?  I think not.  Enjoy Eichel.  Live a little.


    I agree with everything you said above. But PA is apparently a much beloved senior member of the board, and thus gets a free pass no matter what nonsense he posts.

  2. I'll grant that PA's pot stirring doesn't ring with truth this morning, but don't you ever tell him to walk away.  He was denouncing the Sabres brass while you were still in swaddling clothes.


    I just don't see a scenario where the guy will be happy. He doesn't like how they decided to turn their team around, and he feels the rest of the league will view a Sabres Cup win as tainted. Other than the Pegulas selling the team and the Sabres begging the NHL to punish them for their sins by taking away their first round picks, what other scenario would make it OK for the Sabres to succeed scandal-free?


    And I was playing ice hockey back in the day when you would go to Sabreland for a 6 AM practice for the Wheatfield Blades, and then wait around after to watch the Sabres practice themselves, and then hope guys like Lindy Ruff and Don Edwards and Danny Gare would talk to you after their practice and give you their old Sher-Wood wooden stick. Which they often did.


    I actually used to sit in the Kenmore Library 8mm viewing booth and have them run the silent movie of the Sabres - Flyers Stanley Cup Final over and over. I was only 4 when that took place so I wanted to soak as much of it in as I could.

  3. The rest of the funkin league, for time immemorial. See "You suck, Pens, you only won the Cup cuz you tanked for Crosby and Malkin and Staal and Fleury."



    Expand your mind, dude. Others disagree with you.


    So, walk away. It's time. You'll never be happy and anything the Sabres do from here on out with be forever tainted (in your mind, and mostly only your mind, despite your claims) by their selling off of assets they weren't winning with to get assets to build for the future. You can't enjoy any future Sabres successes, and you're too wrapped up in what you perceive the "rest of the league" thinks. In fact, to you, winning the Stanley Cup would be the ultimate insult to those who hate the Pegulas and their plan for success.


    So, just walk away. It's over for you.

  4. It's going to be remembered. For example, hockey fans haven't let the Penguins forget what they did, and one of the tanks came during Reagan's first term. I don't know about stained. But when the Sabres win a Cup, it's not like people are going to have amnesia.


    I'm going to have amnesia from being so frigging drunk from partying my a** off for a week! THAT TIME IS COMING SOON! WHOO HOO!!!

  5. No, I just think Wild has an odd notion of what this is going to be. "News special." It's going to be a soft, friendly feature piece. I'm just hoping they can find 10 seconds to mention how he's driven the Sabres into a ditch.


    Better than a story about an owner who drove the Sabres to Seattle or Las Vegas and then drove the Bills to Toronto or Los Angeles.

  6. The Calgary Flames will have as many playoff wins in 3 weeks as the Buffalo Sabres have had in the past 2,850 days........


    What do you call that?

    I call that starting the rebuild before us and having players already on the team like Monahan and Johnny Hockey.


    I think they're a fun team and on their way to getting even better but I'll be happier with our team in a couple of years.

  7. I may be the only one, but I loved the 3 game series back when.  Loved the potential for upsets.


    I'm really happy to have divisional playoffs though.  Bring back dem rivalries!


    I'd like a 3 game series for the "play in" games. I've seen something like this before. Instead of 8 teams a conference, you have 10 teams make the playoffs, and then the bottom four play a quick three game series to advance. If they add two more teams in the next couple of years (Las Vegas? Seattle? Toronto II? Quebec City?) I could see them doing this to give more teams a chance for a taste of playoff hockey.

  8. Stepan - Yea, he should be on there.

    Bjudstad - meh. One good year. Cy Hgsn says hello.

    Brandon Saad - Definitely. He's picking it up big time.

    Johnny Hockey - Hopefully his path doesn't resemble Johnny Football. A fun, fast player.


    Johnny Hockey has already exceed Johnny Football.


    This is a great video from a couple of days about him. Makes me love the kid.



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