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Posts posted by MBHockey13

  1. There is a huge difference between accepting that things have to be a certain way and going into the home building wearing Coyote gear or defaced Sabres gear and actively rooting for your team to lose. I don't give a rat's a$$ how much you paid for a ticket, it doesn't give you the right to act like a scumbag. I applaud Mike Weber and I have never been a Andrew Peters fan but in this case he is dead on.


    Hopefully last night will be a rallying point for the guys in this locker room causing them to go on a tear over the final 8 games. There are just enough winnable games for the roster to give a big FU to the "fans."


    If the Pegula's have any "Fan Appreciation" scheduled for April 11th, I hope they have the good sense to cancel them.



  2. This is a key point that I've maintained from the very beginning of all of this.  Other markets simply could not afford to put their fans through such a blatant tank and hope to keep them coming to the games like Buffalo does.




    I think Weber is confusing the cheers for the Coyotes OT goal as cheers against the Sabres, when in reality they are cheers FOR the Sabres and for the future of this team.


    I was actually playing ice hockey during the game last night, but I had to bring my phone on the bench (there are a couple of other Buffalo guys on the team as well). I remember thinking when Ennis scored, "Would he really rather have Matt Ellis passing him the puck next year than Connor McDavid or Jack Eichel? THINK ENNIS!" It's weird.

    I get Mike Weber frustration about the game last night but let's face it he won't be here in a couple of years and will be replaced by someone better. I know he battles hard and hits a lot more than all of our other defenseman. He needs to understand the business of a total rebuild. He can thank his ex-GM for that or did he forget what Regier said that their would be suffering. I'm a diehard Sabres fan and I'm rooting against them last year and this year knowing what the future of these two drafts will do for an organization. I know longer live in Buffalo and I still support this team. I went to Los Angeles and Anaheim this year to cheer them on. Unfortunately they don't have the talent of all these other teams. You look at a lot of the top teams in the league besides Detriot they have a lot of high end picks on their squad. This draft is like football when Andrew Luck came out. I knew whatever team got him was going to have a franchise changing QB for his organization. It's the same this year in hockey with McDavid and Eichel. Both are superior talents. I think people might be selling Eichel short. We all know about McDavid speed and the way he can change the game but Eichel is also a freshman dominating older players. No matter which player we get I will be a huge supporter of either.


    Imagine if the Bills had gone 1-15 instead of 6-10 in 2011. Would we be lamenting that horrible Bills season right now, or planning for the Super Bowl around Andrew Luck with our defense and playmakers?

  3. Our fans are passionate. We have a terrible team. What other team's fans have embraced losing and a rebuild like us with such enthusiasm? Those fans last night were at least educated fans having a good time while watching weber be a bad hockey player. The reason a drastic rebuild is an option for Buffalo is because our fans can tolerate it.


    If he didn't like what happened, then the alternative was to boo him for being such a dumbass


    Amen. Really - amen.

  4. Okay, so you did start out as anti-tank, but you certainly haven't come to terms with it. One GDT you're the patron saint of tanking and the thread is 8 pages long of you arguing that we should be cheering in here for losses. And now when it would seem we should do that the most, you post how bad Pegula is for hiring Murray and "continuing the plan". 


    There are plenty of posters on here who didn't want a tank to start with, but have come to grips with it and found a sort of deranged humor/fun in rooting for the losses. They may lament the tank occasionally, and rue that we ever began it, wish is completely fine, but they're not launching into soliloquies of each extreme every other week. I really don't care what side you take, if there are even sides to this thing, but it's frustrating to see "we should lose all the games!" one day and "we should never have started losing all the games!" the next.


    Plus, no matter what side he's on that week, he's the one that's morally right.   :huh:

  5. I'm not sure why any girl would want to play on a team called "The Whale".


    It's a nice idea and all, and if I was in Buffalo and bored I might attend a game, but I can't predict super exciting hockey. Don't get me wrong - I love the idea of girls playing, and even a few play in the lower levels of the beer leagues down here, and I've played with a few - and one could hold her own pretty well. 


    But it's not going to be more entertaining than a Canisius College Men's Game. I'm not sure where they'll get the money to pay the players.

  6. I really don't get how people don't understand this. It's like giving a kid a 5 dollar bill. He could go blow the 5 bucks on some cheap toy and be happy for the moment, or he could put that money in a piggy bank and save for an Xbox that will make him happy for years.



    Again, it's the marshmallow experiment.

    It's getting pretty heated for tonight. 


  7. Haven't seen him talk to media all year long, and if i was in his postion i wouldn't either because you won't have much good to say.


    Zemgus will play for two next year :P


    I meant Grigs. I get my Girgs and my Grigs confused sometimes.   :ph34r:

  8. Whatever Hodgson has been through this year, you gotta give the kid credit for keeping his yap shut. 


    I agree. If Nolan is gone after the season I'd like to see what another more innovative coach can do to bring back Hodgson and Girgs.


    Kane   Center X   Ennis

    Hodgson  Reinhart   Moulson

    Foligno   Girgs  Zemgus

    Gionta  Larsson  Deslauriers

    McCormick? Kaleta?

  9. Don't make me out to be some kind of xenophobe. These are middling celebrities. He takes pictures of the lake and stares at the ice before games in a moment of Zen. She's a so-so actress. If anyone in our respective families would have pulled this name out, for this reason, we'd all be rolling our eyes. They didn't produce some genetic gift to the world, she plopped out a crotch turd, another future terrible human like the rest of us.


    This quote has me thinking you aren't a very good person. Plus, you sound incredibly unhappy. I almost feel sorry for you.

  10. Monahan. MacKinnon isn't on a playoff team this year  ;)


    I remember being very intrigued by Monahan; I don't follow the prospects nearly as much as some posters on here do but I remember you and a few others really wanting him so I like to keep track of how he's doing compared to Barkov, Horvat, etc. This will be his 2nd 20+ goal season, and he will in all likelihood hit 30 this year, which is much more than most of his constituents have managed. 



    I love Riso, he's a great pick and I understand it takes longer for d-men to develop/have a huge impact. I think he'll be a top 10 defender in this league, with a high possibility of a top 5. Given where we are now, with Reinhart and McEichel around the corner (hopefully), I'd rather have Risto. 


    I agree 100%. Knowing what I know now, Risto, but I was so disappointed we didn't get a centerman like Monahan or MacKinnon in that draft. But in retrospect, it worked out. Zadarov, too.

  11. Wow, what a shame! Yahoo is notorious for what Scott Ericson is alluding to in the story. Yahoo authors must get paid by the hits. They fabricate more stories than any "leading" news source I follow. I never go to ESPN so have no opinion on their accuracy.


    I stopped going to Puck Daddy a long time ago, not just because of the obvious click-bait, but because they kept trying to shoe-horn political stances into their hockey stories. 


    It was pretty funny when the worst offender - Harrison Mooney - was fired for being creepy to female hockey fans who'd chat with him about hockey on Twitter.


    The Hockey News is going down the same path as a blog these days. Adam Proteau is the WORST hockey writer in the business, and if you challenge him on any of his moral outrages, he blocks you. It's funny because going back to Puck Daddy, Greg Wyshynski - the same one in the above article - got himself blocked by Proteau just for challenging him. It's nonsense.


    I'd rather get informed and misinformed here these days because at least most of us don't take ourselves too seriously. This is hockey we're talking about. It's meant to be a diversion from life - not another thing to get scolded about.


    It's sad that just a few misinformed bloggers full of righteous indignation can tarnish the name of a good guy. 

  12. He's playing pretty well. Irbe must be doing a terrific job with these guys, and he has the size GMTM likes.

    I wonder, though, if a lot of these goalies just need all those consecutive starts to get into a rhythm and show what they can do. I know Lindback was given a starter's shot in Tampa, but like Enroth and Neuvirth , it wasn't until the team had to ride them that they really started playing well. Could Lindback be as successful in a backup role? Would we make him the starter next season? We already have Chad Johnson signed through next year.

  13. I think if Larsson played well the rest of the way you could say Larsson, Grigorenko, the late 2015 1st for ROR as a good starting point. 


    That's not a bad point, but it made me think - does the development of Larsson negate the need for ROR? I'm not saying Larsson is AS good, but he looks like he can bring a lot of what ROR brings to the table, and without the cost - and we wouldn't have to worry about resigning Larsson for a while like ROR either.


    That could free up either keeping Grigs and that first rounder, or using them to go after someone else - a scoring veteran winger, a backup goalie who could be a # 1 but is stuck behind someone else, another #1 next season, etc. I'd be happy to get ROR but I'm not sure we need him.

  14. The leafs as a team are seriously trying to lose games.   That franchise wants the best percentage chance at McDavid. 


    We're lucky they didn't start the tank earlier. We'd probably be in 29th right now. The one thing the Sabres have is a lot more heart than the Leafs even though honestly the Leafs still have more talent. They're just soulless right now.


    Funny how when they fired Carlyle they were still in a playoff spot.

    4-0 Oilers. Wow.

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