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Posts posted by 3putt

  1. Outcry for *not* rushing them or outcry for rushing them? After last season's Grigorenko debacle, I don't remember there being a ton of appetite for rushing teenagers to the NHL this season.

    That is the point. The picks, should they be exercised, will not be on the roster immediately. To field a po quality team you will need a few fas. I don't think we can land true difference maker until the prospects get closer the nhl level.


    Im in the minority I know, but a first round bow out with no shot at the cup is the same as not making it in the first place.


    Actually I never meant what would you want them to do or if you wanted to end the tank, but rather what would have to happen that you'd give up wishing for the tank. Rob, answered to what I was trying to ask; what would the Sabres have to accomplish this offseason plus next season to get you to abandon tanking for McDavid.



    AS for the Islanders deferring if in the Top 3, who knows at this point....

    I thought i responded to that...but the answer is nothing. I like what we have done in accumulating talent and would like that to continue through 2015.
  2. Correct me if I am mistaken, but wasn't there outcry for not rushing Z, Risto and Grigs this year? The picks this year may contribute right away, but more likely will not join the big club. So essentially your opening day roster will be constructed with what's on hand and the promotion of a few in the pipeline. FA? Forget it. This is Buffalo and no FA worth a damn is signing on until there is a reasonable possibility of winning.


    So I think the tank is not over nor should it be. By opening day 2015 there will be a much stronger group of homegrown talent ready to contribute with a strong pipeline to feed the big club as needed. Then we can be a player in FA.

  3. I understand the "tank" concept... and I understand the advantages to finishing with the worst record, etc etc. But, maybe I am just old...it goes against everything I love about sports... and as an old Celtics fan, I can testify, banking on the draft (when it has the lottery proponent included as in the NBA and NHL) to build your teams fortunes is kind of fool-hardy. So much has to go right for it all to work out... the Penguins are very much the exception than the rule. That said, I still have my fingers crossed that this hair-brained idea works!

    As you try to comfort yourself with the thought of first round bust remember the that Larry B was a lottery pick. The pens, hawks,Bruins, ducks are the rule the wings the exception.
  4. The Penguins were bad for 4 seasons before their turnaround and the Blackhawks missed the playoffs 9 years out of 11 before their turnaround. The idea that their turn arounds were quick is just not true.

    The 4 seasons allowed them to pick in the top 5 consistently as well their 2nds being more valuable. The Hawks did what everyone here seems to be clamoring for, i.e. grabbing has beens like Alex Daigle and trying to get the last spot, and failing. When Tallon pulled the plug on that and they bottomed out, their turnaround was very quick. They drafted Toews let him mature at UND then got Kane and traded for Sharp. They signeded Hossa and that put them over the top. The point is trying to be good enough to get in and get hot has only worked for LA and I would argue their high picks and fas came togethor at the right time.
  5. Oh I know, and neither am I. I'm just venting. At least the Hawks and Pens had a couple of proven veterans when Crosby and Toews debuted. The rate Murray is going, there isn't going to be anybody left. I think he's going overboard, but that's just my opinion. Not even the Pens and Hawks had the draft lineup we have over a three year period, we certainly don't need more.

    Ok let's just agree that we will not tank in 2015-16 and make no deadline dumps. Best I can do.
  6. Like I said, a line needs to be drawn somewhere. A team of 20 year olds isn't going anywhere no matter what kind of talent they have.


    If you're comparing a draft pick that is comparable to the leadership of Toews or Crosby, I've got news for you. A draft pick won't be captain material for quite some time.

    I am not trying to pick a fight, I genuinely understand your frustration. But Toews got the C in year 2. Crosby as well I believe. As for all 20 yos, we will have plenty of vets scraped off the heap to start next year. We are in a very unique position to restock the shelves and have an owner that will spend fill in the gaps...when the time is right.
  7. It's not one trade. Over the last year and change the Sabres have made more trades for draft picks than any team I have ever seen in the same time frame. A line needs to be drawn, some veterans need to stay. There is no sensible explanation why Moulson, Ehrhoff and Myers need to be traded. They are all types of players that will be needed in the future so why worry about draft picks to replace them when they're already here? Any more trades and this is beyond ludicrous.

    Why? Look at the ufas trading places. Some will be there in the off season. And Ott? Would you really want the C on Ott vs a Jonathan Toews or Crosby? There is no core here even before Pommers was dealt. There was nothing coming up either. Adam? Dagostini? We need as much top tier talent we can get across the board. Believe me I'm in Chicago and many of the "new" fans werent around even 5 years ago. I crave a team that I can be proud of, but I want a cup and we need more bullets to get one.
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