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Posts posted by 3putt

  1. The lottery is the main reason the deferral clause is in there in the first place.

    If they win the lottery, they will certainly use the pick.


    Right now though the pick is kind of in limbo.

    Technically, it's the Sabres, but they can't do anything with it until the Islanders decide on the deferral.


    If the pick is ours, it almost guarantees we try to move it (or our own number one) to make a big deal for a young, top-six forward.


    I said it before, this was the best deal Darcy ever made.

    If it doesn't get Snow fired, nothing will.

    I wouldn't count on GMTM moving a top 5 pick for a top 6 forward. The risk is too high on the partners end. A top 5 pick has the potential, but the player has the numbers. It is always a matter of potential for potential when it comes to picks and prospects. The potential of a top 5 pick is also alluring in that the perceived potential or ceiling is higher than that of the player offered.
  2. In my model, the colleges still control the teams, initially.


    So Syracuse Football is still a thing, it's just that, in addition to the student athletes, there are other players who were drafted rather than signed an academic letter of intent.


    The athletes just don't have to be students any more, but they can be.

    The 900 pound gorilla that colleges wish to avoid is tax exemption. Unrelated business income from athletics that is deemed not part of the charitable or non profit mission endangers that exemption. The real estate exemption alone allows things like the carrier dome to exist. Without exemption colleges could not maintain there infrastructure and still offer "affordable" tuition. For profit colleges, often distance learning based, reap the benefit of knowing that the brick and mortar brethren have a fixed operating cost that determines their pricing and therefore they do not need to discount their tuition much if at all. The municipalities that host non profit schools incur a huge burden to offer services, mainly public safety, to large populations that add little to the general tax base. It is a very slippery slope.
  3. A tank is a form of a rebuild.

    Not necessarily. Take Detroit for example. With all their injuries they could have thrown in the towel early, ir'ed a bunch of players and wrote the season off and gotten a good pick. They wouldn't have turnover the roster or move assets. To me that's a tank. Looking at your roster and saying these guys aren't cutting it and unloading. them all is a rebuild. Yes losing and high draft position can come with it, but it is a logical way to go.
  4. Outside of Grigs and Armia, the best prospects are:


    JT Compher is the real deal. If he was taller, he would have been a 1st rounder. He will be a sure thing PKer and roll player in the 3rd line for 10 years. I like that he was the captain of the -18 USA team.


    Fashing is a project but could do some damage on the 3rd line as well. He might end up being a better (not as mean) Mike Rupp/ Sergo Momesso/ Dustin Penner.


    Nick Baptiste has good speed and scores a lot of goal near the net. He is physical -- fought Danny Nurse last year. Scoring 40 goals in the OHL isn't too impressive (Norm Miley scored 50, I think twice). If Nick can stay physical and go to the net, he could end up like a Tyler Kennedy type.


    Zadorov -- commanding presence on the ice. London leader. Can play PK and PP -- good skater. Will play physical. Happy to apply a cross-check.


    Austin -- +51 plus /minus See Zadorov. This is the Jay McKee of the group.


    RIsto -- a taller and better Kimmo TImonen.


    Hurley -- either the second coming f Tim Kennedy or another Brendan Morrison type. Lanky guy. Played at the three best Minnesota prep schools.


    McCabe --21 US captain. Has all the tools. Plays at a higher level than the other players. Has the potential to be like Duncan Keith but could end up like Chris Butler (decent).

    Have you actually seen any of these kids play? Compher is potential second line stalwart. Very similar to Benn. Austin is a sleeper. Very solid defensively, big body good on his skates in front of the net. Risto is going to be a star in my opinion. Good hockey sense and simply needs to fill out. Baptiste plays like baby Iginla. Probably not that high of a ceiling but earns tough goals. Fasching has great hands for a big guy and drives the net constantly, lives in front of the goalie on the pp. McCabe I am not sold on. Disappears for long stretches, needs to improve his conditioning.
  5. One word: "Suffering."


    Is there another example in the history of pro sports of a team actually telling their fans to expect "Suffering"?

    The Colts pre Luck.


    Talk of manipulating the roster for draft position as well.

    Unless Zemgus, Myers et al are faking it, I don't think anyone is manipulating the roster. What we had wasn't good, what's left is worse. Again these are expected consequences of a turnover. Sitting a healthy Girgs or Myers would be more manipulative and I agree, less tolerable by the league.
  6. The difference is none of those teams went out and rubbed the rest of the league's nose in it by publicly declaring that they are going to lose come hell or high water.

    I don't remember seeing that stated publicly anywhere. There is a difference between accepting the results of a roster turnover and intentionally attempting to lose games. The former has been SOP since expansion beyond the original 6.

    So a team isn't allowed to sell off their failed veteran core in an effort to maximize assets and rebuild with a younger more talented core? What were the Sabres supposed to do? Hover at 8-12th for another 5-7 years and hope they get lucky?


    To me it is obvious that the Sabres are tanking because they recognized they couldn't win a cup with the vets they had and their best chance of doing it was getting and developing good young talent.

  8. Whether we get the Isles pick this year or not we will be bad next year. DR's ineptness left us with few options. But I am one of the few who felt loading up on youth and letting them play NHL minutes and get experience was the way to expedite the rebuild. I don't buy into the crap about losing culture and ruining development but I again am in the minority. But that leaves the question of who will be on the ice in 2014? If we follow precedent these picks will sit in the CHL, then AHL, then finally get a shot. Forget capspace. Unless you want more Leino's fa's aren't coming here. So without a conscience effort to be bad in 2014, we will still be bad simply due to a lack of horses. 2015 we should see some of the kids coming up.

  9. Forgive my cynicism, but I'll believe it when I see it. We've been sold "The Future" for too long for me to buy it this time.

    Nobody, at least not that I know of, is saying the current path guarantees a cup. I think there are two points of view in the current debate. One, which I subscribe to, is that to win the cup your highest probability is directly related to the amount of high end talent on your roster. The other view is that it does'nt take much to put together a squad who can compete for a po spot. In no event does either camp want the end result to suck. I choose to want the brass ring and am willing to sacrifice in the near term. Time may well show it was not the right path. I can live with that. I can also understand the cynicism toward promises.
  10. And THIS is better than fighting for a playoff spot and then having your team in the playoffs? At least then i would be watching unlike the last two months.


    Sorry guys a two year or more tank for some possible high end draft picks is not worth it to me. Odds are in five years the top teams of today will still be the top teams then.


    Good organizations win - not tank.

    Yeah we heard you...but answer me this: where are we supposed to get better players than we have? Even with the players we traded away we didn't make the playoffs. FAs? That Leino is pretty special. The big time players aren't coming to Buffalo even if you overpay them, unless coming there gives them a chance at the cup. Draft in the middle teens consistently and you set yourself up to draft there constantly, and you still miss the playoffs.
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