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Posts posted by Hoss

  1. only because his love affair with JT


    That'll be irrelevant when money comes into play. The only reason playing with JT would be great for him is to increase his future pay. If he got offered similar or more money elsewhere then it comes down to what he values more: contributing to a winner or playing alongside a good player on a bad team.

  2. if islanders fetch a first rounder for this years draft do you think they will then defer this years pick?


    i have to imagine the reason they put the deferment in the trade because they didnt want to give up a high pick if they tanked. so they have to defer to next year right??!!! man i hope so. they will then be without vanek, and should be a bottom feeder again. although i do feel that moulson will resign with them again as a free agent.


    I see no reason for Moulson to go back to the Isles. I could see him ending up a Ranger so he doesn't have to move his family. They're always looking for scorers.

  3. Not with the first overall pick, that is Reinhart all day long, but if the Islanders somehow give us their first this season, then i think William Nylander is exactly the type of playmaker this team will need going forward. The offense is horrid and has no flow. Nylander is a playmaker and creates offense like no other in this draft class and has a real speed burst to his skating. Plays a similar style to Alex Ovechkin.


    I don't want anybody that plays like Ovechkin unless it's Ovechkin. You need a specific skillset to play like that and still be great.


    But I do agree that Reinhart is the first pick until something drastic says otherwise. I wouldn't hate Nylander, but I think I like Dal Colle more. I think Nylander takes some hits for most people because he isn't the most physical. But he's shown that he won't lay down out there.

  4. Myers is playing a lot better, isn't he?


    Statistically, Miller is worse in categories that Tallinder would have a direct impact on (GAA, shots against). He's on pace to face 1,453 shots in his first 40 games this year (played 40 last year). That's nearly 200 more shots. GAA is up .14.


    Miller is playing better, but the defense in front doesn't appear to be.

  5. Reinhart is 8 months older than Dal Colle... interesting if you believe that younger players can actually project out to be better than their higher ranked older draft brethren


    You really REALLY like Dal Colle, huh? I don't blame you. If I had the 1 and 2 picks in this year's draft and didn't need a dman, I'd take Reinhart and Dal Colle.


    More bad boredom-induced photoshopping, this time Dal Colle (disclaimer: I know the Sabres don't wear blue helmets on the road):




  6. This from Florida tonight.


    Just before the game starts



    Pane of glass breaks and now what do we have?







    Even funnier story to this: turns out that brown thing IS a piece of glass. They just couldn't get that brown cover off of the pane of glass so they left it there. They fixed it before OT.

  7. This from Florida tonight.


    Just before the game starts



    Pane of glass breaks and now what do we have?







    Any other arena and that's a major issue because of seating. In Florida, it's okay because they can just move them to other front-row seats. See, they had a plan all along with these low attendances.


    so its like the lottery never happened and they'd pick 1st and whoever finishes dead last picks 2nd but since they cant use the first overall then the guy in dead last picks whoever they want?


    Seems like it. So it basically adds New Jersey's lottery balls to whoever finishes in last. This is because even if NJ wins the lottery, the dead last team still picks first.




    So the league wanted Crosby in Pittsburgh instead of a city like New York, LA, Chicago, or Toronto? Makes sense.


    Trying to find an article that quotes it, but you also have to consider that Mario Lemieux said at one point that Crosby is the type of player he would continue his career to play with. The appeal was all there.

  9. I don't understand what takes so long in this discipline process. Do they just prolong it so they can defend themselves with "due process"? In today's day and age, a case like Shawn Thornton's should be handled the next day. Fly him to the league offices for a meeting and then make a decision. I understand they might have a lot of cases to deal with, but when it's this major it should be handled immediately. Act swiftly and strongly. It'll get the message across.

  10. i think people tend to get bad outcomes confused with intent. thornton acted recklessly - maybe grossly so, but i don't get the sense that he planned, with malice aforethought as the standard goes, to render orpik unconscious. he'd been looking for orpik all game long, saw an opportunity to engage him from a scrum, and executed a hastily made plan in a really dangerous fashion. malice, that ain't.


    You never plan to knock somebody unconscious. But there was clear intent to injure. Clear malice. You can't defend him for "accidentally" knocking him unconscious. He acted recklessly and got this result.

  11. Pretty good debate going here. Agree with a good majority of what is being said. Neal's penalty should've matched Scott, but I see the league giving him five as compared to Scott's 10 a clear result of the type of players they are. The league doesn't like guys like Scott.


    Thornton deserves 15-20. That's just ridiculous. Julien deserves a nice fine.

  12. Have you confirmed this or are you just speculating again?


    That's what the requirement for the Columbus Blue Jackets was from the league when they had the option to defer LA's pick. Columbus made the decision to defer at the last moment, as well. So I'd expect the Isles to take their time.


    Also DStebb, your mom stopped writing "from Santa" on your Christmas presents? That is horrible!


    She just writes "the local coal mine" now. Heck, what am I saying? I don't even get coal for Christmas now.

  13. My computer screwing up and won't let me quote things, but in response to DStebb,

    What if they pick top 3? I know it's unlikely they'd defer at that point, but they may swing Vanek for a 1st or something so you never know


    I'd assume that they would have to decide just prior to the first pick coming onto the clock then. So anytime before the beginning of the draft.


    In that case, thanks for getting people's hopes up for something more 18 months away that almost certainly won't happen anyway.


    Reminds me of getting excited about the "Buffalo Tower" artist renderings back in 2007:



    Are you really that upset about this? It literally was just a fun little photoshop. It wasn't a prediction. It wasn't anything but a photoshop based on something I would like to happen. I took a little break from studying. Relax.


    And people continue to ignore that while percentages are against us, we still have a better chance than any other team (at the moment) to get the first pick this year. So while are odds aren't great, others are worse.


    Define "solid." Being the worst team in the league only assures you a 25% chance of winning the first overall pick.


    Chances of drafting first overall both years: Even if we have the worst record in hockey both this year and next year, our chances of drafting first overall in both years is 0.25 * 0.25 = 0.0625, or 6.25%. And we are FAR from a lock to finish with the worst record in either year. That's larger than 0.00% but not by enough for me to care.


    Chances of drafting first overall in exactly ONE of the next two years: Again, assuming we somehow have the worst record in hockey both this year and next year, we're looking at 0.25(0.75) + 0.75(0.25) = 0.375, or 37.5%. But only *IF* we're the worst team in hockey this year AND next year.


    So even if we suck worse than the Sabres ever have and finish worst in the league two years in a row, our chances of getting AT LEAST one first overall pick are.....43.75%. In other words, not even a coin flip.


    And are we really, really going to suck when Miller leaves? Maybe, maybe not. I still believe in Enroth. I don't think there will be a huge drop off if/when he takes over as the no.1. Who knows?


    Solid as in being in last still ensures you the best chance out of any team in the league to get the first pick. I don't care about the math because it gets worse if you do it for each selection following first overall. I understand that you only get a 25% chance of winning the first pick, but that's still more than anybody else.


    Do you guys think it would be possible to gain a 2nd 1st rounder that's in the top 5 at the deadline?


    As it stands now:


    Sabres: hardest pick to get :rolleyes:

    Panthers: Doubt it

    Oilers: Not sure what they'd want in a player but they have said that they'd like to trade it for a top D-Man (I wonder if Ehrhoff + a prospect would suffice)

    Islanders: We sorta of have it already, or they hold it and we get next year's pick.

    Flames: I doubt it

    Blue Jackets: I could see it but I doubt they would if their still 6th from the bottom.

    Flyers: Who knows?


    I think Myers or Ehrhoff would get the Oilers pick.

  16. I'm pretty rusty on my probability, but picking 1st both times (via the lottery and being in last) would be 25% * 25%, or 6.3%. Picking #1 zero times (again from last place) is 75% * 75%, or 56% (ouch). The remainder is 37.5%, which is picking #1 once in two years. (25% * 75% + 75% * 25%).


    Pretty solid compared to other teams. But math is fun.

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