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Everything posted by Tondas

  1. Deslauriers can skate, hit, fight (or at least willing to), shoot, but cant score. I hope we're not looking at Paul Cyr Part II.
  2. Deslaurier was at least interested tonight. More than can be said for most.
  3. Might not be able to get the stank out of that number for years. Reinhardt might be better off with a new number.
  4. TN was tearing into the boys during that TO. Good to see someone cares.
  5. if ###### blasts Lou that would have been a penalty unlike the Lucic deal.
  6. Easiest way to draw a penalty is to drop your stick after any tap on your glove.
  7. Logistically, how many players can we trade tomorrow. Rochester plays tonight Rockford. If we trade Moulson, Halak, Stafford, Ehrhoff, Myers, etc., can the Sabres get enough Amerks down to Florida in time for the game?
  8. No matter how bad they are, no matter how much the tank is necessary, it still hurts when they lose.
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