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Everything posted by Brawndo

  1. Aren’t There are only two draws now for the First and Second Overall Picks, the Lottery Format was changed by the BOG a few weeks ago I believe. The 31st team could only fall to 3rd now I think
  2. Winnipeg is another possibility If the Sabres are willing to retain, Leafs and Montreal make sense. The Leafs would probably include Kerfoot in the return. Two Years left at 3.5. Good Bottom Six Center. Would the pick be a 1st or 2nd and 3rd. Montreal can move Gallengher to LTIR and include a cap dump like Jordan Weal to make it work. First please as the pick The Islanders and Panthers can do the deal without retention, but would probably want the Sabres to do so. Boston and maybe Colorado would be dark horse teams
  3. That was Marek who mentioned Eakin and Brian Burke did work with both of them until January. There might be something there
  4. McCabe, Risto and Zemgus are the longest tenured Sabres. If you were McCabe and Risto wouldn’t you look to move on
  5. I agree, they were in on Alex Pietroangelo last summer, I could see them possibly going big game hunting again
  6. Go Bold Dahlin-Hamilton Samuelsson-Jokiharju Bryson-Borgen
  7. Live look at Rob Ray realizing he is going to have to attempt to pronounce Ruotsalainen and Ristolainen on the same broadcast someday
  8. From a defensive zone standpoint they are better with him off the ice. From an offensive standpoint it’s closer, but justifying a 5.4 Million Dollar Cap Hit not so much
  9. Remove Brown from the deal. Risto for 2022 2nd
  10. If that’s what he wants, sign me up for that deal
  11. This is what scares me the most about not having AGMs, a lot falls on an inexperienced GM.
  12. I would spend the next seven days on a dual plan. Trying to re-sign Ullmark would be the Top Priority, but if he says I really want to test the UFA Market, the second part of plan would kick in , and that’s finding the best return for him at the deadline. If Ullmark says I’m not sure What I want to do, it would take a sizable offer to move him by next Monday.
  13. In recent testing by Pfizer it does, but full immunity is not conferred until 14 days after the second shot with Pfizer and Moderna. And 14 Days after the Johnson and Johnson Shot.
  14. The age ranges that are testing positive at the highest rates, are only now beginning to be eligible for the vaccine in NYS. The new variant which is spreading through WNY is more highly contagious and is proving that full immunity(14 days after the final required dose) is essential for the vaccine to be effective. I have had quite a few patients that were in between doses and a 90 yo who was 3 days out from Her Second Dose that were admitted to the hospital.
  15. This type of thinking keeps teams in the bottom of the league. Hall was considered an elite winger at the time of the trade, there were warning signs about Risto. This wasn’t moving Hedman, Karlsson or even Dahlin for a winger. What’s borderline insane is the fact that two GMs passed on making deals to improve the team. And the conversations on Hall would have taken place before the draft as the trade happened a week later. Therefore a defenseman would have been higher draft priority. Drafting Sergachev or McAvoy instead of Nylander is an instantaneous improvement over Risto.
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