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X. Benedict

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Posts posted by X. Benedict

  1. You have to be kidding me....Gaustad is getting paid what he is to win faceoffs!? He is a shell of what is expected of him out there. I have not noticed him ONCE this year.


    Gaustad and Manny Malholtra are probably the best in the league right now at face-offs.


    Median salary is just over 2Million....


    Gaustad is not the problem.


    Him winning faceoffs has been about the only bright spot on the PK.

  2. Golisano has spent to the cap.


    Shooting fish in a barrel is fun, then eventually gets boring.


    I read X's point to be that there are coaches out there who could be a good fit for Kovalchuk. I would assume X doesn't think Ruff is one of those coaches. Hence, if the Sabres had acquired Kovalchuk, I would guess that X would have thought the Sabres needed a new coach. Like I said, oblique.



    For what its worth, I don't see Kolulchuk being much in favor on a Ruff team.

    I don't think Ruff is one of those coaches. No. But at least I think Ruff would have told you why he scratched him. :)


    Anyway....The Devils have 14.9 more years to see this play out.

  3. I'm sure your numbers are hyperbole, cuz they're a little off, but the fact that he played on a crappy Atlanta team for eight years could have something to do with that.


    Actually...his powerplay numbers actually inflate the points vs. plus/minus comparison.


    But it is a fair point...those were some bad teams.


    Here's what I like about Kovalchuk: His shot.

    Here's what I dislike about Kovy: every other part of his game.


    That's my bias. I don't like him.


    And I take pleasure that Lou Lamirello has gone against his every instinct and tried to fit his square peg into their round hole system.


    The first player I would take off of the Devils team/ hands down/ regardless of money is Zack Parise.


    That kid busts his ass just about every second he is on the ice.

  4. You guys are killing me. You want a primma donna, not playing any defense, creating a short handed situation every time the puck enters the defensive zone because he doesn't allow himself to cross the blue line cancer on the team crippling the payroll so he can score a few high light reel goals on the team.


    Do you guys understand hockey is a team game and he is the epitome of the opposite? There is a reason the Devils suck right now and he is one of them. I'm all for more offense but not at the expense of my teams character. Laugh if you want but that dude would kill this group of sausage grabbers. You think Roy is a bad leader, wait until this jamoke shows up and alienates everyone. He's a class A doosh bag.


    Totally agree on Cherrychuk. To have points on some 700 or whatnot goals and still be a -80 player takes the refusal to back-check to religious levels of dedication.


    And when I say refuse...it is clear he refuses.


    Jaromir Jagr wasn't a happy backchecker, but he would do it.


    Kovalchuk has one skill. Shooting.


    Now you can design an entire team around getting that one shot off...which was the Atlanta Thrashers of the past. Or you can try to get Kovalchuk to play in all zones...which is like teaching an old dog new tricks.


    In the early 80's Detroit tried to build a team the same way around John Ogrodnick's shot.

    Ogrodnick would score heaps of goals and Detroit would lose.


    I expect Maclean to lose this battle as Bob Hartley lost his battle in Atlanta.

    If I'm Lou Lamarillo - maybe he can hire Tom Renney...who always seem to get pretty good production out of guys like Bure, Mogliny, Jagr, Nylander etc...

  5. Oh most definitely. I think Lindy has gone so far told him not to score. He'll probably be doing suicides today for having the nerve to score.


    Lindy: Vanny, I need you to curb that charasmatic personality of yours.

    Vanny: But Lindy, I am naturally full of lebensfreude and charm.

    Lindy: This is for the team, Vanny.

    Vanny: Okay, Lindy. From now on, only goals in moderation with little fist pumps.

    Lindy: That's all I ask, Vanny. That's all I ask.

  6. Ennis had the least amount of playing time, just over 10 minutes, last night, but he still delivered with an early goal. I was some what surprised by the small amount of playing time. The guy has rarely gone scoreless as a Sabre. I know he's young, he needs more NHL experience, and the Sabres needed, and still may, a major change in the lineup. It'll be interesting what Ruff does on Friday. Ennis is a key player for the Sabres, in my opinion.


    Taking him off the power-play (where he has been bad) accounts for the difference in minutes. That, and he's not the guy to backcheck with a lead.


    While he has been great 5x5. He has been outthinking himself on the PP. He'll be back on it - but giving him a rest from it makes sense.

  7. I believe the first penalty would have been wiped out and the second enforced.


    "Any penalties signaled during the period of time between the

    apparent goal and the next stoppage of play shall be assessed in the

    normal manner, except when a minor penalty is to be assessed to the

    team scored upon, and is therefore nullified by the scoring of the goal.

    Refer to Rules 16.2 and 18.2. If an infraction happens after the first

    stoppage of play following an apparent goal (infraction after the

    whistle) by either team, it is assessed and served in the normal

    manner regardless as to the decision rendered by the Video Goal



    Thanks. I did look at that, I wasn't sure about the second minor. But that stands to reason. Just like scoring on a delayed double minor.

  8. Not at all.


    This is the same situation they found themselves in early last season which led to their great start. They went all of November having Monday through Wednesday off. They are also facing a team coming off a decent road trip. I would expect this team to win 5-1 or 6-1 tonight. I also expect some posters to try and sell this team for what they are not by pointing to their suddenly bloated offensive numbers. I've seen it for 3 plus years now, I know when it's coming.


    The truth is somewhere in the middle.


    More than a bloated score, it is important for their D pairs to get some continuity.

    That's been the problem.

  9. This one set me off. I go into a Dunkin Donuts and order a value set, you know, the number #3 or something, thinking - hey that's not a bad deal. It's $3.19 on the menu but then I'm charged $3.57 .....I tell the cashier that that doesn't sound right. He says that I'm not adding in the tax, Tax is 8% so even if it 9% He's overcharged me. I wanted the price on the menu.


    The guy looks at me and tells me that the menu is wrong and not the computer, and thereby decides it is more important to make me feel like an a#$^$#!e for complaining about 10 cents than giving me the advertised price.


    I don't really give a crap about the .10, I want to feel as if I'm getting a fair deal.

    Now I wonder if everyone who orders off the menu isn't getting screwed by .10.

    Anyway...that's all I got. Just a slow burn.....

  10. I hate it when people bang on the keyboard like this:


    jkdalsgngfmlkf trgsa jkgfjo awijero[gnaionrgvznvv,r jia ' pteovlk;'ez' eproi j rjg jsag rtsdok,ijhjhiijoreoip,roup43809589sap0945,b hgjiv,[a4u 659 0u56my8 0y8qw35 [aye0y59 v,m590mb8y 09586-b096um54 09ev,60,vp9yumjhbw458utmeroiprxpdps-p[wrfdl;d;p/dcl;dc;dx;/xd;fgbjhads;908595 eyiortoipr9i05te;ldsxc


  11. "Is it impossible to get a cup of coffee-flavored coffee? You can get every other flavor except coffee-flavored coffee! They got mochachino, cappuchino, frappachino, Al Pacino, what the F#$%?"


    - Denis Leary


    I could kiss that a#$^$#!e for saying that.

  12. That yin yang at work that walks up to the urinal next to you and thinks this is the appropriate time to have that work related conversation let alone any conversation at all. :chris:

    Get r done and get out. It's unwritten man rule number 2, learn the rules you ya hoo.


    I hate this guy. He doesn't get the concept of a buffer pisser either.

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