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Johnny DangerFace

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Everything posted by Johnny DangerFace

  1. You, SDS. My son tells me your forum stinks! You couldn't smooth a silk sheet if you had a hot date with a babe...I lost my train of thought I don't really care for how Chz uses emotes so much Nfreeman, come on man, sometimes penalties matter! I'v never been a fan of X. Benedict's avatar. Hate it actually Ducky, I got a lot of questions for you. WInnipeg????? On a sabres forum!?
  2. I want to be involved! Nfreeman you are stupid and eleven is just dumb!
  3. Vereran has never meant older in any context. concept of girgensons...? This isn't kassian where he never did what we thought he could (a power forward with scoring potential). Hes actually doing everything and more we could expect of a two way forward who turned 21 this year and finished his second NHL season on a historically bad team. I take anything critical of zemgus TO HEART!!!!
  4. I didn't think the patriots took their foot off the pedal either at all. They kept doing what they were doing. It doesn't excuse anything, but I don't think it's true at all. Nothing in their 4th quarter drives show being conservative.
  5. I thought we got away from what worked, but Roman at least made adjustments late in the 3rd Rex on the other hand made no adjustments to the predictable Patriots gameplan
  6. thats a weird way to interpret my post. You asked why it doesnt necessarily exonerate him, i answered, think what you want...If a rape kit doesnt account for all sexual offenses, it by definition can't exonerate him. Until we know the allegation, its speculation, not exoneration. But sure, take my factual statement as guilty until proven innocent...
  7. You don't know what her claim is, and a rape kit doesn't address all possible sexual offenses. Therefore, a rape kit result doesn't necessarily exonerate him. Sorry if I am misunderstanding you, but its fairly clear imo.
  8. I think chip kelly the gm is not very good. Also, has anyone just considered we aren't as good as the patriots, but can still be a good team. The colts clearly aren't as good as the pats, but at still a solid playoff contender.
  9. I was curious about the same thing, though after watching the reply, that angle doesn't do it justice and I don't think that ball makes it to woods. It was either meant for watkins and it was overthrown, or meant for woods and it was underthrown.
  10. Come on man, even playing with a theory there was no penetration doesn't exonerate him. Surely you could come up with examples?
  11. Agreed with all that, and I bet watkins wishes he had a chance to make that catch again.
  12. high but watkins needs to catch that or knock it down better
  13. was that ball going to someone else and watkins batted it?
  14. That's exactly how you don't do a game-winning drive
  15. Our defense could get us a stop when we needed them the most
  16. Lol there "are three penalties....all on the kicking team."
  17. Pats may just have our number and we still have a good team.
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