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Everything posted by Cityo'Rasmii

  1. Yeah, causing a turnover. Matty Mo should be watching in the box he adds no value and is a liability
  2. I could be wrong but I think we're even further away from seeing a "C" handed out. .
  3. Agree^ and can't wait to see what changes are made. . .
  4. I couldn't help myself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_t59To7Snk
  5. Speaking for myself, I know I can sleep much better as a result of getting clarification on Beaulieu's name pronunciation (thanks, pi). Now, if we can get his contract set. . .
  6. Thanks, 3putt - great feedback sounds like you were at the right place at the right time
  7. construction unction no wonder zfg is so quiet must be the blue line oh, blue line and construction - the system is fine anyway, bet Hartnell keeps 1 eye on the rear view mirror on March 28 go Sabres
  8. coney hotdog D coney hotdog missed assignments
  9. I believe there was a recent post on this board claiming that the system in Rochester was intended to be same game strategy (e.g. "stretch" pass, etc.) as the big club so for a player that came up it would be a smooth transition Someone can jump in and correct me but I understand that the Amerks are in last place UGH go Sabres
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