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Everything posted by Bmwolf21

  1. Yep, you can listen live through WGR's site or on NHL.com - go to the NHL.com scoreboard page and look for the Sabres game, there is a link there. EDIT: I think you might have to register at WGR before you can listen live. And we get the frigging NESN crew...wonderful... :censored:
  2. I am trying to keep things in perspective, but just like Cubs fans, us Buffalo fans are always watching with baited breath - always waiting for the other shoe to drop.... FWIW, I wouldn't call this a similar team. As we have dissected quite a bit lately, this team is softer than last year's version - guys like McKee, Dumont and Grier did provide much more grit than this year's team has. I'm not pressing the panic button yet, but I am also not ignoring the warning signs and the little flashing red "alert" lights going off...
  3. Hey, I am all for not hitting the panic button as much as the next guy.... Buuuut, this team has now lost four of six, so in my eyes, it's no longer an issue of "just a rough patch" or "no big deal." To be honest I am getting concerned again, because losing games is bad enough, but the manner we have lost these recent ones is disturbing. Our offense has disappeared (12 goals over the last 5 games); some of our D are looking shaky (Teppo looks to me like he really needs a night or two off, and Kalinin has been his usual inconsistent self) and the PP has become a full-on, official nightmare. I am nervous that this is (or is the start of) one of those slumps that could bite us on the ass in the race for home-ice advantage. Our conference lead is down to 7 points with no games in hand (NJ and Buf have both played 45 games); our division lead is still OK, 10 pts with no games in hand (Mon has also played 45 games.) As much as the optimist in me wants to say no problem, it'll get better, Lindy will turn it around, the realist in me (that nagging Buffalo sports fan voice in my head that is waiting for our hearts to be ripped out again) keeps saying look out, this is different, here comes the stumble.... God, sometimes I hate being a Buffalo fan. Too many years of "almost," "bad refs," "so close" "wait till next year" - all those bad Buffalo sports memories and karma are ingrained into my soul and they drive me crazy as I try to enjoy this team and their regular season run. :censored:
  4. Then I guess I speak for everyone when I say "get the hell out of here, and don't come back until July..." :nana:
  5. Ugh. What an anti-climactic finish. Has the offense suddenly gone south? PP has got to get better, and I was glad to see Roby call attention to Kotalik's inability to hit the net from the blueline on the PP.
  6. Oh great, the PP... (he says, fingers crossed and hoping for a reverse jinx...)
  7. I think it might be the mic that one of the refs are wearing...when Roy was knocked down, you could clearly hear "No, no, no" which I assume was coming from the ref...
  8. No argument here, I am sure he wants that one back as well. But we'd be up 5-3 right now if we could hit the net this period. We've had 9 SOG so far this period, but we've probably missed a half-dozen scoring chances.
  9. We will, if anyone ever hits the damn net. ....bad guys take the lead...
  10. Is anyone else picking up the screaming idiot on the MSG broadcast? Is that a fan or someone on the bench/ice? Last one I heard was after Paetsch dropped that guy alongside the net, the guy yelled "You're Dead Paetsch..."
  11. It's worse because by punching someone from behind, the attacker doesn't give the victim an opportunity to brace or defend himself. The reason two penalties were called was because it was two separate punches. To be honest, I was really surprised that the ref actually called him for both the punches thrown... And that, ladies & gentlemen of the jury, is a textbook bad goal.
  12. BTP, you're right...but it still doesn't excuse him getting hit from behind. IMO, he should have been given a 10-minute misconduct penalty for the punch, but at least it looks like Max is in Vinny's head... Why doesn't the NHL have a beer league-type max penalty minutes rule - maybe 4 minors and you're gone? The way this game is going, Vinny will probably snap the next time Max comes near him....
  13. Eleven, up till that point, Marty did what he needed to - kept his team in the game until they could tie it. But then he blew it on that 3rd goal. To be honest, I don't care if Hasek, Roy, Brodeur, Tretiak or Bernie Parent ever let in weaker goals -- that kind of goal should never go in at that point in the game. He held his team in the game, let them get even, and then ripped their hearts out by letting in a goal he should have stopped.
  14. I'm not blaming Marty for the loss, but tonight was more of the same old, same old from him. Some big saves sandwiched around a couple of bad goals. And to say tonight's game was poorly officiated is an insult to poorly officiated games.
  15. I was wavering on the last one...I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but in my gut I know it's a shot he needs to stop. Nice fight, Peters...<_< GOD I HATE THE LEAFS! :censored: :censored: :censored:
  16. Drury & Roy giveth...Marty taketh away... That's a WTF, Marty? on that one. Wasn't an easy stop, but one that should have been made, IMO...
  17. I believe it was, and that was who Lorentz laid the blame on after the goal....
  18. DING DING DING! We have a winner. How you let someone skate right between you on the freakin' PP is beyond me... <_< And anyone who watched the postgame show probably saw the overhead replay, which clearly shows the puck going in, no questions asked. Clearly a goal, and Teppo & Dmitri owe Ryan one...
  19. Maybe it's his rep and not actually as bad as we think, but with Marty, it seems that soft goals happen a lot. And his timing is usually horrendous, giving life to the opposition when they should be out of it.
  20. Might be the understatement of the night. Who says Canadian teams don't get more calls at home? ;) That was a typical Marty performance, and IMO, the main reason that his career potential is in that nether region between starters and backups - he manages to look solid and shaky in the same game. Tonight's game reminds me of why he never took control of the Sabres' goaltending situation after Dom left - too many games where he would stop 27, 28, 29 shots, let in two that weren't his fault and one absolute killer-bad goal. Main difference now is we win those games 4-3, whereas earlier we would lose those games 3-2...
  21. :censored: the refs and :censored: the NHL...seems like every time we play in Toronto the calls start piling up against us...
  22. Two quick thoughts - damn, that was a HORRIBLE call on Teppo...and I guess I'll be the guy to say it - Derrick Roy, STAY OUT OF THE BOX! For crying out loud, that's 10 PIM over the last 2 1/2 games, all stupid stickwork minors. :censored: EDIT: And adding a third point - not a bad game overall...couple stupid little mistakes here and there, but good effort and great hit by Lydman at the end of the 2nd.
  23. I was thinking the same thing. Some guys are OK without a stick - I seem to remember Hecht without one on a OK and he harassed the point man into losing the puck into the neutral zone. And IIRC, there were a couple opportunities for Pommer to quickly get a new one, when the puck went into the corner/behind the net and was being challenged by the Sabres' PK...
  24. Decline it! Wave it off! Take a penalty NOW...please, no more PP's...:doh:
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