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Posts posted by bob_sauve28

  1. I had quite the chuckle when he dropped that one. "Caught with his pants down!" How inappropriate! This coming on forth -- Harry pointed oplayer used his stick to propel a team mate forward on the back check. Something about "pushing his stick right in his rear end" followed by Harry letting us all know that such an act hurts. I wish I could recall the exchange verbatim



    ha ha, good one! Strange play funny comment

  2. So, you get to make absurd assertions, but when you contradict yourself (afterall, who wants the biggest bust in Sabres history to have more ice time than the minimum?) you insult others for calling attention to it?


    Be a Vanek hater. I dont care, but crying about him not getting enough ice time is a bizarre train of thought.

    Dont put words in my mouth you fool. First off, I said he was heading towards becoming biggest bust of all time, and st the time he was playing like crap and team was mid way through November with out a home win. Hater? I hate him? Where did you get this? Because I think he isn't worth $50 mill and four first round picks I can't call for him to be on the ice? Do me a favor, just do not reply to any of my posts I'll do the same to yours, sound good chum?
  3. Could you hear every scrape of a skate on the ice? MSG is the problem (and Montreal's arena is larger). F*ck, I just got sucked in again, didn't I?

    Idk, but I do know it's more enjoyable for me to hear a roaring crowd in the background of the game. Louder when there is s close play or a big hit.

  4. I'm sorry to bring this back to the crowd, but I haven't been to a Sabre game in a while...we just took the lead against one of the best teams in the West and it just doesn't sound loud....help me understand this!

    I watched a Montreal game earlier this week and the crowd was booming. Very loud! I think it's a combination of a louder crowd and how much noise they allow through the tv sound

  5. I am being quite realistic. Lalime sucks balls. I don't care if the team is 150% behind him. This team is 150% behind Connolly, too. Replace Lalime with Enroth.

    But I think they like the fact that Ethron is playing every game. Sitting on the bench for us will not be as good for him.

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