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Posts posted by ubkev



    There is a shot called a "bullshot"; half bullion, half vodka, apparently served hot. Chill it and throw a little Frank's in there, and I think it would be pretty good.


    There also is a shot called a "flu shot," but there's a whole thread about that one.


    All Czervik: Hey! Can you make a bullshot?


    Tony D'Annunzio: Can you make a shoe smell?



    While this would be awesome, I view it slightly more pessimistically than you do. Islanders defer this year, and after losing Vanek, they continue to fall, finishing in last place next year. The sabres, while playing better, but losing Miller, struggle to win games again next year and secure 29 place. And then, in the most Buffalo thing ever, we still manage to lose the lottery, and to make it worse, the winner was the Bruins, leafs or sens, who had an off year and finished 17th, and for the next 15 years well have to watch McDavid tear out our hearts time and time again, as if it wasnt enough not to get him. :cry: ;)


    This sounds about right.



    Please explain how Baptiste is over-aged at 19 when he's not yet eligible to play in the AHL?


    I just said that's the way I look at him. I'm aware of how old he is. I didn't think my stance was that inflammatory. I just said I thought he reminded me of a lot of other common players who lit up major junior the season after their draft year.


    Edit: I'm not getting my hopes up for any sabres prospect. Ever! Again!


    Most of the guys seem to be producing pretty well.

    Catenacci, Hackett have to have the most disappointing numbers.

    Baptiste and Ullmark are the biggest positive surprises.


    I look at Baptiste as an overage player who is beating up on younger kids now. This happens with a whole slew of players in major junior after their draft year. I hope he continues this in the AHL and then in the NHL, but I'm not going to hold my breath.


    I'm from Ohio. Plain = cheese pizza. In fact, I had never seen a sheet pizza until I came to Rochester. Nor did I understand you could put other stuff on a pizza (chicken, eggs, etc) until I came here. Unless you count Japan, but putting prawns on yer pizza isn't my idea of a good time.





    but seriously, i would do that to our douchebag cat if i thought it would work.


    Ohio is Pennsylvania West.





    Most of this is just me messing around, I don't really hate it here as much as I might make it seem.


    Having worked in "the biz", I've never heard anyone refer to a cheese pizza as a plain pizza. Am I the only one? Is this a regional thing?


    Gotta be this region. Everything here is wrong. Order a cheese pizza in northeastern Pennsyltucky and I will bet you that it has onions on it. When I order a large cheese pizza the phone call usually takes another 2-3 minutes to specify that I don't want onions, and that the pie should be NY style. "Don't you me round?" No! I mean NY ###### style pizza! There are 2 kinds of pizza, NY and Chicago. I might allow Sicilian as an option but you'd have to make a compelling argument. This area has a severe NY inferiority complex.


    Anyway, new complaint: Furnaces! That is all.

  7. I've been wearing the same pair of Bauer Supreme 5000's since my sophomore year of college in 2001. They're beat to hell, smell, the inside lining is all torn up, the pads on the sides of my ankle have been worn through, but I just can't get rid of them. I'm not all that good, and play about once a week (I took about 3.5 years off between 2003-2006). I was in Ottawa last year and looked at some new skates, tried a few pairs on, and couldn't believe how much nicer they were... and lighter too. But, I stuck with my old 5000's and will be wearing them again tonight at 9:15.


    I will admit though... reading this thread has me itching for some new skates.


    Do it! I love my new Bauer's. Supreme TotalOne, greatest skate ever!

  8. This game just helps my belief that sports are fixed. The line was crazy, the whole world was on the sharks and every bookmaker in the country made a killing tonight! The Sabres shouldn't have had a shot at this one and they ended up putting a pretty big dent in half the boards bankroll.


    Glad I sat this one out.


    Good thing Drane isn't actually making book on this.


    I bet drane wishes he was making book after tonights game.

  9. I have a related question. Whenever I skate (or ski for that matter), my feet always cramp up. It's been like that since I was in high school (eons ago), and it happens even if I wear ultra thin socks. I've never had the money to buy custom made boots or skates, but actually I am willing to do that now because my growing days are long over and because thankfully I have some money to spend.


    Any suggestions here? Other than buying custom, are there other things to do to make skating (or skiing) more enjoyable without cramping up the feet?


    Stay out of Lange boots on the mountain. They are the stiffest most unforgiving boots ever constructed. Almost built purely for racing. I always had to have a second pair of boots for when the races were done. Rosignol and Solomon make pretty comfy carving boots these days. Go to a private ski shop over a large chain to get fitted. Also check out the Ski Magazine buyers guide, its always good.


    Hockey boots on the other hand are all stiff. That's just the way it is. Maybe go wider? Graf makes great skates, especially for wide feet.

  10. Learning to play hockey has been on my bucket list for awhile. You have to start somewhere — I had the first of seven skating lessons the other night. I move about as well as Dave Andreychuk on meth, but at this point, whatever. I'm on my way.


    I skated in rental skates, and I don't want to do that again. Lord. So I need some down and dirty advice on buying skates, where to go, what to look for, how much to expect to spend and so on. I'm reasonably close to Buffalo.


    I would find out from someone if the sabres or amerks do a used equipment sale at the end of the year. If they do, I would buy pro quality skates there for cheap and in the meantime I'd hit up play it again sports for something comfortable.


    Lace bite is inevitable. Happens to everyone, and it normally goes away after a couple of times on your new skates. If the lace bite keeps getting worse, its the skates.


    I always go a size and a half smaller than my shoe size and I also play barefoot so I'm not real big into comfort. That might not be the way you want to go right away. You'll want to skate more if you are comfortable and continue to see progress in your skating.


    I love getting new skates! I get a pair every two years and that day is always awesome! Have fun, grow a mullet and remember, the ice is slippery.

  11. The conversation my girlfriend is having with one of our co workers. It's ###### mind numbingly stupid. Trying to order pizza and this broad cant understand what a cheese pizza. She says "I'm getting 2 plain pizzas. One with peppers and onions and one with pepperoni." So I says "well that's not plain at all." This conversation when in a circle for about 25 minutes until I had to intervene and explain that "plain pizza" as the co worker referred to it as is actually dough, sauce and cheese. She still couldn't grasp this concept and in the end I said "###### it! We'll bring the pizza!"



    2nd degree kidnapping and 3rd degree assault. If this goes through he's done.


    I'm betting $50 the charges are way trumped up. Doing no research that is. Don't know the guy at all and he could be a total scumbag, but in my experience these charges rarely tell any of the story, they hardly ever stick and are either dismissed or severely reduced.


    Edit: But hey, I could be way off and I wouldn't be surprised either way.



    Part of me wants to think Darcy is an evil genius. Think about it for a minute, he floats Vanek to the Leafs to get the Islanders to bite. He knows that not only will Vanek get him good value, but that Vanek is in no way suited to the Islanders high tempo system, which means he'll be underwhelming and his value drops league wide making Darcy look brilliant.


    Damn near 2 decades of genius. Tell that little part of you to pipe down.


    On phone=no friendly chiding emoticon.

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