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Posts posted by ubkev

  1. This thread is depressing me thoroughly!! My league ended 2 Sundays ago (Championship #2!) And this session that began last night, I have to sit out because my hockey budget is going to my gun and tools collection! Sucks big time! I hate taking sessions off. 3 months without playing competitively really gets to me. Especially because 90% of the guys I play with are a blast to hang out with. (The other 10%....you know the type. The guys who thing the scouts are in the stands.)


    Beer league kicks ass.



    They could, but it is his choice and a lot of college players skip their senior season. Should be interesting to see what he does.


    I am almost positive he said somewhere along the line that he was going to stay at Wisconsin until he graduated but I cant seem to find it right now. Even if he did say that, kids change their minds like women change their outfits.

  3. Right handed shot.


    I know how to do the box-out kick/tie-up by turning into the circle, but I feel like that wasn't the new and improved glove cheater's method. I seem to remember they dropped both shoulders straight in, tied up the stick somehow, then gloved it through their legs. Or something. I definitely want to get that stick tied up, for the reason you mentioned.


    I seem to remember Ott dropping to his knees when he used to do it.



    You that guy with those danglies hangin' on the tow hitch?


    Haha, Homie don't play that!


    This is wayy off topic, but this is the only how-to thread we have at the moment. For the players: how do you win a faceoff using your glove, ie in the manner that is now illegal in the NHL? I've looked for videos of that type of faceoff win, but I can't find any. Specifically, I know you draw the puck back with your glove, but I want to know what the body positioning is and what the stick tie-up looks like such that you can actually get a free hand on it.


    I think it'd be funny to use it in beer league on D zone draws.


    You right handed or left handed shot?


    Either way, I'd go reverse wide grip on the stick, wide feet, get low and box out hard with your shoulders and hips. That way you should have his stick tied up and you'll be free to do whatever. I prefer to kick it because I'm a fan of not having broken fingers lol.

  5. Thats why I never understood the constant love for Beene in Oakland. Sure, he was the first to use analytics or whatever and it worked, he was able to build a team on the cheap, but he is still without anything more then a couple of playoff series wins in his time there. Now every fan spouts off about WAR and Fwar and ERA+, etc about every player and almost every GM will look at these stats giving him no real advantage anymore since everyones going to be using it and it just means it will shift things so that those guys are going to become out of his price range and he will need to go find some other way to build on the cheap.


    I'm not saying he hasn't done good, the guy is working under a huge budget restraint and built teams to get to the playoffs with these restraints, but I would have held off making the movie about him until he atleast won a championship with this method........


    Good post. I was just going to ask if the movie ends with the Yankees winning the world series.... again!

  6. I'll preface this by saying I've been a skier since I could walk, so the hockey stop came a little easier to me. But I learned the hockey stop by facing the boards, holding on and making snow by shaving the ice one foot at a time. Once you get the feeling of how little preasure it actually takes then try it while skating.


    Does that make sense to anyone? I think that might be difficult to comprehend from just reading it. Pretty sure I didn't help anything lol



    I think he's talking about Clarence High School, and all the rich jocks that live in that town decided that their taxes were too high so they fired bunch of music teachers.


    Well, F them then! If your house costs more than a quarter of a million dollars you should get screwed on your taxes. Its not the music teachers fault! beerme is right, what happened to CHS?

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