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Posts posted by ubkev

  1. 3 hours ago, SwampD said:

    If there is no base, don’t they have to groom it first? I remember a buddy of mine during Monday night ski club went on to one of the closed trails during one of the lake effect events. He got really messed up when he wiped out and went right through all the powder and landed on the frozen ground. He basically landed on nasty concrete.

    Anyone that's never skiied fresh powder should not attempt! It's almost a different sport. 

    But there's lots of factors at play. Fluffy light snow, you'll go right through about 2 feet of it. It takes pretty good technique to be able to float in it.  That heavy wet crap won't let you sink too deep, but it will also grab your skis and try to take you down. 

    Oh, and closed trails are closed for a reason! 😛

    I'm just saying, I'd grab the Backcountry gear and I'd be hiking all day today to ski fresh lines. (But mountain ops crews are probably there and they'll definitely be kicking people out for attempting this, so I probably wouldn't get far.)


  2. 12 minutes ago, Wyldnwoody44 said:

    Also, I've snowblowed twice already and I still have 2 feet of snow left to do for a 3rd time, so It came down hard at my house. The new Snows on the truck plowed through it all. 

    This morning seems to have slowed and moved towards the city more 


    17 minutes ago, Wyldnwoody44 said:

    I live across the street from KB, I called yesterday and the woman at the desk seemed annoyed that I called to ask it they'll open.

    Yeah, they're not turning the lifts on. But you can definitely go ski. I'd venture to guess they have a fresh 4 feet? Lol

  3. 1 hour ago, Pimlach said:

    Happy to read she is now ok.  I had an experience somewhat similar to this once, my wife had an anaphylactic reaction, I thought I was going to lose her.  

    My wife is an RN and has been with many patients right to their end, and she see so many that die alone.  Because she shared some stories with me, I know that my wife would be comforted by a priest/clergyman if ever in a life-threatening situation.   

    This could be a learning moment for you.   My guess is you were having a major anxiety attack, which is understandable.   My wife and I have had that conversation on the inevitable end game, including all the planning that goes with it.  It is not an easy topic to discuss and work through, but it is worthwhile for couples to have it.  

    My wife very much agrees with you. She says "the doctors and nurses are here for me and the chaplain is here for you." I don't argue with her about it. If I asked for a priest that'd be one thing, but I'm not down with having a random stranger try to comfort me. I'll call my mom if I need comforting. All he was doing was taking me from scared out of my mind to pissed off beyond belief. Dave, you ain't a Doctor and she ain't *****in dying today! Now please let me read about every type of stroke and possible treatment so I can tell the doctors and nurses how to do their jobs! (I'm the worst!) 😛

    • Thanks (+1) 1
  4. 2 days ago my wife was rushed to the hospital from her routine doctors appointment because they thought she was having a stroke. I met the ambulance at the ER and we got triaged and into to CT for a scan. Meanwhile, as the nurses and neurologists are running us(running me, wheeling her) all over the hospital, there's a guy trailing right behind me. Not a doctor, not a nurse. Button up tucked into his slacks, carrying a notepad kinda thing. The docs and nurses get her into the CT scan and now I'm sitting in the hallway with this guy. He introduced himself as the chaplain, and now I'm absolutely seething. Mother *****, I will knock you the ***** out. You leave me the ***** alone! I've probably been in the ER 3 dozen or so times in my life, never seen a chaplain or a priest ever. You show up now? Today's not the day and I'm not your *****in guy! So after I've made myself clear that the chaplains services will not be needed, my wife comes out of the CT scan and her first words are "oh hey Dave!" Of course she knew the chaplain.

    So we get back to her bed in the hallway of a very overwhelmed ER. She gets hooked up to every machine imaginable and then we wait for an MRI. The CT scan came back clean in the meantime, and the chaplain has left me alone. 6 hours later, MRI time. It's clean. No stroke! Rushed to the hospital at noon, didn't leave til 10 pm. 9 hours and all we know is it wasn't a stroke. But we do know that it definitely wasn't a stroke. So I'll take that as a positive. As of today she is ok, and I'm no longer threatening to kill clergymen. I guess this could go in the Awesome thread.

  5. On 11/7/2022 at 10:34 AM, shrader said:

    Assuming each ticket is different, yes.  Try to predict a die roll.  If you get two choices you've doubled your chance.  It's the same idea.

    I'm really good at predicting dice rolls. 

    It's gonna be 7 more often than it isn't. 😉

  6. 7 hours ago, Claude Balls said:

    Yup. Sad thing is they are ruining  Sean Tuckers future. He was a heisman candidate going into the season. 

    I'm not impressed by Tucker. I know the offensive line is awful, and that has a ton to do with it, but...yeah, *shrug.*

  7. 5 hours ago, Claude Balls said:

    Syracuse was a major fraud early in the year. They suck. 4-4 Pitt is slapping them around.

    Syracuse will lose every game for the rest of the season including their bowl game. They can't score. They have no QBs. Florida State will beat them by 24. 

    • Agree 1
  8. 13 hours ago, Hank said:

    I have two Irish setters. One is extremely intelligent, the other is very dumb. One is excited and  playful with other dogs, the other is timid and hides behind me. One will sprawl across my body on the couch for hours, the other doesn't like to cuddle at all. Bought both of them at eight weeks old. Same breed, same environment, very different dogs with very different personalities. Oh, one is male and one is female. I have absolutely no idea if that's a factor, I've had an Irish Setter for over forty years but this is my first female. 


    Also, what is a clicker?

    Clicker is just a 2"x1/2" little rectangular box with a button in the middle that make a distinctive clicking sound when pushed. 

  9. On 11/3/2022 at 4:57 PM, RochesterExpat said:

    Had our first vet appointment today. He is at 14.2 pounds and the vet did note he is slightly underweight for his frame. He was 11.6lbs on Saturday when I weighed him. Per the vet, he will likely come in around 80-85lbs fully grown based on his current weight and age, but she said we won't really have a good estimate (because he's a mix and will have a less predictable growth pattern than a purebred plus he appears to be slightly underweight) until he's 4-6 months old. She won't be surprised if he ends up breaking 100lbs or, conversely, slides in closer to 70. So it's a pretty big range, but he will be a big boy either way.

    On the subject of brains, he learned the clicker means a treat in fewer clicks than it took my Belgian Malinois which shocked me and he's learned to sit already--just working on repetitions with him on that for now. So that part of the Border Collie is coming through.

    Trying to teach him "come" has been fun though as he has learned the command, but you can only get maybe 4 or 5 repetitions in before he's decided he doesn't really feel like walking anymore and the stick/toy/rock/bare concrete at his feet looks interesting. Then he plops down and ignores the clicker. So that bit is certainly the Pyr coming through.

    My Shiba Inu's laughed at the clicker. Rotties, Boston Terriers, no problem with it. Sit, stay, come, heel, no problem. These two Shiba's though...might as well be wolves. They do as they like. It's quite funny.

  10. 4 hours ago, LabattBlue said:

    I was going to volunteer for the PGA at Oak Hill next May for 4 days, driving in daily from Buffalo area.  Got an email today that I am can pick my schedule.  Only one problem…as a “volunteer”, you must purchase a volunteer clothing package consisting of two golf shirts, a jacket, and a baseball cap.  Cost… $278. 😱 

    Thought it would be fun, but didn’t realize there is a large cost to me. Now reconsidering.   

    WTF. 😡

    Try to snag a spot as a valet driver for the golfers(if that's still a thing.) The tips will more than make up for the $278 out of pocket. 


    Source: My pops drove the boys from the hotel to the course about a decade ago. (Not at Oak Hill, though)

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