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Posts posted by LTS

  1. that was no slash - he was trying to play the puck and followed through as thomas grabbed the puck. what thomas did was fairly reckless - i'd think he gets something.


    Eh? It doesn't matter if you are "trying" to play the puck. He didn't play it, he missed and slashed Thomas. Just like if you high-stick you high-stick (which this does hit right near Thomas' mask on the first connection. The only exception to the high-stick is the "follow through" or shot motion (ie. when the stick comes up to take a slapshot - I think Brad May nailed Kariya in the face on something like that, no call).


    Soderberg clearly slashes Thomas. He deserved everything he got. Good on Thomas for protecting himself.

  2. So...First batch down. Four and a half hours later and I'm just hoping for the best. My wife says the smell is going to make her barf.


    Well.. then you probably did just fine. Fermenting beer never smells great until you've brewed many batches and develop a Pavlovian response.


    If she complained about the smell of a sugar solution boiling then I'd be worried. :)


    what did you make?



    Finally, had Brooklyn Fire and Ice last night (it's a draft only release). Smoked Porter... it was quite tasty.

  3. Lots of wisdom in this thread.


    The only beef I have is with people questioning making a move sooner or later. It's like someone jumping the stock market right? If one team decides that NOW is the time they want to move they may offer a deal that appeals to the Sabres. I'm guessing that almost immediately the Sabres are sending out notice that there is an offer and the ball is rolling. You move now or you lose your opportunity. I think it's possible to create a pseudo trade deadline scenario that way. The only thing it removes is the impact of the time between now and the actual deadline. Of course, one injury to Moulson, Miller, etc. and the Sabres are left holding an empty bag.

  4. Good post. I think though that in Anaheim's case, cap space isn't as important as actual cash spent, and this is where signing Miller becomes problematic. They are at $63MM in cash payroll right now. Your scenario has them increasing to $65MM and that includes only 11 forwards and 6 D, plus pretty cheap contracts for their 2 RFAs. Another forward and another D, plus perhaps another $1MM for the 2 RFAs, and now they're approaching $68MM, which is likely too pricey for them.


    Moreover, as you pointed out, for the following year, they will have to remake their D group.


    It just doesn't seem consistent with their budget-minded approach to go from young and cheap in goal to old and expensive.


    Why do you say $68MM is too pricey for them? A big name goalie only serves to keep fan interest in the team. They will make the money there in Anaheim. I'm not aware of them being in trouble financially. Remaking their D with the open money shouldn't be hard to do. In addition there the cap is likely to continue rising so there's money every year to sign players with.


    I don't see Miller going to the Ducks. The Blues seem more likely to me. Anaheim is the top overall team right now, so there is a danger in them messing with anything at this point.


    Just to clarify. The discussion is where Miller ends up in the offseason. The Ducks would be crazy to change anything at this point barring an injury.

  5. I don't think Anaheim has the cash to sign Miller, nor the inclination to dedicate that much budget space to Miller in light of their younger and cheaper options.


    I'd disagree there. I was looking at Capgeek. They project the Ducks to have $23m in cap space next year. They have their top 4 forwards locked up long term. They might eat about $5-6m in cap space signing Winnik, Perreault, Silfverberg. I don't see them signing Koivu and Selanne is gone. The D is ALL signed for next year. They move Fasth and save $2.9m. They move Fasth's salary and they only need perhaps $4.5m more to sign Miller at a total of $7.5m/season.


    They could lose Winnik and Penner this season too but if the Ducks are bringing in Miller I'm thinking they both sign 2 year deals to have a good shot to win again. So, Perry, Getzlaf, Bonino, Palmieri, Cogliano, Winnik., Penner, Silfverberg, Perreault. All but Silfverberg are in the top 10 of scoring. The D is all signed as I mentioned with Fowler (also top 10 scoring) signed long term.


    Commited Salary next year: $46m (subtracking Fasth's $2.9m) - 7 Forwards, 7 D, 1 G


    Sign Winnik at $3m (up from $1.8)

    Sign Penner at $4m (up from $2)

    Tender Perreault at $2m (up from $1.05)

    Tender Silfverberg at $1.5 (up from $0.863)


    11 forwards under contract at an additional $10.5 m and total payroll is $56.5m - leaving an open 4th line forward spot (< $1m). So, sign Miller at $7.5m and they are on the hook for $65m. If the cap is $71.1m (capgeek projection) they still have $6m in cap space left and are basically the same team. The following year they have 3 UFA D and 1 RFA D. That would leave them roughly $20m in cap space to sign 4 D positions.

  6. I think the media tried forcing Anaheim for so long that people have to talk about them, but I don't think it'll happen. The magnets connected to Miller and his wife aren't strong enough to force the two teams to make a trade to accommodate them.


    Not sure where you are talking the two teams to make a trade. I had said I don't think Miller ends up there this season. I think he signs there in the offseason. The only trade would need Anaheim to ship out Fasth. They could also keep Fasth and have Gibson and Andersen in the minors. I just don't think there's any way they give Fasth the keys to team. He's been injured much of the season. He earned a contract last year but Hiller was still the man.

  7. Why Anaheim?


    Hiller is a UFA. That leaves the with Fasth and Andersen and Gibson. They have two young goalies and I'm thinking they aren't going to put their faith in Fasth. They could most likely move him. They bring in Miller who not only shores up goaltending for them but also provides solid mentorship to their younger goalies.


    Miller ends up in LA and is happy as can be. Their defense is set. They will most likely lose Selanne and Koivu this year but they will remain strong in the top 6 with Getzlaf, Perry, Cogliano, Bonino and Palmieri.

  8. We are paying $18.50/game this session. I think it was $225 or something for a 12 game season and if we don't suck bad enough we get 1-2 playoff games.


    Skates have to be part of your body. If they are anything but you are screwed. Bad fit, bad support, and you'll quickly hate hockey and you'll screw your foot health.


    I wish I could get a slightly better pair but the one's I have now work for me.

  9. I generally only go forward in the neutral zone, especially the center dot. If I'm in my own end, I want to get that puck in my possession at all costs. Even if we're going to gun it long, I'd rather send the far-side wing long along the far boards and send it around behind the boards or skate it behind the net and make the direct pass. Maybe I'm a little more conservative, or maybe you've got pretty good confidence that your wing's going to win that puck.


    Normally I'm winning it back. Only time we do this is when they have a left handed draw and they pull the D from that side in towards the circle. So it opens up the entire right side of the rink. We're pretty much guaranteed at that point that no one would be able to get to the puck before the RW.


    Naturally there are times it doesn't work but if the puck does go to that D on their side I'm already on my way there to interrupt the shot. Usually I just take the face-off left handed and win it into the corner. The nice thing about the level I play in is that very few guys are good at faceoffs. On the rare chance they are I just tie up their stick and let a winger win the puck.

  10. Not sure on the glove thing...


    I usually just switch hands when the goalie is on my backhand side. Sometimes I will go forehand but I find it more amusing when you normally line up right handed and then line up as a lefty. The guy looks confused because you've been righty all game.


    If their player is a lefty then usually they will pull in his backhand defenseman to take the quick shot. So what I try to do then is set my right-wing out wider than normal and try and backhand the puck towards the open point. It often works because that's the direction the other player is going anyway so if I beat him to the puck he usually just helps me hit it harder and if he beats me I usually keep him from being able to complete the pull back to his defender. Either way my RW shoots to the open spot on the ice and generally ends up with a solid breakaway (assuming the left D doesn't jump immediately and doesn't have good speed).

  11. When Kane flashed his cash shot after signing his contract I knew all I needed to know about him. He's got the attitude of a bad NBA player. The only problem is he plays hockey. Hockey doesn't really have a gangsta segment.


    The Hawks letting Byfuglien go right after winning the first cup also made me suspect about him.


    The article above only cements things. Leaving unpaid bar bills around town? C'mon.

  12. Yea.. I generally avoid dry yeast as well. Wyeast is good but I've had really great results with White Labs.


    Always trust the gravity reading. We had a starter ferment overnight with no visible signs of fermentation. We thought it was dead but tested it and it apparently it was just really good yeast!

  13. I like his "this team is in last place everyone can be traded quote" :w00t:


    Except for Girgensons. Unless he could get monumental returns for that kid there is no way he's up for trade. Personally I would accept getting rid of Nolan first (although Nolan may be influencing Girgensons level of play at the moment) before I would consider moving Girgensons. He just has.. it.


    His chemistry with Moulson seems to be pretty good too.


    I love these moves. At least it removes questions from the franchise and now allows us to begin evaluating real moves. We're going to see what can happen within the next month when people are moved or not.

  14. Home brewers, a question:


    My brew, she's not a-bubblin'. The first few days after brew-day I had my 5-gallon pail in a heated room in the attic, but I was afraid that it was to cold, so I moved it into the guest room and i've been making sure the heat is fairly consistantly around 65-70 ( I have a little space heater in there for extra cold nights). Its been about a week and a half and I'm not getting any consistant bubbling and I'm worried. Should I open her up and check? I'm worried about contamination from opening it, but I'm also worried I'm just letting this beautiful beer go to waste, and I'm hoping its just a bad seal or something. Any thoughts?


    Do you have a spray bottle with Starsan solution in it? If not you are really doing yourself a disservice. If you do, just spray the lid areas and your hands and check the beer.


    what yeast are you using? if it's been 65-70 the whole time you should be fine, but it's possible that the yeast is bad.

  15. Yep. There's nothing that prevents the Sabres from talking to their players who are currently under contract. They simply get the contract that the player wants and tell them that they are willing to pay. However, because they respect their position as an impending UFA and what they have done for the team they would be willing to trade them as a rental to a high-contending team for a shot at the Cup. There's always the risk but I'm certain the Sabres could pay Ott and Miller a premium based on their willingness to do it.


    Of course Ott and Miller would have to know what the trade would bring back to Buffalo. I think it's more of a chance with Ott than MIller, but Miller has been here forever and by all appearances the teams he'd be most interested in joining are not seeking goaltending.

  16. Unless Ott has specifically told Lafontaine that he has no intention of re-signing with the Sabres, trading Ott would be a HUGE mistake and would put a real early blemish on Lafontaine's record in my book.

    I don't think trading three of your captains in a year is good in any case.


    Unless Ott, who seems to be a stand up guy, has told the Sabres he will re-sign with them in the off season. It makes sense right? If you want to play on a team and you want that team to improve then why not tell the team you'll take a trade that will bring talent back the other way. Then you turn around and sign back with that team and boom and you're improved. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen.

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