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Posts posted by LTS

  1. I guess it really doesn't matter what it is.. I was totally on board with the current management team of the Sabres and clearly something is going kaboom which means something is changing and that can't be good.


    As for the question as to why Battista was talking to Nolan... it could be that Murray was on the phone with the Blues/NHL and LaFontaine was not at the rink. So, you gotta find someone.

  2. Generally, if you make a rule because one guy is too good at something, it's probably a bad rule. And there's nothing wrong with goalies handling the puck, anyway.


    Yea.. tying down the jersey is stupid.


    Roussel could have stopped more but he also didn't raise his arm to increase the contact either. The response was warranted I suppose. On the other hand, if the Canes D doesn't get beat to the outside there it's a different story entirely.

  3. I've been consistent in my opinion that any trade of Miller was going to be unsatisfactory to me. I don't see the blueprint to success when you trade all your good, seasoned players with ability for draft picks.


    Haters gonna hate. He wasn't coming back after this season. You wanted him here for a few more months and gone for good with no return? That's an even worse blueprint to success.


    Stafford emotional during his post-game press conference when talking about Miller. Huh, guess he is human..


    Brian Duff showed why he's the man. He poked Stafford at times to comment and definitely empathized with him but then asked him to tell a funny moment to get Stafford to lighten up for a moment. That was a great interview. Brian Duff may not be with the Sabres broadcast crew for very long... someone national is going to want him.


    I can't wait to see Noureen's reaction when she has to fly into the St. Louis airport.......the Ukrainian airport is probably more aesthetic at this point......


    So, the home of Anheuser-Busch is pinning it's hopes on Miller Time. That should be interesting!


    Bottom line, if Ott doesn't re-sign here in the off-season it's safe to say he wasn't going to sign during this season and so the Sabres got value. The market sucked for goaltenders so the Sabres got a pretty good haul for a limited market and given the additions the chances are good that the Sabres get a better pick than a 2016 3rd.


    The Sabres are on a 3 game win streak, beating Boston and San Jose in that span and people are talking about how bad they are. I love it. They'll be better sooner than the haters think, that much is certain.

  4. Just from a practical standpoint, if Murray is trying to pull off 3 big trades (Miller, Ott, Moulson) plus anything else he thinks he can do, he probably doesn't want to try to cram that all into one day. He only has so much bandwidth.


    If he can get something done early, I think he'll go for it so that he can concentrate on his next moves.


    Just to point out that Holmgren dealt Mike Richards and Jeff Carter in less than an hour. The frameworks get set now and once the time comes I don't think it's too much of a distraction to fire them off.

  5. Watching the Russia - Norway game.


    My god, the Russians are an uninspired bunch.


    Their PP for instance, consists of Ovechkin and Kovalchuk standing completely still waiting for a one-timer, while the three remaining Russians pass the puck around slower than the Sabres, only to be broken up by the inevitable Max-like pass attempt through the Norweigan box.


    They better be careful or they will all leave for the KHL.

  6. I guess what I'm getting at is, why would GMs prefer goalies that average around 6' in height?


    Ahh, I see where I went wrong. I assumed this thread had devolved into a measuring contest and that you were just throwing out a number. I did some research though and that 6" thing is apparently a phallusy.

  7. No worries...


    I started with buckets and a pan on the stove, I know where you are at.


    So, stay with the bucket for fermenting until you can afford something better than a better bottle. They are nice, but cleaning them is awful. I don't like glass carboys (I've read too many injury stories from breaking glass). I've used them, never had an issue, but I was always leery of something bad happening.


    I'm currently using a 14.5 gallon conical.. not your cup of tea.. but in reviewing if you can save up for this you might be happy - http://morebeer.com/products/brew-bucket-stainless-fermenter.html


    I'm thinking about getting a couple of them in the near future for a different brewing system. Fermenters are the hardest thing to clean and stainless is amazing at reducing the effort.

  8. But then why do guys have to pass a physical for a trade to go through? Don't you have a right to x-ray bones and joints? What's the difference if it is a muscle?


    If I question Ryan Miller's depth perception, am I allowed to test his vision?


    Guys have to pass a physical for contracts as well.


    They are good questions. I don't know entirely what a physical consists of when they are doing this. I'm sure it's not too unlike the physical I get from my doctor. Basically, do your limbs move, etc. I don't know if they can subject the player to imaging.


    Once he has a contract signed I am sure he can get his vision checked. Before it? Not likely. But again, I don't know what is possible and what is not. I'm guessing that there are many things they can't test. Of course, a player who wants a contract could always agree to a test as well.

  9. That's what I figured.


    In racing, there are multiple outfits that will not touch a horse without performing multiple circulatory and breathing imaging tests on the horse. This, even if they are thinking about spending $100,000....not $38,500,000




    Horses are treated as property. That's been illegal in the United States for some time. It's a different tune when it's a person. You can discriminate against a horse.


    Now that's a GREAT point!


    There may be something in the CBA.


    Most things aren't life threatening. I find it silly that the NHL hooks these guys up to a bike until they puke, but won't find out about the hardware that drives the results.


    I hope they didn't breed the St. Bernards TO the Pomeranians.....


    What they test are the outward measures of the player. They can't peak under the cover. In theory where does the line end? Can your employer perform a routine psych test on you? What if they determine a certain risk factor in mental health profile makes it slightly more likely you'd be involved in a violent incident in the workplace? Perhaps your profile says that while you say you have no problem with people from other cultures your body language suggested that you were lying.


    Bottom line.. there's no way it could be required. If we move the argument to the personal responsibility realm do you think an athlete would get their own test done? What if it showed something? Do they address it? How does that impact them in the sport?


    Tough questions. I think I would want to know.

  10. Bought my second kit, a maibock. I may be in a bit over my head because I have to lager it, but we'll see. If I do it right it'll be done right at the beginning of May which would be perfect. Also went a little off the kit recipe, changed the yeast and I'll be adding a little extra hops. Here goes nothing.


    Changed the yeast to what? ADDED hops? I know styles are being blurred all the time but it is a Maibock. What hops did you add, and when?


    I should also ask, is your kit a malt extract kit, a specialty grain kit or an all grain kit?

  11. Nothing like a thread full of subjective being spouted off as fact.


    He's not the starting goalie for the Sabres. He has not overtaken Miller as the starter. He's not even challenged him. Let's leave it at that. Can he be successful as a goalie? Sure, why not. There are plenty of goaltenders in the NHL who are protected by the team on the ice in front of them.


    Trent Dilfer won a Super Bowl.

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