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Posts posted by dudacek

  1. Time for a roll call.

    What is everyone's current stance on the tank?


    I was for the wholesale sell-off of the core.

    Now that that is over, I'm for using those assets to build a Stanley Cup team.

    I'd love McEichel, but it has to happen organically.

    I believe deliberately trying to lose this season to get him is a bad move.

    It sends the wrong message with too little chance for success.


    I fully support the tradeoff of parts that aren't going to fit here long-term for parts that might be.

    Finishing 23rd does not doom us to 10 more years of Darcy hockey.

  2. I don't buy into your Makarov love poster-formerly-known-as-Numark, but the rest of that is pretty spot-on and good bit of perspective.

    Pysyk is the only one I'm really worried about. I think he is probably either pouting or lost his confidence.


    That said, the kids can't be unaffected by the current environment down there and, with player development being a stated Murray priority, it is cause for concern.

  3. If your AHL team has 2 defensemen that many thought were NHL-ready, plus 4 allegedly top forward prospects, plus 2 goalies that are supposed to be pretty good, they shouldn't lose 14 out of 17 -- unless those prospects ain't all that.


    This is the one flaw in your argument. Some on here think they are pretty good, but I don't think that's a sentiment shared around the league.

    And they certainly haven't played well this year.


    But I'm with D4rk. Murray deliberately put together a team that was supposed to succeed in the AHL this year.

    It's where he came from and what he believes in.

    He's not going to let this continue.

  4. I will go back to what I posted awhile ago. I think with Myers there is a lot more behind the scenes that we don't see. He has always been inconsistent. He has games where he is the best player on the ice. Then he has games where he is completely lost. Makes you think he has some issues between the ears. This guy wasn't seeing a psychologist for no reason. And most likely seeing that psychologist was at the urging of the organization. For all we know the guy could be pn meds. Bottom line we just don't know.


    I don't believe Murray wants to hitch his wagon and millions of dollars to him. Since the day he was hired Myers has pretty much been on the block. Yes the asking price is high. Yes most players are tradeable for the right price. If Myers was in the Sabres long term plans Murray wouldn't be letting these persistent rumors float around. Especially with a frail ego that Myers appears to have. Again, for all we know Myers better play of late could be inspired because he wants out. Maybe his agent went to Murray and told him so. Murray says play at the highest level you can and I will maximize what I can get for you.


    As a fan we are lucky to know 60% of what goes on in the locker room and in Murray's office. The other 40% is why Murray is a GM and we are posting on a forum.



    You're right. I also think Nikita is playing so well because he has been told it will increase his trade value.


    I think with Zadorov there is a lot more behind the scenes that we don't see. He has games where he is the best player on the ice. Then he he gets benched during a freaking prospects tournament. Makes you think he has some issues with motivation. This guy wasn't benched for the first month the season for no reason. Clearly he has weight issues. For all we know he could have addiction issues. Bottom line we just don't know.


    I don't believe Murray wants to hitch his wagon and millions of dollars to him. Since the day he was hired I have never heard Murray say anything positive about him. Yes, the asking price is high. Yes most players are tradeable for the right price. If Zadorov was in the Sabres long-term plans Murray would have said so. Especially with that cocky attitude Nikita appears to have. Again, for all we know Zadorov's better play of late could be inspired because he wants out. Maybe his agent went to Murray and told him he was going to go to Russia if he wasn't moved. Murray says play at the highest level you can and I will maximize what I can get for you.

  5. Most of our top prospects are in the NHL, CHL, and NCAA. The Amerks really only have four guys I ever expect on an NHL roster.


    Larsson, Pysyk, McCabe, Armia, Grigorenko, Carrier for me.


    But guys like Adam, Varone, Bagnall, Petrecki and Dalpe are all good AHL players.

    The team should be better.

    There is definitely something wrong down there and it needs to be addressed.

  6. Murray gave some praise to Myers today on GR.

    Talked about his ability to take possession from the other team and move the puck up ice.


    The only reason some think he's not a Murray guy is because Dreger keeps talking about how the price for him is too high and Murray has never said ###### you I'm not trading him.


    ...not that Murray's said that about Zemgus either.

    I'm inclined to believe Murray believes what he has said: anyone is available for the right price.


    And Myers' price keeps going up.

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