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Posts posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Going to have a house full of Ravens fans tomorrow. This should be interesting... Or I hope it will. I'm starting Torry Smith against that elite secondary.

    You can probably just bench the rest of your fantasy team and still pull out a victory with Torry alone, especially if rogers is against him



    With how good Jackson has looked the last two games, I see no reason not to lean heavily on him.


    McKelvin is out. Balls. We're going to need the offense to carry this game now.


    LET'S GO.


    And THAT is why Freddie needs the ball!


    Freddie understands what north south running is, he has been the better back, I agree, no reason why he shouldn't get a bulk of the carries....


    But it's all for naught if Manuel doesn't get more than 1 yard passing per quarter


    They got bitten by their own lack of aggressiveness. Some were complaining last week that the Bills should have done exactly what the Panthers did this week.

    That may be true and I thought that the bills shoulda done that last week, but I bet Carolina wasn't betting on Manuel driving the field with no time outs.... Either way I'm glad we got a call at the end and got the win.

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