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Posts posted by Weave

  1. My rant from yesterday didn't come to fruition so I ended up home on time today. Dinner is already down the hatch and it's time to relax with an alcoholic beverage or five.


    For once I'm saying thanks to poor interorganizational communication. It delayed a project and saved my Friday evening. :w00t:

  2. Fish tacos at home. Chunks of haddock dredged in flour, egg wash, and dipped in cornmeal generously seasoned with chipotle powder. Assembled on corn tortillas with sweet chili sauce, cabbage, and shredded cheddar. Sweet potato fries with honey butter to dip in on the side.


    Magic Hat Encore wheat IPA in my glass.






    Bourbon coming soon.

  3. 3pm meeting had me pissed off. I lead a team of engineers. Nearly all of them early to mid 20's guys. The only one not fitting that description has a 2 month old baby at home. During the meeting I was asked to have one of my staff work a split shift (think 10-8ish) to help support getting a test up and running. This is a test that has been postponed twice (due to priority, not complications), and the equipment it is to go on has been empty for over two weeks. The test will last about 4000 hours. The test article won't be in our hands until about 2:30pm tomorrow and requires about 4 hrs of instrumentation, calibration and S/W setup time. So, late on Thursday I'm supposed to find a volunteer among a bunch of young guys and one with a new baby at home to come in late and stay late on a Friday evening. Yeah, that'll happen.


    F' it. I'm watching the game tonite and sleeping in. Eat dinner in the lab. I hate asking someone to do something that I am not willing to do myself so I am going to stay and get that test running for the weekend. And if the manager that asked approaches me tomorrow I am sure I will be in a rare enough mood to give him an earful about worrying about losing a weekend on a test that was postponed twice and will take over 7 months to complete. So much for our Friday dinner out plans.



    /a rare rant by me

  4. Not what I'm eating currently, but:


    Just walked by one of our conference rooms and watched our guest pick his nose and eat it...yeah...yumm... :sick:


    I know a hand I won't be shaking...


    Paul Bissonette is an awesome twitter follow.


    BizNasty2point0 Paul Bissonnette

    At what age does it become socially unacceptable to eat your own bugers? Asking for a friend.

  5. wicked screwed up back. can't sleep more that 4-5 hours, and that's just from sheer exhaustion. can't get to my chiro until tomorrow. popping ibuprofen like they're little blue red hots. muscle

    relaxants and pain killers aren't even helping.


    a buddy suggested getting an MRI and look into steroid injections because this happens pretty regularly.


    if I were 12, i'd throw a "fml" in here, but really, this is but a hiccup. all things being equal, this is minor compared to what a real "fml" could be. so I guess from that perspective, I don't have much o

    complain about.


    Hey Chris, I herniated a disk in my lower back (L4-L5) almost 20 years ago. Back pain sux in the worst way and I think you've got a legit FML. If you aren't icing it down I suggest 30 min on, 30 min off for 2-3 cycles. If the injury is new-ish there is probably alot of inflammation. If ibuprophen isn't cutting it give a good, heavy icing down a shot at reducing inflammation.


    My disk had me in physical therapy sessions 3-4 times over a 5 year period. It only gradually got better, but only after I became wicked careful about everything I did. A herniated disk is an injury for life. On the good side, I've been pain free enough for the last 3 years or so that I joined a gym in January and am working out 3-4 days a week now.


    I wouldn't wish a back injury on my worst enemy. Good luck man and keep at it. It'll take time and perserverence to get through.

  6. But then Why did we get Hodgson if he is going to be on the third line. It is going to be interesting to see what happens tommorow night with the lineups.


    For now. I expect that he'll move up the depth chart as the season winds down. Regardless of who centers which line, I want to see some semblance of 3 scoring lines. Mostly because I don't think we have the personnel for a shutdown line with Gaustad gone.

  7. Bucky Gleason's column this morning asks this question:



    ‘And there’s this simple question: Whom would you trust more to make the proper evaluation at this stage, Canucks GM Mike Gillis or Regier?’


    It's similar to some comments here. There's this implication that somehow the Canucks' office is more competent than the Sabres' office, and I doubt that perception is present too far outside of the 716 and 585 area codes. After all, it isn't that long ago that the Sabres were contenders and the Canucks were struggling.


    Here's my counter: Couldn't they both be right? And couldn't they both be wrong? A trade should be a win-win, after all; it is designed to help both teams. Does a GM have to "win" a trade by sticking the other guy with some loser in order for the trade to be good? I don't think so. We've seen some trades where the Sabs have stuck it to the other team, to be sure, but we've also seen some even ones that have worked out well (the LaFontaine deal and even the Mogilny deal come to mind).


    I agree with the point you are making generally but I can relate to and appreciate a level of skepticism regarding this front office's competency given the last 15 years. Darcy did afterall obtain most of his GM experience under the direct tutelage of *the executive who's name I shall not mention*.

  8. I think kaleta should go to fourth, and Lindy should put Boyes back on the 3rd to have another scoring line. Even though he is not producing, give him a chance cause I think Boyes is better on the offensive side then kaleta is.


    I'd like to see a 3rd scoring line as well. Gerbe-Hodgson-Boyes works for me.

  9. I find that opposing fan forums are pretty good indicators of what kind of player you are getting. What is remarkable here is that the comments about Hodgson are near universally positive. They are praising everything from his talent level to his offseason work ethic. I've never seen a signing/trade by us that had such universal positives from the fans that are losing him.


    On the contrary, the Vancouver fans have noted the rather mixed reaction about Kassian coming from Buffalo forums.


    lol we all know I have a mild love affair with Weber... Kids got good heart and I love how he plays. You are probably right but I think he could hold his own against kass.


    Nothing mild about it. And you are proof that love is blind. :)

  10. My sense is that the lines will not fundamentally alter much for the rest of the season. I think Brad Boyes benefits most from this trade. My sense is that the lines will be:







    I think the fourth line turns into the "shutdown" line with now 3 scoring lines. But, if Hodgson is putting up points with fairly limited talent as linemates, I could see him simply moving into Gaustad's spot with Gerbe and Kaleta. Either way, I think this is a good addition to get some center depth with a true center and not some makeshift guy. We may lose more faceoffs without Gaustad, but I think this is a major upgrade in talent at the center position which has been desperately needed.


    That 4th line doesn't have the talent to be a shutdown line. Not a decent skater among them. Seems to me that we're back to rolling 3 scoring lines and one energy line. I'm cool with that.


    How do we know Kassian isnt the tough guy? He was told to tone it down and learn the finer points of playing wing in the NHL..


    Source please?

  11. Wow. Lots to read here. My take:


    If Darcy would have made this trade last season I would have led the lynch mob. Now..... I am pretty optimistic about the trade. Obviously, we need scoring centers, and as the saying goes, you need to give up something good to get something good. You won't find someone who fell more for the allure of Zack Kassian than I did. He represented everything this team has lacked for decades. I had a bonafide man crush on the kid before he ever played a game as a pro. But, other than two fights, I don;t think the kid is living up to his billing, either here or in Rochester. I'm not calling him a bust by any means, but I don't think he is going to be the beast we all expected him to be. And the effort has been, well....... inconsistent. I am getting the sense that Kass is a post-big contract Chris Gratton.


    I am going to lament not being able to post any more Kassian fight night threads. But then again, he hadn't exactly been keeping me busy making them, has he?

  12. Anthem ... Ayn Rand

    Atlas Shrugged ... Ayn Rand

    The Road to Surfdom ... Friedrich Hayak

    The Federalist Papers ... Hamilton and Madison

    Das Kapital ... Karl Marx

    1984 ... George Orwell




    When you've read those, you can join me in bed.


    I tried to get through Altas Shrugged. Oof. Better you than me.

  13. Have a bit of what's turned into an annual tradition for me today. I am a very middle aged man who still has 3 of his grandparents, and all of them are still in good health and living at home. My grandparents on my dad's side both had birthdays within the last 3 weeks. They are 94. For the last decade or so I've made them an elegant birthday dinner and delivered it to them. The logisitcs of a portable special meal sometimes make menu selection and prep interesting. Fortunately they are adventurous eaters even today. Today I am bringing them beef bourguignon, homemade French bread, and red velvet cake. We head for Buffalo in about 30 minutes. I did a bunch of the prep work last night and have all of the ingredients that still need prep pre-measured and packaged for travel. Last night I browned the floured beef and sauteed the mirepoix and made the start of the burgundy-based gravy (that will need to be added to and brought to a simmer at Gramps place). All of the braising will happen while we visit them.


    Should be a pleasant afternoon visiting my grandparents. Cheers folks!

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