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Posts posted by beerme1

  1. Yahoo Sports declares the Sabres a deadline day winner.




    Glad you posted that. As crap as this team has been some of the whining on here today is pissing me off. Let the gm do his job. If you don't like what he did fine. He did what he believes in and I'm fine with that. He is changing the type of players we normally ice and this is only part one. Draft day and FA will fill us in even more.

    So here's Yahoo saying we won the day. We did! But some ###### just cant get over the Buffaloser mentality.

    New GM, hired by Pat and man I love what I see from this guy after all these years of Darcy and his garbage. GMTM is not like Ron Rolston coming in. There's a guy I said I wanted fired after his first day on the job. You knew he was crap. I think we are going down the right road with TM.

    ###### stop the whining! This was a fun day for us.


    Brawndo this is not directed at you.

  2. Elliotte Friedman on WGR late afternoon said it wouldn't surprise anyone around the league if MatMo re signed in Buffalo at free agency time. He really does like it here.

    Somewhere upthread someone mentioned that by dealing him to Minny we may have a chance at him because they will be signing Vanek. I hope so and had the exact same thought about Ott in STL. They will be filling up again there and he may be to rich for them.

    Those will both be interesting to watch. Good guys both of them.

  3. No offense to McNabb but the first time I saw him live was at a prospects game at FNC. He led the group out from the dressing room and caused a pile up behind him because he as first man on the ice fell flat on his face with the first step. It was hilarious to me and seemed like somewhat of an omen to me.

    To anyone on GMTM's back about this give it up. With our bounty of picks we can afford to give a little to get what our GM thinks is what we need. I trust him as no doubt he's seen all the people in play.



    Yep, and if I had a good friend who I sincerely felt got screwed over by 'the brass' for unjustifiable reasons, I wouldn't be very anxious to sign, both as a matter of personal honor and conscience, and also practicality.


    Practicality, in that, if I felt the organization was poorly run at the highest levels, I would not want to commit to that organization.


    And let's also NOT forget - it wasn't Ted Nolan who first spoke of his 3 year contract offer - it was the Sabres brass. They're the ones who've put pressure, via the Media and the fans, on Ted Nolan. Ted Nolan I believe seemed quite willing to not even discuss it.



    Right. And in light of the crap with Patty the last thing they want is to be made out to look like they aren't treating Ted fairly. They are. If you don't like then don't sign it but the team is making sure the crap stops before it even starts with him. And it is starting with him. So if he is of that mindset adios. If you felt that the organization is that poorly run you should be president or gm or own your own team. Maybe Pat should have taken the gm title so Ted would feel comfortable?

    And lastly why shouldn't the Sabres brass put it out there? They have to move on also. We don't want people who don't want to be here. I'm guessing Luke Richardson wants to be here. Ted has a choice and a three year offer on the table. I like Ted but he's losing me a little bit right now and I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I am surprised it's happening this fast though.

    I don't like my boss but I come to work everyday. Tough chit huh?

  5. one variable that is at least interesting . It said both Tim and Terry Murray, good friends of John Muckler.


    I don't think that has anything to do with it. Fact is he has a three year contract waiting to be signed. Muckler name is not relevant in this imo.

  6. Sorry for the double-post. Just wanted to confirm the fact that I'm GoDD's Soviet propagandist:


    LaLa Land is the place where I’ve got unlimited bottles of Old Vienna, and have already got a good buzz on, but I never get too drunk. I’ve got nothing to do tomorrow in LaLa Land, except read the News and check out SabreSpace; so Patty LaFontaine, Ted Nolan and I can shoot the $#!+ until late in the night, and wake up feeling like we had some great conversations, got a lot off our chests, and see things in a new light. Patty sucks at pool, and Ted and I get a kick out of that, in LaLa Land.


    In LaLa Land, there aren’t any non-disclosure agreements, and I never feel guilty about telling them everything. Like last year, about this day, Lindy Ruff had been fired, but Darcy Regier was still in office. Let me preface this by saying, that I’ve never had anything against either of those dudes. Lindy ain’t a bad coach, and Darcy ain’t a bad GM, but their time had run out, which is to say, that the foundation that they were standing on was sand, and they slipped through the hourglass.


    So, about this time last year, I’d come to the conclusion that Pegula wasn’t actually a huge Sabre fan. I started looking into his past, all the way back to Carbondale, PA. In LaLa Land, it’s like a bar, so some pretty sketchy stuff comes to the surface. Turns out that Pegula’s dad was mining the anthracite that the Mafia controlled. The boss was Russell Bufalino. There were indistinguishable ties to Buffalo. “Your should google Bufalino,” I told Patty. Can you imagine that a mafia boss named Bufalino based in the anthracite mines of Northern PA, would seek to control a city in Western New York, that needs anthracite to smelt steel. “No way,” Patty said. “This is a book for someone else,” I told them, but the man that we know as the owner of the Buffalo Sabres was formed solid in that environment, got his start under Buffalino, and that man was set in the direction of natural gas and that direction headed back to Buffalo.


    So, about this non-disclosure agreement, I suppose that takes precedence over truth, and that’s all well and good. I realize that I just need a better contract that’ll supersede the current contracts. I’ve got to hire the better liar, to make enough money to hire the lawyers. I’m thinking of selling drugs in LaLa Land, but it may take a lot more than that. Possibly prostitutes. Possibly dual-purpose child sex-slaves, because I they’d be happier doing chores between sessions. I’ll have to rely heavily on the non-disclosure agreements till we can fashion a better contractual agreement. Something below the truth is what I’m aiming for in LaLa Land, and the further the better.


    They got a contract. #nowayout. Unless we pull a Ukraine on Yanukovich Terry, in which case, who will play Putin? My guess is that Warren Buffet’s been waiting for the right opportunity to own a hockey team. Why else would he have bought the Buffalo News? As you can imagine, things can get pretty far out there in LaLa Land. Thanks Patty, for buying the last round.


    Beats anything I've said here I think!

  7. I like Nolan, but after his pressers since this weekend, and the last presser with GMTM, and, frankly, two Blues games, I don't know if I want him to coach the Sabres anymore.


    This morning's interview on WGR was a tiny bit better, but he sets the tone of the team. Look how frickin' happy Miller has seemed the past several days. If Nolan is going to walk around with his heart on his sleeve the rest of the week, to me that's too long. These players don't need a mirror of their emotions right now, they need someone to show them how to steel up and face adversity with confidence.


    Don't know...I'm still thinking this one through, I dig that it's been crazy for him and the team. As he says "it's been tough..." but he needs to snap out of it pronto or I really don't think he should make it past this year. All he is doing right now, to me, is reversing the gains he and PLF may have made in "changing the culture".


    And furthermore him saying there is no timetable to sign the contract? Ha! GMTM will undoubtedly take that as a sign he doesn't want to be here and move on. The fact there is a three year contract on the table will not reflect well on Teddy no matter what if he doesn't accept it and soon as there really isn't much more time.

    Tic toc Teddy. This ones on you. Man up.


    my apologies, misunderstood. One more comment . It good to remember when stories such as these occur, many from other parts of nation, folks who follow other teams ect, out of interest to read what locals are thinking , log on to site . It is during these times posters have a opportunity to represent the community , team they root for in a positive knowledgeable fashion. Think of times we have visited other teams sites and found amusement in that teams/ cities posters opinions. I would like to think people could visit this site from outside and go away informed , feeling respect for the avid fans/supporters of Buffalo not amusement. It a thought we all to some extent need reflect as we post in ways we to the good or bad reflect our community to some extent ...


    You ever look at Pro Hockey Talk and the vicious un necessary slams people relish in dumping on Buffalo? The internet is full of hidden tough guys, e mail cowboy crowd.

  9. It appears that some of the teams have shut it down for the night, will start to pick back up tomorrow. I am out but should be plugged back in by 9am.


    There could be a trade tonight still so anyone staying up or in a different time zone, have fun.


    With Vanek being held out I would think there is a deal in place. Unless Snow is just smartly asset protecting and about to have a sleepless night because he isn't getting what he needs for him lol.



    If I am not mistaken, "chestnut of wisdom" was intended to be a compliment regarding what you posted.


    I'm with Millibank here. Way too much rumor mongering and useless speculation. It all is nothing but speculation. The facts will show themselves in time. They always do. And when they do the conversation will be much more worthwhile.


    And isn't all of that necessary to drive ratings and readers? Something stinks and I am resigned to never knowing the real deal. As a result I am moving on. And thinking about what GMTM is doing and if I will agree with those moves. I believe I will and think we will be on the right track. Connor next year maybe , don't care. We are going to be stocked with A level talent soon and I care about that so much more than what went down with Patty. Yes the circus show looks bad but if doesn't set us back, screw it.



    You're not getting Taylor Hall for Ehrhoff. That's not even close. Maybe Ehrhoff, our first this year and one of our top prospects.


    Look what it took to get Seguin who Boston was more inclined to move than Edmonton would be to move Hall.


    Eriksson who was a very underrated player considering his consistent 70 point output (obviously having a terrible year but that doesn't factor into the trade), Joe Morrow (a top D prospect for Boston), Reilly Smith (a solid forward prospect who had shown he can score in the AHL) and Matt Fraser (same as Reilly Smith, solid prospect who has been performing at the AHL level).


    Eriksson is about equal to Ehrhoff's value (going to get flamed for that), Morrow would be along the lines of McCabe, Smith would be somebody like Armia and Fraser is someone like Bailey.


    So for somebody whose value is likely lower than Hall's you're looking at Ehrhoff, McCabe, Armia and Bailey.


    You asked what the board thought would be a home run and I took the liberty of speaking for the board.




    ...and by most accounts Dallas stole Seguin.


    If by some miracle of god any of the Oilers top 3 became available (Hall, RNH, Eberle) your going to get into a real uncomfortable place right away.


    Ehrhoff, Zhadorov, Girgensons


    Any takers?


    Not at that price. You are taking the only two untouchables from me. I think you are right though if you're talking to them it will get uncomfortable quickly.



    I wholeheartedly agree - what Murray has done is be an active GM, unlike the passive-aggressive Marcy who kind of waited for someone to call him. But - was the boldness we approve of, opposed by T-Pegs and the "Inner Circle"? Was PLF an advocate for it? With PLF gone, will they try to rein it in?


    GMTM doesn't strike me as someone who will operate by reigning things in so I think we're good.

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