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Posts posted by beerme1

  1. I think it would be fair to say he is a lot more than a goal scorer .



    I am giving him credit by saying I think he gets 9 million per year as an fa and I think I am the only one on record saying that. So there's that. And with that said, he is not much more than a pure goal scorer. Streaky, weak on the back check, killing penalties ha! But he will get paid as a commodity.


    Edit: oh forgot, lazy too lol

  2. And frankly, a lot of the best "finishers" are the same way. They are invisible until the goal is scored. Brett Hull, Shanny, etc., would float around finding seams in the defense and wait for the puck to come to them. Ovechkin does it that way today. In fact I noticed during the Montreal game that Vanek is doing the Ovi thing where, when his team is on defense, will hang out very high, maybe even outside of the zone, waiting for the breakaway pass.


    I never thought of Shanny as a floater. Especially near the end of his career. I cant believe you had to wait till Vanek was a Sabre to make that observation on him though. It doesn't matter in the end though as he can score goals and is going to get PAID again to do it.



  3. he is the new Larry Quinn!


    Congratulation's! You've ruined me :wallbash: Now when I see this guy I will start running m y mouth at him in he arena security will get called and my seasons will be revoked.

    Thanks a lot. Or maybe I can just tell him hey, you're no Larry Quinn. :ph34r:



    At one point in time that was true. Nobody actually thought they were going to win out.

    To reply to beerme1, "mathematical" elimination is when the gap between the Sabres current points and the points of the team occupying the lowest playoff berth is greater than the total points available in the remainder of the season. We achieved that point over the weekend.


    No one rationally thought they were gonna earn 32 out of 32 or 30 out of 30, or whatever. But this weekend was the final last gasp of an awful season, in terms of the season having any playoff significance for the Sabres.


    I KNOW. But just repeat that line to yourself and tell me you don't laugh. Of course no one was thinking they could do so.

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