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Everything posted by TheMatrix31

  1. C'mon, let's get this deal done by the end of the week. One week training camp. Couple preseason games. Start January 1.
  2. Seems like a good thing to me. The UN sucks.
  3. I'm bored as ######, so yeah, I want a season. Won't buy anything, but I'll definitely watch.
  4. http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=665814
  5. http://twitchy.com/2012/12/01/kim-kardashian-declares-bahrain-prettiest-place-on-earth-then-came-the-tear-gas/ lolololol
  6. What are those losers whining about now?
  7. lol @ you guys not realizing my "bro"s are infinitely more sarcastic than yours. Anyway, who wants to have some fun?! http://www.zerohedge...inquency-rate-g
  8. It's a good show but it pales in comparison to Homeland. Lots of the same stuff every week, some annoying acting, and lately it's felt like a chore watching it. It moves up to my 2nd favorite drama on TV right now now that Boss has been cancelled. Last night's episode was pretty good.
  9. lol, we only give a ###### about Benghazi because we want John Kerry to be Secretary of State and for Scott Brown to get back in, so we can have 46 seats instead of 45. Gee, I'm REALLY sure Massachusetts wouldn't run a piece of ###### like Elizabeth Warren in Kerry's place, lol. I'm REALLY sure we want John ###### Kerry as our Secretary of State. LOL. Best laugh all day. Thanks, bro.
  10. Sarah Silverman? Nasty. She's got that freak thing going on but she's so repulsive in the way she presents herself that it kills all attraction. Ugh.
  11. http://twitchy.com/2...ampaign=twitter Oh no way, bro?
  12. http://www.breitbart...on-Thanksgiving I cannot stand turkey but I will now happily eat it on Thursday.
  13. Both sides have known what the other side wants for the longest time now. Just freakin' do it or don't. Announce tomorrow there's a season or announce there isn't. Whatever it is, enough of this back-and-forth garbage.
  14. Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzt. Not Pelosi or Boehner!
  15. HALF the board? Oh noes. Well, I guess we can blame the NHL and NHLPA (and George W. Bush, of course) for having nothing else to talk about on the Sabres board, lol.
  16. What's hypocritical about thinking there is basically zero to be happy about right now in regards to political and foreign policy affairs? And hey, I don't have to sit here and teach.I'll let the results do that. I will sit here and laugh along the way though. Why shouldn't I?
  17. Let me know when there is something around that doesn't deserve hate or sarcasm, lol. And I already said I'd be celebrating all the bad news until people learn that elections have consequences. And don't worry, given your leanings, I'm sure you wouldn't be very interested regardless.
  18. Eisenhower or Coolidge. Leaning toward Eisenhower.
  19. I know damn well what intractability means, and that there are other elections besides presidential ones. I have a feeling you have absolutely no idea what I am or am not involved in. It's okay. I'm more involved than you'd think.
  20. http://twitchy.com/2012/11/15/choom-gang-some-twitter-users-awfully-excited-that-obama-legalized-pot/?utm_source=autotweet&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=twitter lmfao
  21. Somehow I think I'll survive. If you voted for Obama this time around (and last time too? I forgot your chain) and you'd even consider voting for Bobby Jindal, that means you should spend less time voting and more time actually figuring out your OWN principles and what YOU believe in, because those two people could NOT be further apart. It means your views have no solid basis whatsoever. You can't just change one election to the next, thinking hardcore Eurotopia sounds appealing one time, then pro-American, pragmatic, fiscal and social conservatism sounds appealing the next. Makes absolutely zero sense. Reminds me of the people who voted for Obama in 2008 and wholeheartedly supported Ron Paul in 2012, lmfao. Oliver Stone, I'm looking at you.
  22. Still too far out. But I have a hard time believing leftists will consider a conservative if their "message is good", lol. If morons voted for this guy this time around after such a disastrous four years, who's to say they won't vote for the next shithead after the next disastrous four years? They've proven they don't care. They'd rather talk about condoms and Big Bird and have no idea what the word 16 trillion even means. Can't help ya there.
  23. I was talking about anyone who claims they might "vote for the Republican if they have a good message", lol. That won't happen. And I'm sure there's a leftist headquarters who can help you on voting even if you're not an American citizen. Shouldn't be too hard. Thousands do it.
  24. My guess is, you won't like him and there isn't the slightest chance you'd vote for him.
  25. So.......since Jindal isn't from the "hyperconservative school of GOP politics", I'm really sure you guys might consider voting for him next time, lol. That is, until the media takes their crack and you "learn" about him. Then he'll be even to the right of the super-conservative, almost-Pat-Buchanan-like Mitt Romney! lol
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