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Everything posted by bunomatic

  1. After a decade plus I finally see what fans of other teams have been telling me. I always turned the other cheek when the Sabres were brought up and everyone laughed. Just wait I’d say. Well I’ve come around. This franchise is the joke of the league. Everyones punchline. Even people who don’t really do or know hockey get it. Terrence Pegula you have destroyed this brand. Everyone understands that save a small group of Buffalo hopefulls and the odd diehard from the glory days. I can’t even find Sabres merch out here on the westcoast. Truthfully I no longer look for it. Its embarassing. The KA DG experiment has failed. For the love of gawd cut the cord. Get real hockey people in here and save this team. I’ll watch the game tonight against LA but I’m certain of what I’ll see. Even if they squeeze out a win. Its window dressing. We know what they are.
  2. Too little too late. I could care less that they gave 5 minutes of effort at the end of the game. There are no moral victories when it takes the team 55 minutes to get into the game.
  3. Not sure I can handle much more of this douche nozzle buccigrouse.
  4. I have to question whether KA watches the same game we all do. Its beyond obvious that this coaching staff has no answers. And if they do but the guys just aren’t doing what they’re coached to do or are incapable of fullfilling the coaches gameplan, what then ? Is KA in over his head ? Or is this level of hockey all part of the plan ?
  5. They both should go. Their plan has hit a wall. This team needs a shakeup.
  6. These Ducks play by play still haven’t done any play by play. Too much yackin.
  7. Is Randy on the bottom? Its kind of how I see our Sabres. Sorry not sorry. Go Sabres !
  8. I don’t mind 6k or Upl for that matter but since the debate is quickly turning into a distraction I will arbitrarily break the tie and the board shall now call him forevermore yupie Uplstiltskin.
  9. Its coaching. And I think we overvalue the players skill level and hockey I.Q. But I’ve come around to the idea our coaching just isn’t that good.
  10. Isn’t there an age limit on posting here? I.D. Check on aisle nine.
  11. Outclassed,outcoached,outscored. Lots to overcome here. We all know Donnie will adjust right? Right?
  12. Not sure how Dahlin can put up with the smell of corndogs without jonesing for some himself.😂
  13. Prolly the numero uno thing holding this team back. It all starts at the top. ( not TP obviously ).
  14. True enough but I only played for the adoration of the fans.😉
  15. How old is this guy? Crikey I wouldn’t try a comeback in my beer league. Good luck kid.
  16. Apparently Swayman might be available. He’s not too happy with Bruins management tearing him down during the arbitration process.
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