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Posts posted by Sabel79

  1. There are a few bugs. The rollout was a disaster, and the iOS app is a hot mess, but in general the improvement in video quality has been worth it. I would expect the kinks to be worked out in due course.


    Adding a bit of intrigue, I just got my renewal notice for MLB.tv. They dropped the price $20 for 2016. I'll be real interested to see what the NHL charges for next year...

  2. FWIW, I took a massive pay cut almost exactly two years ago to escape my previous job and take my current one. 


    Positives: I no longer want to shoot myself in the face on a daily basis and with my wife's support and blessing we're still living indoors and eating regularly. 


    Negatives: Losing 25% of my salary hurt, no mistaking that.


    Outcome: Mental health and personal satisfaction outweigh the slimmer wallet.  For me, anyway.  If money were to become an issue, as you've indicated it is for you, then the scales might just tip the other way, though.  It's a tough spot.  Hopefully you end up in a good spot.

  3. Even at 70 points, a 10% improvement in wins (8 games) is nothing to scoff at. Could the Sabres be better this year? Sure. Would the Sabres be better if they hadn't lost their starting GT and a couple key pieces for long stretches of time (Kane, Ennis, and Moulson)? Probably. I think the only people that are truly disappointed with this season are the ones that had unreasonable expectations.

    And Matt Moulson.

  4. Athletic ability, at the elite level, is a commodity with a short shelf-life.  Anybody good enough to pursue pro sports should do so at the earliest point possible.  College / Junior is all well and good, but an athlete is only ever one catastrophic injury away from having the door closed forever.  If you can play, and earn as much as you can, do it.  If the individual is not mature enough to handle it, the flameout happens regardless.  How many of us know people who lasted one year in college max?   


    I can't understand questioning any kid whose is demonstrably capable from doing what's best for him, career-wise.  Any team, or school for that matter, would come at it from the opposite angle. 

  5. Watching Rangers-Flyers.  Evidently, Wayne Simmonds got a match penalty for knocking out Ryan McDonagh with a bit of a sucker punch.  McDonagh, for his part, gets 4 for slashing/high-sticking.  All of this ignores that McDonagh started it with what looked to be a fairly deliberate corss-check to Simmonds' head. 


    I really can't figure out how these games are called. 

  6. Not intending to dig up the grave of the Golisano era and parade those old bones around (even though, in retrospect, that's exactly what I did). 


    Just struck me in that moment.  For all the grief Pegula gets, he bought a fixer-upper and had it gutted.  Even if he didn't realize that at the outset, it became obvious after the wallpaper covering the gaping holes in the beginning of his ownership didn't do the job.  Maybe the rebuild could have been commenced faster, Vanek is definitely not the centerpiece of a franchise, then or now.


    I'll just retire this and/or move it to one of the seventeen more appropriate threads now...

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