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Posts posted by nfreeman

  1. Obviously being asked to buy something like this for a woman completely cancels out all of this. Still, you should at least put up a good fight before agreeing to that.


    ...and you absolutely don't talk about it with your male hockey buddies. We all have our dirty little secrets.


    Turkey meatball?


    I don't know.......I think Tofu Jerky is your Lucic incident. This will not be forgotten for years.


    The choice of jerkey....one of the most manly food concepts out there...the food cherished by rugged cowboys, and felons on the run in the wilderness......to take that precious, what should be meat product.....then willingly seek out the most dainty and feminine version of it you could ever possibly concoct.....then consume it.....and willingly tell others about it....93% of whom are men following a sport.....and seemingly enjoy it?


    You can have your pie. People eat rhubarb pie and minced meat pie. You have company.


    Tofu jerkey?


    I never knew it existed, and I still am in such shock that I feel as if I walked in on my dad cheating on my mother with another man.



  2. She'll appreciate that. She just texted me wondering why her blog was getting a ton of hits all of a sudden. ;)

    If she can do a 30-minute Gilbert Perreault, I'll use it as my avatar and link to her blog in my sig. Hell, even if she can do a stylized numeral 11. Korab and I have agreed that the silhouette must go, especially in light of his reversion to the Hedgehog, if the Sabres are to win more games this year.

    Very cool. I envy people with artistic talent like that, stick figures are about the best I can do. Terry Sawchuk is awesome.


    I too think her drawings are cool, and I too dig the Lanny and Sawchuk ones. And if she's taking requests for avatars, I'd love one of Lindy -- bloodied (figuratively) but unbowed.

  3. I realize you're just pointing out which season is available, but season 2 was miles better IMO.


    I've only seen about half of season 2. I don't disagree though. (I just saw the episode the other night where Louie hooks up with the single mom from his daughter's class -- holy mackerel.) More generally, I think that comedies tend to get better after the first year as everyone sharpens things up.

  4. Amazon Prime






    bluetooth cell phone interface with car stereo/speakerphone


    Marmot waterproof windbreaker (for running in the rain)


    Double monitor setup for computer


    The show "Louie" -- Season 1 on Netflix


    Costco jumbo bag of precut frozen wings


    Costco chocolate chip cookies


    HD DVR


    3rd row seating in new car


    wife and kids

  5. You have no love for Vanek - I have no love for Kane. Vanek has been and will continue to be a more productive scorer than Kane, without ever having played with a center of Toews' caliber. Any other forward, I'm all over it, but I wouldn't trade Vanek for Kane.


    I bet Regier and company agree with me.

    It wasn't cited to give strengthen my point, but to refute his that no Sabre decision maker would refuse any forward in trade for Kane. Thanks for chiming in.


    Although I would trade Vanek for Kane in a heartbeat, and I suspect most GMs would too, my original point was a bit different. I meant that there is no forward on the Sabres who would make DR say "well, we already have XXX, so we don't have room for Kane in our lineup."

  6. Oh, please don't stop on my account. It can only get more amusing from here.


    One would have thought so, but the train derailed before it really wrecked.


    LGR -- I can only speak for myself, but I'd guess that no one dislikes you so much as they like you but want to slap some sense into you. For example, you need to play it cooler if you want to snag a hottie.

  7. I hate myself for even responding to this "idea," but (i) there is NFW Chicago is going to trade Kane and (ii) if by some miracle all of the decision-makers in Chicago contracted severe dementia and decided to trade him, there is no forward on the Sabres that would make any Sabre decision maker say "sorry, we don't have room for Kane."

  8. What. Just. Happened. Here?


    Not quite a car accident, nor a forced commitment to mental institution, nor a round of mental ######, but something combining elements of all 3. Perhaps a car accident caused by an inattentive ###### driver en route to a mental institution?


    It wasn't me


    It wasn't me

    Not sure. Some one hit the pool though.


    At least some good humor came out of it though.

  9. Isn't that pretty close to Edmonton?


    This is my problem with trading these underachieving guys away, many of the buyers that might make a deal to try and get one fo these players are probably better teams that are gonna make the playoffs. I would really hate to see guys like Roy and Stafford get a pass and leave here, only to go on to better teams and play in the playoffs while the Sabres miss out. I would rather see them end up on worse teams with less chances for success. But I guess at the moment that might limit trading partners to the Blue Jackets only. Would they be interested in a Roy and Stafford for Nash deal?


    You know better than this. Hopefully you were being sarcastic.


    Why would Buffalo trade away Stafford for a RW'er that's going to be a UFA at the end of the season?

    Stafford for Hemsky and a 2nd rd draft pick, maybe.


    To get rid of Stafford's albatross of a contract.

  10. I'm debating whether to watch the game at the bar tonight, or fire up a leg of lamb to pick on for the weekend and the football games tomorrow. Usually only do it for Easter, but I have a hankerin. Stuff it with garlic cloves and Pecorino Romano and rub it with rosemary, sage and pepper. Hmm....Sabres, or leg of lamb?


    I love lamb. Try roasting the shoulder sometimes. Holy mackerel is that good.

  11. A bagel feast from what I believe to be the best bagel place on the planet, which is 2.5 blocks from my house.


    Just made cheese quesadillas and chocolate milk for the kids.


    Derek Roy can't take everything from me.


    And: I'm making wings tomorrow night for the NFL games.

  12. I just joined World Gym. Pretty good deal. $20 a month for me plus any guest I want to bring(unlimited number of people/visits they just have to be with me). This is a good way to split a membership between myself, wife and daughter. $20 twice a year to lock into that price in future years. Works out to between $23-24 a month. Open 24 hours during the week, and 7-7 on the weekends. Pretty crowded between 5-9 right now(Jan-Mar) during the week, but I don't mind getting there at 830PM doing 45 minutes on the treadmill, and heading home.


    That is an amazing price.


    Go home and clean your toilet. When you are done, start over and do a better job because it's not good enough.


    And clean your shower. And change your sheets. You know, just in case...




    Also, make sure you have at least 2 bottles of red wine and 2 clean glasses.

  14. Thanks, guys.


    I plan on going to dealerships. It seems most have the Carfax available by default. And what's the word on "certified pre-owned"? You think getting a third-party mechanic involved even with a dealership is necessary?


    Korab -- I actually meant Mazda (not Nissan), any word on Mazdas? And as far as Hyundai goes, the 2010 consumer reports guide has got great reviews on most Hyundai models. Cheaper and pretty basic cars, what's not to like (seriously... I have gotten a few recommendations on them)? Kia... I don't trust, haha. Acura is also another make that's on my mind.


    Also I have heard that I can get much better price by saying up front my goal price which I can pay entirely on site right now. Truth? Thanks again...


    FWIW, I bought a used Mazda this summer and am very happy with it so far.


    As for certified pre-owned, I would try to do this, but I would still get the independent mechanic. It doesn't cost much and more importantly you just can't trust the dealer.


    One other suggestion: get a car that takes regular unleaded, not premium (my previous car was an Acura and it took premium).

  15. Good question! You got advice? :flirt:


    I'm looking at used, maybe in the 2006-2010 range. Spending $12k max, but hoping to get something for less (could pay up front if I could swing ~$9000).


    Really, I just want something that will be reliable for maybe six years (or until I own a house with a garage to put a new car in). And I don't need anything fancy; probably just a sedan that's not tiny and that is decent on gas.


    I'm looking at Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan... I'm not really set on anything particular so I'm pretty open to suggestions. :) Maybe I need to go digging for d4rk's domestic/foreign threads, eh?


    Edit: Good luck, Liger. And congrats, Shrader, that is certainly Fantastic!


    There are really a lot of good sedans to choose from. I think this is the segment where you get the most car for your money. My advice:


    - get a car with less than 30K miles

    - check the Carfax report and stay away if it's been in an accident

    - go on the AAA website, find an independent mechanic to inspect the car and get the inspection before buying (I did this last summer and it was only $20)

    - if you have kids, get leather seats

    - don't get rear-wheel drive -- ie get either AWD or FWD

    - don't spend money to get the built-in navigation system

    - 2 minor options that really go a long way are bluetooth connection for your cell phone and an auxiliary input for the car stereo to connect your ipod.


    good luck.

  16. As done as it can possibly be without an actual ring on her finger (so I guess it's not done at all). But yeah, it's happening, we both know it. It's just a matter of when.


    Awesome. Congratulations.


    Here's some unsolicited advice on married life: pick the 2 or 3 things you REALLY care about and give in on everything else.

  17. I made it through the first round of cuts for a job at a University in Virginia and now have a scheduled 1 hour long phone interview for Jan 5... If that goes well I will then be invited for an all day in person interview and then if that goes well I will then be offered a job...


    Its like job survivor, just gotta keep surviving the rounds and come out on top in the end.


    Do your homework on the people you'll be speaking with, the position, the department and the university, talk to people with jobs like this about the kinds of questions you should ask, think about the questions you can expect and practice your answers until you are very articulate with them, and show enthusiasm for the opportunity.


    Good luck.


    I need to figure out her ring size.


    Done deal?


    I've been moderately to severely overweight since I was about 10 years old. Three years ago I made a commitment to start living a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy food most of the time, in the correct portions, and exercising regularly. I was approaching 40 and had no doubt that I'd be very lucky to see 50 if I did not make major changes.


    Well, this week I finally hit my goal weight! Three years ago I weighed an embarrassing 305 lbs, today I weigh 173. Total loss of 132 lbs. Went from 3x shirts to M's, from a 52" waist to 34". Doing my first half-marathon later this year.


    I feel F'n fantastic. :)


    Good man. I fortunately haven't needed to lose weight like that, but I've been toying with the idea of training for a half-marathon, and I think you just inspired me to quit screwing around and do it already.


    Actually, wouldn't he be the 56.72%? Nice job, CDX!


    As for me, I'm finally defending my Masters here in a couple weeks and everything is in place and on schedule. Then I'm moving and starting a new job, and I can't wait for a fresh start! I also get to go car shopping in a couple weeks, mmmmmmm. F'N Fantastic!


    Oh, and the gym finally opened back up on campus here this week, w00t!


    whatcha looking at?

  18. My life insurance is term life with a premium that is paid once per year. The bill and the reminder notice both vanished into the pile of mail at home and I ended up paying it a couple of weeks late. Allstate cashed my check, but then about a month later issued me a refund check and told me that I had to apply to have the policy reinstated. After a series of PO'd phone calls, I was informed that they had to re-underwrite the entire policy, including me submitting my tax returns, having a phone interview, and taking a complete physical.


    If all goes well in the underwriting process, they will reinstate the policy in another couple of weeks. In the meantime, I am not covered, so if I get hit by a bus today, my wife and kids are SOL. I asked whether it would be possible to keep the policy in place during the underwriting period and the answer was no. I asked whether it was possible to accelerate the process and the answer was no.


    I have my life insurance, my wife's life insurance, my car insurance and my homeowners' insurance all with Allstate. When the insurance agent was selling me all of this, he was very proactive about calling me and getting everything done. However, there was no phone call when I really needed it -- ie when I was about to miss a deadline that resulted in a serious risk to my family's security. And when I proposed multiple solutions to covering me for the gap period until the underwriting was done -- sorry, they can't help me. I made a mistake in paying the bill late, but Allstate used it as an opportunity to reduce their risk on my policy, both by not covering me during the gap period and by re-underwriting the policy.


    Oh, here's the kicker: assuming the underwriting and the physical checks out, they will reinstate the policy in a couple of weeks -- but I still have to pay for the period during which I was not covered. It's an annual premium, and the uncovered period will end up being about 3 months, so I'm going to end up paying an extra 25% for the privilege of having them jerk me around.


    Needless to say, as soon as I get the policy back in place, I'm going to take my business elsewhere.

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